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Jeff Bresee Mar 16
Pretend not to notice. Pretend you don’t see.
Protect at all cost your illusions of me.
Don’t read what I write on the lines of my page,
you’ll only find flaws that you’ve long wished away.
Just keep smiling at me, I’ll keep smiling at you.
You be who you are, and I’ll do what I do.
I’ll try not to let all the things in my mind
stray far from my pages, or too out of line.
But I can’t promise much for my pen won’t allow
the truth to be hidden, so I don’t know how
I can be who I am, yet the one who you see.
So, protect at all cost your illusions of me.
And don’t read what I write it’s far easier then
to see me through my smile… instead of my pen.
Immortality Feb 28
I gave my light,
soft and true,
but hands that took
just let it bruise.

A hand once open,
now worn and sore,
kindness bent
became the floor.
A very strange thing happened. There is a lady in HP, I liked all 16 of her poems because I loved the way they were written.
Alas, she blocked me, thinking I was spam..... lol.
I don’t know whether to laugh or be sad.....😅
Iska Feb 25
You may not know it:
But your words
They eat away at me

Each harsh remark
taking bite size chunks
out of my capacity to last the day.

Unknowingly sharpened to weapons
Wielded against my rational evaluation
cutting away the ability
To complete the tasks of the day.

Your pressured speech
It suffocates my ability to communicate
My garbled words gurgle and ooze
like life blood from a hollow wound.

Hours of anxiety are whittled away
with the chisel of your exasperation
A moment for you stretches on to my year
You’ve moved on and I’m frozen here.

Your words are weighted
And my sodden corpse
cannot process the flow of your disdain.

I mumble apologies
and miscommunication
as you add another layer
Like a wheel at a fair
we loop;

Until it skips
like a record
and you hop off the track.

I look over and you’re gone
As I sit on the rubble of the rest of my day
Wondering if you kissed me goodbye.

Carrying the strength of your volume
Ringing through my mind
Pleading with eggshells
to splinter in silence
for fear of continuing the cycle’s chime.

You may not know this:
But your words
Impress upon me
An echo of the mind

Much like drowning
I choke as I consume
Inflicting wounds
You never knew were there.
Todd Sommerville Nov 2024
My words, they have no meaning
On deaf ears they fall.
Torn straight from my heart, still their nothing, not a thing,
Not a thing at all.
You don't believe my love, my pain, or my rage.
They're all just words, sometimes clever, but still just empty words upon a page.
How do I change your perception?
Become more than just the pusher of a pen.
A thousand times I've tried, through oh so many rhymes still here we are,
Here we are again.
Just words falling upon deaf ears.
This poem is now on my you tube channel if you'd like to support it copy and paste the link above or search @tsummerspoetry on you tube
Nnenna Oct 2024
I offer love without expectation,

A vulnerable gesture, that's often misread.

They confuse my kindness for desire,

And distance themselves,

To spare me the heartache.


I'm reminded of the ones they hold dear,

A constant comparison, that ends like a quiet eclipse.

I laugh, then reflect on my own ways,

Questioning why my selflessness drives them away.

I treat others as I'd wish to be treated,

Loyal, attentive, and true.

Yet, in giving freely, I lose connection,

And when I withdraw, I sever ties anew.

I've learned to shield myself from pain,

Recognizing the only harm that comes from within.

I'm better off on my own,

For the only person capable of hurting me is myself,

And no one else should hold that power.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
She told me I could never walk to the ocean
But I told her that I can
And as I started to walk to the sea
I accidentally stepped on a clam

It stung a bit, but I was alright
And I looked back and saw
That she was disappointedly saying to me
"I knew you couldn't do it at all"
this is my 105th poem, written on 6/10/24
Carlo C Gomez May 2024
reflecting on
a fragile state of mind

precarious creatures, these
hunters of coal
that outlines both
eyes and words

black paint for blue girls,
they pray in a circle
for their queen's wedding night
to be one of celebratory rapture

deep into the looking glass
they peer for a sign,
a soul, a stigma,
but cannot see
beyond their own glib faces

a universe ago they
caparisoned as pixies
in sunflower corsets,
twirling in a centrifugal forest

tonight in eclipse,
in their all-together,
they merely wear masks
of their former selves

the firelight dramatically shifts
in bacchanalia pratfall
--the oblong menace
of their smiles, fingers and navels
dancing to the age of Sideria

the key went
in the lock
easily enough
with no resistance
in the cylinder
nor any loose pins
catching inside
yet try as i might
it would not turn
all three keys
were the same
identical in height
of teeth and
depth of notch
i could not have
picked the wrong one
still the deadbolt
was unmoved and
would not let me
into my own home
Bardo Mar 2024
On a Friday afternoon, in the Burger joint for my weekly treat
Celebrating another week in, that I'd survived another week in the job
I ordered my usual, a Veggie burger meal
They have this lovely Veggie burger, it's a burger made of potato with a lot of other vegetables through it
Is very tasty, this and some nice big chunky chips/ fries along with it, with some sachets of tomato sauce
All rounded off with a nice Black coffee... very nice...
The restaurant was quite busy that day for some reason, my usual seat was taken
So I had to find somewhere else to sit

As I sat there feeling happy with myself
I was reminded of something I'd once read  about the great Irish poet W.B.Yeats
He was sitting in a teashop once looking out the window at the passing crowds
And he suddenly realised that life was good, that he could bless and be blessed
I thought to myself "I knew what he meant"
Then suddenly out of the corner of my eye I notice someone looking over at me... looking directly at me
Indeed they seem to be staring at me
I thought to myself "Better not make eye contact, might be some kind of ******"
Then I noticed someone else was looking over at me too
"What the **** are you looking at!" I thought to myself
And then there was another person and then another
"What the **** are you all looking at??!" I thought getting a little flustered at this stage
Every few moments a head would pop up and start looking straight over at me
I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable
Suddenly it seemed like they were all looking over at me... the whole feckin' room
"What the hell are you all looking at, you bunch of feckers", I thought
"Had I turned into the elephant man or something !!"
Finally I said I'm getting the hell out of here
Their all looking at me
So I stuffed my bag of chips in my pocket
Drained my cup of coffee and wrapped what was left of my burger in a napkin to take away
As I stood up to put on my coat I turned around
And noticed for the first time there was a big TV screen up on the wall right behind me
So that's what the feckers were all looking over at
It wasn't me at all!!!

"**** !" I thought, "spoiled my whole feckin' lunch
W.B. Yeats my ****".
True story this, the funny things that happen every day.  Happy belated St. Paddy's Day ☘️🇨🇮🥂
Bekah Halle Feb 2024
Judgment, misunderstandings, self-protection,
all weapons of mass destruction:
wounding others and ourselves,
with each thought and resulting action.

Lady Macbeth knew this,
why did we not heed her justice?
Warning bells clanging,
freeing us to step onto a new precipice?

There's blood on my hands,
every time I don't trust and understand,
but think I know it all,
and make my demands.

Perfectionism has been my cleansing balm,
but, in the end, it's just caused more harm,
relearning is my matrix,
continuously transforming and becoming calm.
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