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Norbert Tasev Mar 16
Kerouac tattooed skin shows secret signs, vision signs; The more striking, the better they are. Peace loan bread rarely returns, just like the money ends at nine at the cashians will deliberately take a worthless little money. Still, in the suits that began to be disgusted, the big Cula-Weais were still able to stay, and they dared to stay, because everyone was a crook, even the son of the housekeeper and the washer. The world would not only pull the curtains of a kitschy, ordered fog that repulsive, but even packs a few tons of shovels to make the simple minority even harder.

Lightweight, small -style women seem to have a little stronger makeup and needle heels, who, although they promised their parents, would hopefully get home safely in half before midnight, and the end result is only nine months later. Flower petals tear the accelerating time. "Is Ágnes like the Melós Kisitós Géza, who is torn off from the branch?

Nowadays, even more and more people would want to be ironed once, and for all, they have become a shipwreck, and their mortal everyday life and pigeon fibers are combed from the bald-dandruff head of decades. With the rags of our memories, it would be good to look for and find the grip points that are secured again; Dogs crouching in alley smells are homeless, while semi -full demonstrations flow, like the blood of twilight red wine with tablet smells.

Perhaps only the Savior Death Consciousness can bring about the final amnesty that can be a redeeming death of death!
Norbert Tasev Mar 15
They put the man out of the big whole, that you. Try to cultivate the time of mortality. Inside, in the manipulated one-depth of the soul, the happy-sad dust of the past decades fluttering as sand. Because eternal moments would be good to adhere to the storage of cell-molecules, like Velcro fasteners or magnets. After forty, big harvesting begins; Thus, who tries to collect the fruit that was deserved in the way of serving crickets, or even enthusiastic ants, even what they thought could be sacrificed.

Coincidents were hanging on robbery chains, as they could have been able to stand the day -to -day pressure differences, which would have been good to compensate. The signs of life are already reflected in vain by the witnessed footprints, and the earthworms are furthermen, who are aware of the more true significance of the floods.

A thin clearing gap between our crowded feelings is increasingly rarely attacking; Secret, guessing Vates movements only rarely sing. Wherever you go, you are surrounded by obstacles, bad, unobtrusive fences everywhere in your life, which you may not be able to get rid of.

The unprotected victims dance at the edges of the gaps; Thick anniversary rings hiding in the year -rounds still hide the values ​​of our mortality. Time now, with increasingly uncertain charge, click-and-tongue in the century! - Anti -falsifying dazzles play with the diodes of the inner vocals that can be used, which we may even forget to show ourselves.

The hope of returning is still under the surface, but there is no one who finds it, holds it, comfort it with sincere, fearful will, and wants to take care!
The strings quiver-a broken body in silk,
nails pressed to wood
like bruises that refuse to fade.

A melody bleeds,
sharp notes rip through skin,
veins unravel in cold ink.

Drums crack time open,
tremor down too slow
to outrun the black.
Shadows gather,
drowning the air.

A voice rises-strangled, fractured,
singing what lungs can’t reach.
Each chord a blade,
carving its name into bone.

And when it ends,
silence screams louder
than the song that tore me apart.
Norbert Tasev Mar 14
I try to question myself from a crook, well depths of self-marking, as with the only real crime of crime; that it exists and still wants to prosper. I want to cry for help, just like yelling at my chronic little age, squeezing: _ , dear! Adopt! Be my cherished mother, when all and everyone has been abandoned! "_ - I will soon be disappointed and realize that it is a literal nonsense for anyone to get on the iron gates that are not opened anywhere.

Like the law of the law, like something always moistened, the stigma-stigma-stigma's past, the stifling, strangling fragments of my past; ****** capillaries blink in my drumming heart, as if it were a malfunctioning, hard-to-repair pump that only pumps the life-giving oxygen elixir if they are in despair for a few minutes.

There is nothing cozy among the greasy hungry flowers in Paris derivatives and as much as friendly as possible; Freaky knives to see a cheap, small -style flea circus in the news, the miserable theatrical formula of everyday abandones, and the era of leeches that are dried on the bones.

Why do you have to see that the lovers were also replaced by pink ******* and expensive console angels when it was once a liberation from tons of Sififus weights that one person could look into the other's truthful eyes?!

Can we trust our friends, family members -if they were at all at all?! Don't you want to harvest with this deliberate primacy, the enforced, manipulation situations, petty situations?! "It doesn't matter if the simple average anthil is living or dying!"
Norbert Tasev Mar 13
In the depths of closure almost immediately, why do we feel that life and death are still impatient on the threshold of existence?! From here, every time of every spiral circle closes early until you are confused about it. We can't even start with a breath of breath, as our daily cumbersome days have become more and more counts, so they can be measured and measured when, where, how much they made a mistake for us.

The roses in the depths of the heart were called twilight, which, if they thought, was deliberately blocked in the coronary tunnels, the molecular networks of free oxygen flows in the coronary arteries. At a bus stop, it is almost palpable not only a manipulative tool for massed psychosis, but a silent infarction that grows as an atomic bomb, calling for almost always late attacks as a diving bell.

The mucus bile in the stomach, as if it were to give birth to kaleidoscopy over and over again, and on mirror pieces, infants should learn to understand once and for all: their lives will never be a romantic fairy tale or a nice foam cake. The wreaths of heart -shaped gingerbread may not have been really crumbs - they were digested by uncertainty that medication or durable food should be purchased.

In the brain -era of nonsensical phrases, one would become more and more desired towards an unparalleled life, as a sweet -sad, childish nostalgia, because he feels and knows -perhaps -he can hardly be a second sans. Now, we are struck as a fish in intentional subordinates as a fish for another forced time!
Norbert Tasev Mar 12
It would have been good to leave my discomfort - for at least a few hours - to leave, to leak to leak between my circulation; Even with a low watercourse, the pendulum-like wire, which has been slipped on the cooler door, barely took off the brown chocolate pearls of durable, massive faeces. It would be a good thing to quit the self-time at least some days, of which there is quite a few available, and then less and less.

My seemingly confident self-confidence is cut off by an unpleasant or just unfriendly calling, usually by the wild baundry motorists, or the company of the bohemian teenagers who are well-sufficient in public transport asks for a larger room for maneuver, He tells you that you. There is such a livable world out there, etc ... Well, that's a lot of good for me!

Incredible secrecy or intentional inaccessibility, even in twenty -four hours of the day, is no longer ordinary or conventional. - Greasures and worms can feel just as cozy, comfortable in a situation that was forced, as well as the average, when they have fallen asleep, that they are consciously afraid to ask the nature of unknown things because those outside - may be stupid.

Purgery wounds are caused by disintegrated friendly bonds because they are retrieved, depriving them of the ability to heal; There will be perfect unexpectedness to the bagatell nothing if they are not careful and let them lose what could not be created!
Norbert Tasev Mar 11
The world is now cosmos, Donga's legs are still moving towards the cosmos; Stone, whimsical, silent celestial star in the nests of stratospheres. Other times, in a negative way, he would almost flatten himself back to another galaxy if possible. At the edge of existence itself, there may have been some confusion between the two endpoints of the silence that no one has understood nowadays.

It may be better to flee from sun-busters that look helpless, because they can't even listen to more experienced, wise words that the scientist gave birth to their brains; On wandering serpentine trails, they march over our heads in the way of curling snakes, which have been disgusted, and for decades. The loosened staples of the souls were as if they had long been rusted, as the lubricant oil was also being cut by someone.

The Dariido People are now increasingly stinking from the arrogance of the Hübris-nourished manner, and they smell so daddy in their souls, although they are stretching out of the outside in a branded suit and showing the imagined standard; Tiny shiny rings shine in the heroic lovers, while the night falls back into the darkness of the night.

Uncertain, the world still feels the selfish-mown truth, which he can never prove enough, and his victims have become unprotected by dedicated to the hopes of survival to the hope of a better and noble period. Perhaps the earthly fruits of the universe will also be trapped halfway?!
Norbert Tasev Mar 10
Beautiful, negative words are now gone, like the chronic blind, and the stars ever brightening are stumbling upon themselves; The Creator Silence -Fearful -can no longer cover it completely, but it will not allow it to be safely hugged after a more difficult weekday. It is as if spiders are weaving the uncertain tomorrow, man often, even a small child, will be in everlasting games, because he cannot trust anyone anymore, perhaps not even keeping his closest acquaintances close to themselves.

The relationships, like manipulation, unveiled acts can still be occupied by an abnormal body, as well as the thinning body built from the cells of instincts. A vain lover is also a wounded heart that makes a loyalty vow, and for some reason, ten years away, a single question, when a final break is made: "Why did we fall in love with each other?! Do you remember yet?! Look into my tearful eyes and say you loved it at a particular universe! "

In the willful sea of ​​determination, emotional storms were raging in groups and could only be very, very difficult to dampen; Thousands of trials can no longer be endured, tolerated by the human soul, which eagerly thirst for empathy-tolerance just like the absolute love.

The clamping compulsion now voluntarily puts a soul into the body, a mind into thoughts; Perhaps once, the human turn, the restless stress-voltage, which occasionally has mood breaks, will be finally overwhelmed, and as nature changes day by day, minute by minute. Many times it would be so welcoming for a heart -born, redeeming smile to give up a reconciled human interior, which is united with itself.
Nehal Mar 9
You look like the star Sirius,
Leading to my attachment serious.
You are a beauty by the outside,
Question unasked of the inside.
The hair of yours I want to adore,
The nose I want to touch without rapture,
Your feelings I want to capture,
You as my partner I want to feature,
The idealization I want out of my nature.
Nika Vovich Mar 9
Let that star explode and scatter
In the dark and hollow sky.
It will bear love’s name, yet matter—
Love, like all, must fade and die.

But one day, a spark will glisten,
Echoed deep within the heart.
And the soul will wake and listen,
Torn from sleep, to never part.

Dreams will rise, though scorched and broken,
In a heart once burned before.
Yet let’s not forget this token:
Only one love lasts evermore.
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