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melody Sep 2018
my car broke down
and it made me think of how everything breaks and loses its place
only to be replaced
maybe that’s why it bothered me so much
i took it as a life lesson
but it still didn’t lessen the load
stress on my mind
anxiety for breakfast
i know it gets better from here
i always tell myself that anyway
all the old things fade not meant for you
and better things come along
those who come along make you anew too
i got a broke down car and i live pretty far
but my friends still love me
i’m trying my best to see the rest of the big picture
my car was smoking coming down the causeway
so i lit a blunt and smoked too
and told myself “this is it” everything is becoming anew
Jamie Jul 2018
Today would off been four year of marriage.
But today i decided to celebrate being single.
My husband was horrid, a person who used me.
He broke my heart, my soul and me as a person.
For three years, I was working thought it, a way to move on.
I was scared, unsure and didn't know what to do.
I miss him, I miss his laugh, I miss his smile, I miss him as my best friend.
My he left me alone and deserted, he lied, cheated and broke me.
Today I moved on. I chose to change my view and my life.

You are nobody, you mean nothing.
The person you are today, is someone I don't know.
I loved you. I gave you everything.
You broke me, you broke my heart.
Today you no longer control me.
I know its not a real poem but its the best I could do to express my joy of divorce. My husband broke me and I was lost.  Thank you for reading.
Annie Jul 2018
There I was yet again –in the middle of my thoughts. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts take me wherever they could. Every breath seemed like it lasted a lifetime. Every intake felt like a new life innovating my consciousness. I was high on the hope for something new. I had broken pieces of my heart in my left hand –weighing me down and down. But I kept on holding onto the rope of rejoice with my right hand. As bizarre as it sounds, I felt good. I felt relieved with my dark side and the brighter side. The car horns in amidst of this city echoed -one after the other. It was as if everything was finally in its right place. It was as if I was finally who I were supposed to be. Every thing I was feeling —all made sense. My freezing hands, the cool breeze against my face, the tears stuck in my eyes, the crowded streets, the sound of giggles coming from a distance –this city made me feel alive once again.
Question 1.
can you escape the words that so easily want to roll off your tongue
can you put them away
see them off on a ship

have them cross into the horizon and dissipate
under the burning red sun
of the east
Question 2.
Can you replace all letters of an alphabet
that easily taught, rolled off your tongue
can you put them in a shoe box,
seclude them in a corner of your new life,
where 80% of the time you are fine
Do you think they will cross too
cross the horizon, like the things you wish would
and then dissipate
Question 3.

Does the pollution amplify the heat, if so can the heat burn or melt old Polaroids
this is a writing experiment how close can you get to the space between the source and conception of a question my answer was to play with grammar usage asking questions that need no grammatical indication of their querying because i want the structure to more adequately reflect the state of mind i’m in while i ask these questions. obscurity. I do not know what I seek by inquiring, and so these questions do not know their own purpose, thus by not including a question mark the statements above never fulfill all the grammatical prerequisites of a question, the statement has yet to realize it is a question and just lingers somewhere in between.limbo. If you’ve made it this far, give feedback please. What else can I do to deconstruct the structure of a question? Do these above statements feel like they are real questions?
Dazed Dreaming Oct 2017
What sweet bliss is this..
One more week of this...
And its long gone...
Ill never have to see you again..
Youll never see me again...
Ill never have to run into you again...
Oh such sweet bliss is this...
My freedom from you is pure bliss...
Dazed Dreaming Oct 2017
I'm uneasy tonight..
And I couldnt tell you..

My skin crawling..
I'm uncomfortable...
I cant pin point it..
Where is this coming from..
I'm just uneasy tonight..
Maybe its because..
I know your there..
No **** that..
It cant be that...
I simply do not care..
Maybe its just today..
Maybe its all the **** I'm suppressing..
I've had one glass of wine..
Been awake since 3:40..
Maybe its surfacing...
The fact that I'm really leaving..
Leaving all this behind..
Its real..
It's happening..
I'm moving..
Its happening faster..
Than a blink of an eye...
I hate change...
I feel like I cant breathe...
******* its worsening..
Why did I drink that glass of wine..

Its time to lay down...
What I cant seem to swallow..
Today has been nothing but hollow..
I feel panicked and sorrow..
I have to stay positive...
I need to swallow...
Exhale panic..
Inhale my sole purpose..
Remember that all my dreams..
I'm meant to follow...
But not here...
Not were pain lives..

Look forward to tomorrow...
Tonights horror is not meant..
For you to swallow.
Weird night
Jas Sep 2017
Intimidation is a tactic. It ignites nerves and fear. Don't respond the way they want you to. Don't prove anyone right, you are not a postulate.
People think they're slick in college. The best thing about people watching you, is you watching them.
Ronald J Chapman Jun 2017
Hello, my dear dream,
Happy to see you in the bright morning sunlight,
Remembering, a passionate; kiss.

A sensual embrace a thousand years past,
The two of us bathing in a misty stream,
Under a ghostly moon.

Memories of a place where princesses and kings lived,

With wishful dreams, of golden sunsets,
Our Souls are holding each other in Heaven.
Until the gift of life comes again.

Living in the forest of nature,
Loving, making, new life,
Painting a new future;

With a brush of passionate words,
Painting songs and love poems,
Of a place and time, we can only dream.

Back then we just didn't know,
That we would ever meet again,
A thousand years hence.

My dear love,
Good to see you in the daytime.

Copyright © 2017 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Goblin -All Kiss Scenes (Sam Kim-Who Are You ) OST English Lyric
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