Bastiana as me, being this lady truly that you see,
Within my solemn being, I am a love-a living dream.
You can not keep me from the light,
I am always a part of life, though not in plain sight.
Have a few or two lily's and put them aside,
I give this to the well and cast the spell-bide my time.
I tried the name Sebastian on for size, no lie,
But found myself in love with Bastiana, I can't deny.
Bastiana as me, I know I'm Alan to some degree,
But when all is frozen in time-don't you know?
My love, Bastiana...why this is the one true me.
My love, it's this one and only name, the real me!
Why oh why do I keep on trying to deny...?
Bastiana means revered, by the by. Hehe