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Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
the climber
                 the diver
     the heat
                 the chills
     the beat
                 the thrill
another old one... I guess it doesn't get any more abstract than that...
Àŧùl Jul 2017
A gorgeous formula for force is:
F=dp/dt or F=d(m.v)/dt
By employing mass into velocity.
This formula uses the momentum
To elucidate the force involved
And to deduce the frontage
Of any effect developed
My HP Poem #1625
©Atul Kaushal
Marilyn McEntyre Jun 2017
From the cliff's edge
you can watch the earth move.

Hover over the waters
and see how the Spirit blows

and broods.  The sea
and all its creatures still crash

and tumble and return
to their deep silences.  

The sun rises and sinks
below the waves.  The curved

ocean clings to earth’s edge,
obedient, except where

something urges it upward.
The voice that calls

forth the mountains and summons
pelicans and wild geese

says to all things, Rise.  
Consent to the upward urge

that calls you out of gravity
into the welter of heat and sound

and color that will not stay,
that you do not own, but may

have for a day, and then
for a night when it falls.
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Drunk on liquor metaphors
High and falling fast
No direction in the clouds
Why does winning feel like losing
Why does your image burn
So extraordinarily
On the inside of a skull box
I am tossed away from answers
I’m a coin in the fingers of the sun
The last hundred flips were
The white puffy scarves
Only swirl into themselves
Sympathetic, yet,
Not bothering to reach out
They know they aren’t strong enough
To catch me
Or break the fall
But my lips are wings
Stretching into flight
Amer Pelides May 2017
My feet are tired and sore,
from a journey of a day or two.
Strolling from settlement to settlement,
I reach a river gleaming with beams of light.
I sit and stretch my legs wide and long,
Wiggling the toes on my feet.
The river never ceases in its motion,
The life that I call my own has always been a motionless thing.
Seeming to stop and stagnate unlike the river before me,
A river teeming with bounty.
Perhaps my life could be this way,
Full of energy and beauty.
Such a life is worth living,
A life full of opportunity and wonder.
May I live to see it for myself!
A breath of fresh air is all I need,
I prepare to continue the journey.
Up on my feet newly refreshed and rested,
Never shall I stop till I see a life as I see this river
Strong and full of vigor.
Jonathan Tindal May 2017
Right to the empty parking lot,
Start the lazy figure eights.

Swallows skim the pavement,
showing off their effortless grace.

Pick one and chase it, lean into the turn.
foot peg scrapes the ground but I don't care.
A little more throttle. Hang on to the curve.

The swallow, banking, hovers in the air.
Locked together by the physics of motion,
The universe spins around our shared axis.

Let the bike straighten out.
The swallow banks the other way.

Laughing we break our connection,
grateful for the experience of flying together.
Stephen Rutledge Apr 2017
The finest of intricacies,
Clung firmly upon thy wrist,


Motion drives that beating heart,
It's man who stirs that rotor,

A skeleton of the sturdiest of bones,
Amongst, that movement lay,

Gear's spun all so elegantly,
The very composition of your complexities,

A fluent waltz between man and mechanism,

Oh what admirable craft of a God.
Regarding automatic watches.
Poetic T Apr 2017
Buoyancy keeps me floating above
a tide of seductive

I'm a stop motion venture that will
surprise you with a reality
                                       at its ending..
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