Free spirited life, held no confinements..where might you have gone? for you have taken the key , I've searched these same walls that are closing around me, steel trap imprisoned within this mental cage. Invasions of memories my life bursted with excitement as the wings of my existence feathered and free. Vanished existence like fall leaves falling from the tree , Loneliness haunts me like a scorched asylum ,nothing remaining but gloomy stress as the feeling of confinement in gulfs my remains i haven't the ability left to premeditate plans for escape for my severity of change , once an Eagle flying free To a Finch as I go unseen , The trickery or fuckery whichever it may be, destined to destroy what's left of me trapped in this wrenched mental cage .
The mind is but a powerful tool it can destroy you as fast as it can save you set your mind free don't leave it trapped in a mental cage