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Writing doesn't pay,
My father wished for a son who could write anyways.
So I see that's what he got,
Though I think he wanted movie scripts and monologues,
Not random rhymes and songs.
Alas, even when you wish,
You never get quiet what you wished for.
I think he wanted books not this.
ibraheem Feb 24
I was never yours. You were never mine.  
We never held each other. You know me not.  
I acknowledge you whole, yet I know fractions of your entirety.  

I want to hold you close.  
I want your perfections against my skin, printing on me.  
Even better yet, I want your imperfections on me.  
Stain me with what you call imperfections,  
colour me black with them.  

Tear me apart—with effort.  
Make me yours, for life.  

Let me carry your imperfections,  
of which they hold no weight.  
Let me carry the weight of your perfections.  

Let me pave the road of us.  
Maybe your print will be missing from the first miles of it,  
but your print is everlasting on me.  
And on the road—who can carry the burden of us together?  

A road fractured the instant we met.  
Parallel worlds.  
I fall into a world where vividness falls short of the eye,  
another where light meets colour,  
and my eyes meet you.  

I was never yours—  
or so you say.
nidaa Feb 24
if imperfections make art,
the skin and your face is anything but art,
but i can't find any better artwork,
then yourself.
but then you're not created by humans,
but by God,
whose creations are perfect as they are.
No matter
how much!
you refine or extend
perfection retreats
a mirage with no end~

~Perfection's got no end~
Perfection's got no end!
I am trapped in an endless loop of perfection.
In front of a polaroid,
capturing pictures left, right and center,
I rest with the focus on me 24×7.
Expressing, a facade; promoting, hollowness.

My thoughts from the world concealed,
a persona taking over, advertizing
what is not tangible. Biased opinions
making me sink further into myself.

I look around, masses charging on with freedom.
With acceptance, bravery, courage to make mistakes.
I sit here donning my colorful pretty dresses.
Preaching perfection. Enjoying my mundane tasks.

Instruments of ostentations, in spirits of intermingling.
Flickering lights, flashing past. Blinding. Blazing.
Too loud for discomfort. Deafening. Quiet.
My mind, a fog. Numb. Stagnant. Unimportant. A liability.
I'm so sorry,
I know times are crazy,
I miss you lately,
Because you were like safety,
From the storms that rage vainly,
And we were perfect daily,
I'm sorry I left you -.
An old old poem I wrote about this girl I met over the summer.
Jeremy Betts Jan 11
I see you look at me
But do you see me?
Am I see through?
Could it be that easy?

When you do look,
What are you looking for?
Only what you want to see?
What if I'm something more?
((What if I'm nothing more?))

Will you lie to yourself
If you see something different?
If I'm not perfect but maybe adjacent
Will that still justify a replacement?

I don't know what this is
I don't know why I form questions
To queries I want no answers too
Just to repeat the painful lessons

My talisman was destroyed
by a sorcerer, who, much annoyed,
bade me worship only him.
I worship not a lowly man
who lacks the power to understand
beauty beyond the realm of man.

Plato’s archetypes are real
in our creations and what we feel.

The innocence of childhood play
The setting sun at end of day
The work of every artist great
Brings me to a better fate

My talisman returned to me
Resurrected, in a different guise.
There is somewhere of no lies,
only adamantine ties.
Where love is indivisible from art
and only death tears us apart.
showyoulove Dec 2024
What are the keys to holiness and perfection? Practice, patience, time, and integrity. Like any good thing, it takes work and lots of it. You don't become Van Gogh, or Mozart, Michael Jordan or Mother Theresa overnight. Granted, some of these people have certain gifts and talents that make it easier, but it still took practice and consistent work. Patience is also necessary. There may be setbacks or failures, mistakes and sleepless nights, but one must be patient and endure, because if you keep going, things are going to look up and trials will strengthen and give us the tools we need for the future. Time is something we all have and never seem to have enough of. Make good use of your time and fill it with good and wholesome things. Do not hurry or rush perfection or holiness or any good thing. Nothing good comes to those who hurry and rush and do not wait. Finally, and perhaps most importantly is integrity. To be holy and strive for perfection, one must have true integrity. As Shakespeare said once "... above all else: To thine own self be true". Be true to who you are and who you were made to be. Do not try to live someone else's life or be someone else. You aren't. You are you and that is that. Be the best you that you can be. For, as Mother Theresa is quoted as saying: "in the final analysis it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway".

God bless us all on our path to holiness and perfection. Amen
D Vanlandingham Dec 2024

This...  or that..
the pull of this world
and its long supply
of disappointment,  is strong

I shall Reframe my Journey
almost continually

There is a swirl..  a rising
line, taut..

before limply settling
back down onto the water

There are moments  in time
that live forever

There is a time within
those moments;
I never truly had
the chance  to live

There is a Journey to reframe

I will find my life again,  

Buried deep
within that framework

Aw ****... Monsters.
    including me

I love you
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