Sitting at my desk, staring out the window,
Looking through the woods of leafless trees,
As the seasons change, there is always,
A new picture to, admire and see.
The green summer colors, have changed,
To the fall & winters, dormant brown,
The fallen seeds, waiting to germinate,
When the warm spring air, wakes them up,
They rise and grow, never making a sound.
The birds fly south, so patient, in a V,
They each wait their turn, flying in front as the lead.
As the squirrel’s, bury their nuts, to supply their winter feed.
Today’s, temperature is hovering around forty degrees.
About time to lay down my pencil, go outside, blow some leaves.
Humans are a part of nature,
Not as hard as the wood, of an old oak tree,
Mother nature, is a best friend, for without, we would not be,
Everyday, take time, visit outside nature, Thank God,
For the beautiful planet, he created for our soul to visit, and see.
One of many stops along our way, leave your toys inside,
Get your hands *****, listen to the peace, of nature’s sound,
Healthier than you realize, those items you cherish,
You constantly carry around, have many more germs,
Than in the dirt, that makes up the ground.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/09/2023 AD