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Eliana Vieira Oct 2018
You're innocent like the people of Salem.
But you're Abigail Williams.
We can all be a Reverend Hale sometimes. It's human.
But you are the witch.

© 2018 Omni Winters
October 26, 2018
Albuna Oct 2018
So sad how I want to forget him.
To get over him.
But it’s not that easy as you think...
I saw him yesterday,
our eyes met and my heart exploded.
No! Not again! Don’t fall again!
He smiled and every anger, every hurt was blown away.
He owned me, and he knew what he does to my body.
He knows very well how he can hurt me
How he can destroy me
How he can manipulate me...
I’m just another stupid girl who can’t let go of him.
Who now tries to forget him,
But every time I look into his eyes,
I get lost,
So lost that I can’t find a way back...
Written from a lost soul
Kim Essary Mar 2018
Free spirited life, held no confinements..where might you have  gone? for you have taken the key , I've searched these same walls that are closing around me, steel trap imprisoned within this mental cage. Invasions of memories my life bursted with excitement as the wings of my existence feathered and free. Vanished existence like fall leaves falling from the tree , Loneliness haunts me like a scorched asylum ,nothing remaining but gloomy stress as the feeling of confinement in gulfs my remains  i haven't the ability  left to premeditate plans  for escape  for my severity of change , once an Eagle flying free To a Finch as I go unseen , The trickery or fuckery whichever it may be,   destined to destroy what's left of me trapped in this wrenched  mental cage .
The mind is but a powerful tool it can destroy you as fast as it can save you set your mind free don't leave it trapped in a mental cage
Selcæiös Jan 2018
"you still kick it in the slums      ?
you still sell drugs   ?
you still like to party       ?
you still binge n get ****** up          ?"

As much as I love a fight      
I'd rather leave them to their ****** imaginations      
--I find my amour-propre
when I see a use of my knack for kinesics
as mischievous manipulation--
Causing the busy-bodies'  capitulation;      
instantaneously subjugated        

So I bestow my infamously vexatious smirk
as I say
Stewie Dec 2017
You manipulated everything.
I wasn’t aware until it was all said and done.
Who is the fool now?
Looking back
Janie Hobby Nov 2017
What do I write about?
  Should I still write about you?                                                                    
Should I write about my heartache?
And the pain you put me through?                                                              
Give me something to write about?
Should I write about our history?                                                                
about the arguments between us?
The glory you felt above me?                                                                        
I need something to write about
Should I speak of your manipulative ways?                                              
The way you would blame I
Your mistakes became mine                                                                          
it made it all a lie
Jose H Oct 2017
I held the whip.
I smiled upon my prey
Chained in front of me
Wishing I did not exist
Whipping them mercilessly
With lies
Empty promises
It was fun in the past

I see my errors
The poor people i have hurt
Staring upon myself
Seeing only scars that i left others
Wishing I could simply turn the world around

Now the time has come
Chained to the ground
Beaten mercilessly
With a whip crafted of false love
Held by my "true love"

Blinded by "true love"
Pain never entered my mind
But it cannot deceive my eye.
Chained, I will find my way
To escape these shackles
My "true love" will not hold me in the abuse of false love.
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