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Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Forever waiting

Rivers of pain, flow through my brain,
Spreading the fear through every vein.
Lights so bright, call my name in the night.
My future is beckoning; love life.

Sweetness is a virtue;
I need to be with you.
Beautiful eyes of blue leave me with nothing else to do,
But surrender my heart to your womanly ways.
I will remain faithful, because I am always betrayed
And when I meet one who can truly stay faithful,
I will be who I can be and I will be eternally grateful.

On my journey to the grave, I am still yet to meet her;
But even though my life has sped by like a flash and a blur,
I know there is a single person who loves like I do.
Of this I am certain; so I will wait, maybe in vain,
But I will still wait, through sun and through rain;
Waiting here for her truth.

I will be standing, never demanding, simply asking, for understanding.
I will wait for her, until I am broken and defeated.
I will be here, forever waiting, for you to not mistreat me,
Like she did.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
amuba Oct 2018
why do you do this to me?
you leave me no choice can't you see?
morning till evening i worry
till evening till night that you will forget me
after you take care of me
after you show me the way to walk free.
i am learning, to the lock you showed me the key
it is hard for me still you bring me glee.
time i keep my trust in you not for me but for "we"
until then my angel please wait for me!
in times time is the only answer
brings us peace and brings us the key
Mary Shanti Oct 2018
Bubble in the sky
Whispers billowy
And then vanishes
Leaving me wondering

Like a question unanswered
You are out there
My creme filled doughnut of love
You taunt me
I meet you
In bars
You are witty
You speak of Hemingway and heroism
And wine filled coffee houses that would be great to muse
Then you leave with your girlfriend
Who confessed to me she doesn’t love you
As I twist the cap on her beer open
And wish it was laced with some sort of truth poison

You are out there
I don’t expect you to ride up on a white horse
Perhaps just have a good conversation
Because Hello dear isn’t exactly enticing
Or drawing me in
In this algorithm, online dating world

You, you are out there
I have to believe it,
Somewhere In this jaded heart filled boxed of mine
I release the edges of hate
That have filled the corners of what was my yesteryear's
Long I ago I would have been what was considered Old Maid fate
I know there is just a glimpse of golden
Amongst all this shaded grey

You, you are out there
Each year that goes by
You become more hazy
I have to wipe the windows
Inside me
To trust you are there

You, you are out there
You have changed from muscle man hero
To creative, inspiring, accepting, adventurous lover

You, you are out there
Able to handle this non laid back lady
Able to see beyond just ripping off clothes
And slapping my ***

You, you are out there
Sometimes your to long winded
But Still not jaded
Able to take my hand
And hold it
In the wind blown turmoil of what I have been

You , you are out there
Weathered words, that hold pages
Of information
You spill out onto my soul
And make me want to dive in

You, you are going to be a part of this story
We will tell it
Like the alchemist
Who sought to chase the wind
You are the ending
So Let the beginning
jg Oct 2018
Have patience,
Life indeed, and destiny itself,
has plans all over your gracious dreams

Life has it's own timing,
Look at all the noise we make, and yet everything is rhyming
at it's own pace and style,
Synchronizing and intertwining for an infinite while.
Peace Oct 2018
I am a butterfly
opening bitterly

to something
eerily comforting

intoxicating are you..

intrigued of your stance
& magnified is my love

I behold my fears
& place them
into your hands

taunted by your gracious

my stomach summersault
twisting & turning

my spirit soars high
higher than a human
ever made me climb

my knees buckle
from the pressure
of your heart

I am heated
& drunk off this cloud

hoping to let go
but daring myself
to never climb down

to the person I once was

before you claimed me,
as your special,
Cardboard-Jones Oct 2018
I’ll hold you tight
Like a memory you think of when you’re low.
You don’t let go,
Smiling and singing ‘til your heart is full.
We’re slow to realize how quickly life can change
And how fast these days roll by.
It’s like a tidal wave and we’re just floating on.
So let’s look to the sky and know
We still have tonight.

As the fire dances on,
I can see us in the flames.
So vibrant, so alive.
Oh I’d write it out on paper to remember everything,
From all the days and nights we shared
But I’m so lost inside this moment
I hope I’m never found.

After tonight
I’ll be alone again driving home beneath the star light.
When all that’s left of you is your scent,
These memories will get me through the days.
Whisper to me what you swore you’d never say.
I’m hanging on every word.
The hardest tears and the hardest years ahead,
But I look to you now
And feel so safe in your eyes.
Banele Msimango Oct 2018
I kept bashing my head against the walls, as I waited for your to get back to me. I was hoping that maybe I'd break through the walls and become one with. It feels no pain, it's dust; a version of me I wish to become again, just to escape it all and pain be gone.
Justyn Huang Oct 2018
I know you came over
several times;
and it's confusing I
never tried
to escalate physically.

But the respect I have
For you
could never undo the
lust I must hide--
Unless you gave me
Permission to.

I wouldn't mind, although sublime
takes beauty for time to
wear well inside.

So let's, make. Love- when
You say it's okay there's no
Rushing anyway, what's really
A day after all when we have
A Lifetime?
This one's about how some girls I've dated in the city get real worked up if you don't get physical with them after a few dates and/or if they sleep over and you don't do sh*t w/ them...
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