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Riz Mack Jun 12
I was on my way to bed when I had this thought instead
I should lay here counting sheep, surely then I'll fall asleep
that's when Bo Peep broke in my window
started throwing about all this lingo and stood there on one foot like a flamingo
I jumped up requesting "what in the world!?"
she said she was looking for the final girl and if I happen to see her to give her a twirl
I promised I would 'cause I'm a Samaritan, gave her my word I would gather a garrison but only if she would show me her garden -
that's when she got mad, face red and hardened, quaking with rage almost fell out her cardigan, she screams
"Did you confuse me with Mary? I'll show you something quite contrary!"
I could tell things were about to get hairy so I floated out the broken window like a bloated fairy but when I hit the ground I landed upside-down so now I make no sound when I'm running around
Anais Vionet Apr 18
Winter’s releasing us from its perpetually gray and gloomy grip.

Who can study in their room, on a beautiful spring afternoon?
Azaleas assail ya, with champagne petals of bubblegum fuchsias,
they blush in near neon reflection, with a mathematical, fractal perfection.

Courtyards that were once dark and uninviting, frosty scenes,
sport impromptu manicured carpets, of flawless, vibrant greens.

Dogwoods explode, abruptly overnight, with cherry blossom whites
they blush like brides on parade, they sachet, swaying flag-like bouquets.

Ordinary maples become emerald queens by unfurling avocado, hunter and chartreuse leaves,
accented with vibrant electric limes and honeydews, as if to say, ‘We too can please.’

New life stretches, almost yawning, in the seemingly reborn sun, insects hum as they cultivate,
birds flit excitedly, as if to say,  ‘Why’re you inside? Come out and play - why do you even hesitate?’

I know there’s something in spring that’s irresistible, pheromonal, hormonal, surfeit and emotional.
Is it the solar zenith angle or the sun’s declination that produces these delightful inclinations?

Songs for this:
Funky Galileo by Sure sure
You get what you give by New Radicals
New World Coming by Cass Elliot
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Surfeit: too much, excess, more than you need.
Zywa Oct 2023
In the neon light,

shadows appear and vanish --

Strolling nightlife girls.
"Desolation Angels" (1965, Jack Kerouac), chapter 1-2-65: "Neons, Chinese restaurants / coming on - / Girls come by shades"

Collection "MistI"
Sean Feb 2023
my thoughts scattered like chaff in the wind
dandelion seeds in a spring breeze
when you first spoke to me

"deep in thought, are you?" you ask, smiling
the cafe was suddenly so loud
your eyes so bright
life so vibrant

i smile back, nervously hesitate
(is this happening!?)
then "you caught me
lost in the urban sprawl of my mind
it's nice to meet you, i'm sean"

but before we could touch
you disappeared down a side street
lit by neon signs; red, pink, blue
and i realized you were just my fantasy

a desire, too good to be true
Ceyhun Mahi Mar 2021
The diamond of the city is the moon,
The faces of the pretty ones the sun,
The mirrors of the buildings stars, they shine
So people can indulge in joy and fun.
Parker Vance Feb 2021
The word of God
Is neon now-
It screams odious
Love to the silent
Collection of limbs
Beneath it.

Falls in irradiated
Waves, reaches the
Sedate, the wanderers
Of Asphalt Nightmares,
At last.

They can hardly hear it
Over the mumble of voices.
They shift, leave by way
Of saturated, naked streets
In weariness.

The new God is
Neon- but all the same
Unheard; It's violent lights
Looking to the morally
Righteous; finds
No one.
Man Jan 2021
be a holiday
ill be a presley
we can dance at the cabaret
waiting for dawn to greet us gently

sway your hips
in motion with mine
we'll tremble and move
all to the time
of the beat of the band
boy, aren't they grand?
let the music die away
let neon, unravel and fray
i'm happy to just shake if you'll stay
just hold my hand
let's run away
somebody told him there was a silent drug dealer
who would get you hooked on the stars
that you didn't need a business suit to learn about the city lights
the ticket to the world may have been on a boat
or just a tab on your tongue

The trend setter before the trend
the punk before the tattoos
the one to say "The Ramones never made it big"
but they will always be blasting in his ears

he lived in the prime, 1980's Japan
with all neon lights that could melt your face
exploring is the temptation of Tokyo
agoraphobia being the only sin of the city

the man. the myth. the legend.
the sunglasses being the only thing catching shade
as he is the illumination

a light on a Harley that blinds the night time
and with more stories than confetti in the New York City sewers
there's no such thing of getting old
when you're only good at being young
couldn't afford Christmas gifts this year, so I wrote poems for my family instead. this one was for my dad. I think he almost teared up when he read it.
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