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Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2018
I am feeling less than human
No longer worthy of love
Each day i live out
What nightmares are made of

I am contemplating silence
The kind that doesn't end
That way I will never have to
Find out what lies around the bend

I am afraid of what I've become
I should leave while I still can
To split before I hurt someone
I think is the smartest plan

I should have known from the beginning
I would end up spiraling down
I thought i could avoid my fate
Now in addiction I drown

I'm only happy when I'm high
It is a temporary reprieve
from the pain so I cover up
marks on my arm with my sleeve

I have never felt like such a failure
Nor felt so frail and so weak
I've lost all my appetite
I can't find the will to speak

I wish I could beat the ache
Rise up and take my life back
If I were stronger then
I could get my life on track

Instead I hide my suffering
Hold the hurt I feel inside
Now everything that once was good
In me withered away and died

A flower in December
Once beautiful and innocent
My soul is no longer blooming
My petals are all bent

Is it too late to save myself
from the path I have chosen to walk on?
Can I rekindle the fire
Within or am I too far gone?

I want to believe there is still a chance
To change the person I am
I wish I was not this girl
Who would do anything for a gram

My life has been like this too long
To be exact: almost a year
I cannot remember when things went wrong
I do not know how I ended up here

I should have thought things through then
Before I took my first hit
Honestly I had no idea
How hard it would be to quit

First stage of change: acceptance
What is the second? I don't know
That is the problem, I'm ready
But have no clue where to go

I need to move an inch forward
Because my life is at stake
I want to feel how I used to
Before I made that fatal mistake
I have come so far since then and I am so proud of myself! Today is the two month mark for me being clean from ****** and I have been off suboxone for a week now I feel ****** but I know it can only get better from here on out. Some days are hard but ultimately nothing is worth the pain that comes with drug abuse. To everyone out there in recovery: STAY STRONG!
I am God's one, and only mistake.
If our lord is perfect, why would he curse the world with my existence?
When i exist solely to bring pain and suffering unto others, what kind of sick joke was he playing at?

I hope one day my parents realise, that although i was the only planned baby they had out of 3, i was the only mistake they made in having. Im sure my parents are real proud of the monster their son becomes around woman. Im sure they're proud of their verbally abusive, short tempered, selfish and cold son...

I hope that one day peoples open their eyes and see the truth for whats inside me and not what i show them on the outside, i want them all to look at my grave one day and be thankful that the world was rid of a demon that day, that satan had finally recoiled and taken back his child.

Life is nothing but a series of moments that exist to remind ourselves we still feel something.

Right now all i feel is pain, drowning, and anger, i hate this body, i curse this mind, maybe if i wish upon a star, i can go back in time, and stop things from going this far
I found this draft, saved. Thought I'd share the little relevance it has now
E over c2 Feb 2018
I'm still angry
I shouldn't be but belated feelings bemuse me
And now alliteration alters my speech
Like an infection I've held intact that intimacy
But angry still

Love tainted me.
Trust tortured me.
Like a dogs bone you toyed with my talent
Took it for granted and spit it out in dirt
So take it back
Because these hands will


Never make you come again for i have come to a conclusion
**** your trust
And **** your dishonesty
*** saturated saturdays cease to supliment me
So too do the sudden situations of unneeded:


So now I stare
Stare at the hands that started the solace
And wonder if they'll ever be clean
Forse può aiutare.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Warm up
Listening to intuition
Hands full
Cast as a wallpaper
Time traveler
Witnessed the disgrace
Can’t explain more
Stereotype, eccentric?
Towards a familiar face
Being a neophyte
With a marijuana life
Switching gears into auto pilot
Floated with no gravity
Clarity, that makes no sense
Unseen, unheard but close to heart

A selection bias
Let the Adrenaline rush
Dream or nightmare?
Claws sharper than Scalpel
Waiting for a response
“Yes” is the answer
Proof of life
Night with an open eyes.
God’s mistake
All come with an expiration date.
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
Phantom Poet Feb 2018
In life we learn,
If you fail,
Try again,
Even in education,
If you fail,
You are offered one more shot,
To reach the top,
But society, friends mock you,
In class if you fail,
You get to try again,
To take the classes again,
But it has been deemed bad,
By students and teachers alike,
It is used to threaten,
"Don't study and fail",
Makes you feel beaten,
Everyone will mock you,
The mark of failure,
Burned to the flesh,
So what was supposed,
To be a second chance,
Now is a bad glance,
From everyone,
That's just students cheat,
Because they know that they will fail,
And their reputation will fall,
So cheating is the best way,
No one wants to be left behind,
No one wants to destroy their mind,
No one wants to try again,
Just because no one will allow them.
Isaac Spencer Feb 2018
You don't know the pain,
I hold in my chest,
I'm not a person,
They would attest,
I could have acted,
I can't confess,
Regret subtracted,
From what I had left,

Ive talked out my crime,
At three in the AM,
I've been paying my time,
I could have saved them,
All I've got is this rhyme,
At three in the AM,
On my last dime,
I could have saved them,

Take it back, rewind,
Back to the sixth grade,
All the mistakes,
The friends that I made,
Too young to know better,
I followed his lead,
Too young to the letter,
The flower, the ****,

I've prayed to the stars,
At three in the AM,
Been counting these cards,
I should have saved them,
Been writing these lines,
At three in the AM,
Been cutting these binds,
I should have saved them,

Charisma leads strays further astray,
What can I say, a pawn in the play,
Everyday, counting down may,
Never would guess you'd be taken away,
The principal pulled me aside,
Eyes wide, nowhere to hide,
And my faith died,
You proved that my trust lied,

Because that day I remembered,
An offhand comment I thought was humor,
You were joking, I thought,
But now the sickness is a tumor,
You hurt her, not just a rumor,
I knew it then that I had doomed her,
And then people soon heard,
So on my wrist I've written a word,

He found you,
At three in the AM,
And its all my fault,
I should have saved them,
You're still alive,
At three in the AM,
But tattered and torn,
I couldn't save them.
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