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Lizzy Love Sep 2015
Who am I?

I am a creator.
I dance, I sing, I write.
I am a sharer of knowledge.
I guide, I heal, I empower.
I am a believer.
I embrace, I reflect, I change.
I am a challenger.
I question, I grow, I accept.

I am love, light, and patience.
© Lizzy Collins
To break the rules of reality,
I cheat all those all around me
Regardless of how sagacious I may be,
Only fools are mesmerized of those who behold me
I prance and dance on the open sea
Like a basilisk, but I remain afloat
With blessing’s curse, I cannot be washed ashore
Witnessed the many who drifted off beneath
As they recycle down below the abyss
Once more a rebirth of you, the only one I truly miss
I recognize you
Morph to something anew
You don’t remember me, but I remain the same
I float on the pinnacle of the sea
And yet, I’m envious of you
Eons and eons of my demise
Patience, a virtue
In tune to my existence
As I continue to observe the world,
Keeping watch of your perpetual transmogrify
This poem is available on my poetry book compilation, Misty Dawn Road.
Kale Sep 2015
My body aching
As I sit there relentless,
Waiting for the daybreak
Wondering when this
Torture of love will be over.

I am waiting,
For the Redemption
That I believe I deserve.

I was told to wait
But waiting is not enough
I am no longer the same
And You will never be
Who I wanted you to be.
Nathan Tipple Sep 2015
sitting in the darkness, waiting for some kind of beautiful light from above to come and rescue me.  trying to be protected from despair,. but then it engulfs me.  seeing all of the beauty so clearly.  seeing the potential inside me.  trying not to say, "come save me."  trying to be strong.  trying to hold onto the glimmers of the sun which had shone through that darkened window.  wanting what is love.  wanting to bask in the warmth of its embrace.  wanting all fear to dissipate, only to be replaced by the most radiant passion, wanting to feel it all the way down into the deepest marrow inside my bones.  wanting to apologize to everyone i've ever wronged.  wanting to look them in the eyes and say "i'm sorry," and then enter into their world - understand them deeply and truly, wanting to have all of the past just not matter anymore and transcend this dream/nightmare.  wanting it all, and coming up empty.  "come save me."  you promised you wouldn't say that, you know, you promised but here it comes again, soft and cold like the snow, reminding you of your limitations.  is it you or is it i?  it has to have a name, it doesn't have to be blame, it can just be one.  be patient.  your new life has begun.  be patient, your new love has arrived.  please - just be patient.
understanding something that no one else does.
Thomas Alan Sep 2015
an efflorescence flower
           is slowly becoming;
a long awaited hour
and a drawn out humming

the emerald fields
     of sharpening grass
                 a bed of roses
and thorns made of glass

an ethereal demeanour
concealed in the smoke
           slowly digesting
the aged poisoned oak
I’m not living, I’m just killing time
Waiting for the perfect time
When will true love come in time?
God has perfect timing; never early, never too late.
It takes a little patience and faith,
But it’s worth the wait.

Waiting for love is like waiting in line,
You’ll never know who’s for you in line.
Every night I talk to God
Asking if you are fine,
For in the moment you’ll be mine,
The both of us won’t be waiting in line.
A random poem for our Rizal Class. More of this at // or visit my poetry blog at ;) See you!
You have to wait,
Grow up, then date,
If you don't wait,
It'll be too late.

Most have dropped out of school,
They dated thinking they were cool,
They thought it would be safe to use the tool,
Only to find that it was just a piece of wool.

"I love you", are the words they used,
Little did they know that they are being abused,
Most of them just stay there confused,
Now they have stomachs that protrude.

She will live in shame,
As he lives in fame,
She was just been played like a game,
She ended up ruining the family's name.
I wrote this poem as a supportive character intentionally to use literature to help in the fight against early pregnancies to girls who are still in school and cultivate a sen
Aroody Sep 2015
Come hug me I'm cold
You're more precious than gold

You know I would give up the world
If my hands and your hands for a moment hold

All this time not a message I received
I said I love you but you never believed
Turn them down and come to me
My hands wide open come see

Just come, it's never late, I'm waiting
For the one I'm waiting.
Crooked Youth Sep 2015
My belief in you wont last forever, my darling.

I need some proof that you are what you say you are.

I hope that you just didn't cry wolf, my darling..

Because my belief in you will eventually falter,
If you arn't who you say you are.

So as my belief in you, it dwindles.
Little by little, with each night.

& my patience begins to wear thin..

I believe in you no longer, my darling.

For you are nothing,
but a Sheep..
In a Wolf's clothing.
Amelia Pearl Aug 2015
Black hair and fair skin.
Blue prefect uniform.
I noticed from afar,
They caught me off guard.
I was too shy to even speak.
But I will.
For now, have patience.

Our first hello wasn't quite what I expected.
But it was enough to make my heart race.
I was confused.
what are these feelings?
I didn't know.
But I will.
For now, have patience.

I found out the answer to what I did
Not understand.
This feeling is love.
People say it's dangerous.
But I love taking risks.
For a girl like you,
I'll be patient and wait.
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