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Maria Etre Oct 2018
Nick Acosta Apr 2019
Pencils found in many sizes
Sleek and smooth
Shows the world in black and white
Or with a burst of color
Explains our deepest sorrows
Visualizes our highest hopes
Used as a powerful weapon
Creating soul crushing sentences
Or crafting joy inflicting paragraphs
The pencil is an instrument of great pain
As well as great happiness
The pencil gives the wielder great power
It allows the user an incredible outlet
Let it out
E B K Aug 2018
I miss being a crayon
when I had the certainty
of being liked by them
the fantasy so believable
that I believed it with all my heart

I miss being a crayon
when she and I laughed together
created together
shared our thoughts, quotes, and ideas

I miss being a crayon
when we had moments of
laughter that I could easily
be a part of

it was nice

I miss being a crayon
but now I am a pencil
less colorful
able to be whittled
and sharpened
and full of potential
Gangothrii Aug 2018
It’s an odd romance,
Yet it felt so right,
The charcoal that paints the pristine whites.
Like the scratches and scores across the flawless skin,
The smell of graphite sunk in her skirts,
A touch so rough, yet she yearns.

The creator smiled in delight,
The satisfaction shown in the depths,
From the soul the words formed,
Strung to a garland that met the lead.
The curves and lines the charcoal drew,
Made her quiver in pleasure and pain.

The creator dwelled in these sounds and sights,
Of the romance between his pen and paper.
Like water for a parched throat,
The words soothed many souls.
Write is all I love to do,
A delicious *******,
Between me, my book, and my pen.
Özcan Sh Jul 2018
She holds her pen
Write on my heart
Thanks to her
I finally know
How the love feels
Under her pencil.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2018
These words written
are more understood and accepted
than the ones, I wear and speak.
My thoughts are tucked
safely in these words
than the ones I disclose to people.
My pen never
and judge
like people do.
It just pours ink for me to craft
and offers paper for me to be listened.
E Jun 2018
Before I say God is a concept by which we measure our pain
Think of the words that pour down like rain
Maybe think of the people too blinded to see
Them bumbling fools with smiles like me.

Before I rip up the Bible to be cool like my friends
Didn't God once wish for humanity's end?
But the poems that are written will do that anyway
Cause laughter is rare in this modern age day.

If you think all it takes is depression and edge
And you write about jumping off a mile high ledge
Then you aren't at all what you're seeking to be
And maybe you deserve to be hung from a tree.

After pouring your soul onto page or the screen
You're not all aware of all that is seen
For why else do you think many people are sad
If you're only writing poems of how you feel bad?

I understand what you've been through
Even if some of the stories aren't true
You wouldn't believe if I got up to shout
What poems are truly what they're meant to be about.

Make variety. Pain is a bore
To several who have already been through the door
So make a new life with your pencil or pen
And show me what it is to be happy once again.
You must have a balance between joy and pain. Just because you have depressing poems doesn't mean they're any good.
Kay P Apr 2018
It exists just to be used
Softened lead and wood the color of sunshine,
On a clear summer day at noon,
Sharp to be dull to be sharpened again,
Cut to be cut to be cut again,
Long, for the purpose of being shortened
Shortened, short
Made to waste away, to sacrifice,
simply to make its mark, your mark,
A mark that will never be its own
What do you own when you are simply a conduit
Of other ideas?
An implemented utensil made to hold,
To shape thoughts, to make words,
To make worlds,
Smooth as soft grass beneath flattened palms,
Light enough to flick between fingers,
A soft hand, a trailing finger, a lover’s touch,
Round and round, and then round again,
Here, then there, unthinkingly,
As your focus trails over…
And doubles back,
Before crystallizing, your tool suddenly held firm,
As you spin your tales, your worlds, your words,
Then pause, and look, your thoughts made tangible,
Your tool a stake, a spear, a weapon when needed,
Sharp and dangerous, ready,
A pike, a sword, a dagger,
Able to communicate the sharpest words, the harshest touch,
A slap, a hit, hard, and heavy,
Smarting like a bruise just found, just poked, just pushed against.
A tool, a weapon, a builder, a revolutionary,
With just the barest hint of pink, of regret, of dissonance,
To stop.
Your trailing words, your tirade, your letters of love to leave,
Second guessed and sectioned off and sacrificed successfully,
Erased from all of history,
Transformed, at once, to nothing.
September 27th, 2017
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