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Jessi Bee Aug 2014
Like many other women in the world
At some point in my life
A man I loved turned me into a heart broken girl
I went through a phase where I hated men
I didn't want to be bothered with any of them
Didn't even want one as a platonic friend
As time healed my wounds
I began to learn to love again

But this time I learned to love myself first
I stopped wasting my time on random men
And giving in to the thirst
Of men who only came around
Because they wanted to make me burst

I rose my standards when dealing with men
However, I find myself spending more time alone
And that's fine with me because I'd rather be left alone
Than wasting my time on a man that's entirely wrong for me
And that decision wasn't easy
Because I thoroughly enjoy a man's company

I don't want just any man in my life
I want the man who will indeed be
The perfect guy for me
So I'll continue to wait patiently
And in the meantime I'll continue to work on myself
So when he does come I'll be ready
wyatt rabbit Jul 2014
It was only inevitable that I would fall in love with you.
I knew it from the minute you first came into my sight
and ever since then I've been trying to tread light.
I've never been one to take it slow.
patience for me is agonizing
If it was you that I was after, I wanted you to know.
and I wanted you bad, you were so enticing
What's the use in hiding all the love I've got to show?
But loving you was like leaving footprints in the sand
two steps forward, Twelve Steps back again
til the tides washed them away
along with all the progress that we've made.
I have sailed through your stormiest seas
while you kicked up water and tried to drown me.
I held fast and tried to stay afloat
while you raged on and tried to sink my boat.
And then somewhere along the way
you realized I'm not one to stray.
I wouldn't disappear
I wouldn't turn to dust
you knew you didn't have to fear
that's how I finally earned your trust.
That's when you let me in
you let yourself love me too
and ever since then
its been easy sailin' with you.
You were well worth the wait,
that was something I always knew.
And even if I can't be your soulmate
at least for a while, I got to have you.

                                                              ­                                                     *smndi
I have read the same issue of seventeen twice
Waiting; wasting time.
A clock above the door innocently ticks away the time I've spent
Sitting; staring.
My thoughts like raindrops coalesce on the back of my eyelids
Flowing; fading.
And the nurses that weave in and out of the swinging door
Smiling; sighing.
I imagine your bare feet on the freezing grey linoleum
Shivering; dying.
im actually just waiting for an email but would you like to touch my very long metaphor?
Lamb Sep 2013
Romance, for he is the one who seemed to be trapped
A sea of melancholy
Oh, the beauty
Quite unbearable
How he hides what is deep inside
Having no patience nor the time for idle cares

Little by little he loses his way
This is what I call an unhidden heart
You can see it
But the thought isn't really there
Appearances at first glance
With any pair of human eyes
Are what seems to be love

Little by little he loses his way
A deeper dig you find that what you thought
Was a heart
Is an empty abyss
Little by little he loses his way
Without knowing
His personality is switching

Little by little he loses his way
Meek and darkness overpowers
This was fact
Till the day he met
She was stirring, dancing
Throughout the clouds

Feelings bursting without warning
She was everything
That Romance was not

Almost robotically,
They fell in love
Without a care

Emotion was unafraid
Unafraid to unveil her heart
Slowly but surely
Romance learned
His shell was wrapped airtight

Unfolding, slow
Layer by layer.
This took time, no rush
He became free
Time and patience
Letting go of the past

Almost robotically
They fell in love
Without a care

Ready to move on
Letting Emotion show him, her ways
To live
Not only to live,
But to thrive in happiness

Their love
A melody
Priceless, a gold you could never purchase
A light, blazing rays, a golden star

Who could not hear the beating of their hearts?
Rich and pure
Together they were a spirit, complete
Hidden in each and every one of us

We are all individual
Yet we share their story
Fate takes its course

Little by little you lose your way
Yet automatically,
Almost robotically,
They fell in love without a care

Fate once again brought two strangers in love
No questions
No ponders

Love does not need an explanation
Self explanatory
This is your story
Find your Romance and Emotion
But first
Little by little you will lose your way
20something Jul 2014
I know I don't always say what's on my mind
and that you're getting tired of this guessing game.

I know that I'm more complicated then you signed up for,
and your patience with me is beginning to wane.

I know my coldness has made me frigid to the touch,
and you have a passionate fire, burning from your very core.

I know you've almost given up this endless chase,
because while I'm giving you what I can, you still need more.

I know you see me for all that I can be,
and you wish I would prove you right one of these days.

But what I don't know is if all this is worth it to you
and I don't know if you're going to stay.
Sam Clemens Jul 2014
I never knew a song
to have eyes
Never knew a song
to look back
To sing, without a single word set free
To fill me to the brim with music
not sound
To shimmer and shake
Consumed with stories
Stumbling over one another to make themselves heard
and seen
But then again
I never knew a poem
Could be buried
In the wrinkles of a palm
I will wait
Felicia C Jul 2014
As you reach a mountain’s peak, your weight slightly decreases as you get further and further away from the Earth’s core and gravity loosens its hold ever so slightly. If you have ever felt this tiny change in more than a physical sense, then this is for you.

This is for train tracks and box cars, this is for every road we planned to trip but never departed, this is for the difference between August and October and the first snowflake on my sister’s freckles a whole week before Halloween.

Because nothing is as sturdy as uncertainty. Nothing is more constant than the ever changing blues right before dusk in the summertime, where the deepest blue is just over your head. It’s the untruth of the moving target and the integrity of the unlocked window and driving through mountains during a snowstorm on Christmas morning to be home in time for my brother’s favorite joke, but I take the turn too quickly and spin my mother’s car into the woods.

Because I can only trust something viscous and permeable, and there’s this moment when you first see someone push their hair out of their eyes, or take off their glasses that is so identifiably human that I can’t get it out of my head.

The arrangement of my mother’s garden isn’t one I remember because I want to. I remember it because it held her hands when I couldn’t and the hockey game on the car radio wasn’t important because my father said it was a playoff game, but because it was a place we could exchange our thin ice for someone else’s.

This paralysis of analysis lives in the heart of transitional phrases.
Novermber 2013
Third Draft
Felicia C Jul 2014
quiet boy stepped into my looking glass and handed me his helmet
years past until i noticed his long graceful hands in my hair
and i turned to see where he had come from

it was just past nine when i took the zucchini out of the oven and waited
it was half past ten by the time he rang the bell
and i sat nervous and shallow

he gets lost in his own world and finds his hands in mine
we stepped back from our maps and abandoned our ships
i sank in with the anchors

it was just last night when i realized i could love you
it was three junes since i first wanted to
i kissed you in the nighttime.
October 2013
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