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Bonnie 1m
My father, rise up from your slumber, Defy the chains of death’s decay, Let not corruption hold you, Since it stole your breath away.

Rise and haunt my private musings, And forever guide my choice, In your absence, yet keep close, Beset me with your voice.

I need your trusted aegis, To banish infant fears, Though the clock’s relentless ticking, Has aged me past your years.

In silence, we coexist, Our secrets softly lie, Rise again, father, visit me, Linger, tarry, utter not goodbye.
When we lose a parent, they are never gone from our thoughts, their remembered words and secrets are with us for all of our lives.
© BonnieBayGallery 2025
Reece 2h
It always moves,
Whether we like it to,
Or not.
We can’t control it,
And our influence,
Pales to its might.
Through all our wars,
Where we fought,
And people died.
What never changed,
The somber dance,
Of time.
We take its hand,
And hope we can keep up,
As we falter,
It grinds us into a fragile shell,
Filled with heartache,
Like a snowflake,
An assaulter.
Some are accepting,
Other terrified,
Such as myself,
They try amending,
Their mistakes,
That they made,
In the past.
Can’t change it now.
We keep on moving,
No other choice,
Just keep on keeping on,
Hoping that the madness makes sense,
As we grow,
Because we know,
Time only moves forward,
As it always has.
Time is our biggest enemy.
Winter 2h
Have I died
Albeit in your eyes
Unfairly, I take my leave
Almost as if
you never knew me

Fated by death's scorn
I desperately try to live on
To take on new forms
Yet, I just bleed
more and more

only whispers of a time
remain, I'll say my farewell
then... But
my selves scream into
your silence.
Jan 2023 archives
Home is not home.
Home should be safe.
Home should be warm,
a refuge, a haven, a light in the storm.

Home should be love,
gentle hands, soft words,
a place where hearts are heard.

Home should not be fear.
Not shadows creeping down the hall,
not silence heavy, cold, and small.
Not walls that whisper cruel goodnights,
not the sting of words or hands clenched tight.

Home should be safe.
Not a place where pain resides,
where truth is twisted, love divides.
Not where voices crack like whips,
or where exhaustion grips and grips…

Home should be safe.
Home should be bright.
Home should be laughter spilling through the night.
Home should be warmth, should be rest,
should be peace where weary hearts nest.

Home should be safe.
Home should be home.
The echoes hum of paths not taken,
soft as sighs the wind has spun,
whispers trace the dreams forsaken,
things undone, the race unrun.

A fleeting glance, a step unsteady,
a hand not held, a word unsaid,
a love that lingered, never ready,
a spark that burned but quickly fled.

The door half-open, never entered,
the letter lost upon the tide,
a name once spoken, now surrendered,
to silence deep and time denied.

Regret, a shadow, lingers lowly,
mourning what we failed to claim,
yet life moves on, though sad and slowly,
softly sighing just the same.
FS-30 5h
Grief and time is a paradox.
It feels like yesterday
You left me without a trace,
And yet it seems like forever
Since I’ve seen your face.
Your soul is lost, and that pains me so.

Had I come sooner, it wouldn't be so.

Now I'm adrift, with no where to
Against the freeze, absent from bonfire night,
As even owls and sparrows huddle close,
And pull their feathers tight in winter's plight.
The bison amble; shake in icy throes.

The silent heavens, opal black at rest,
Beneath the moon, on winter's longest night,
Away from parts of town in merry fest,
Fluttering candle, quiet drink in sight.

In silent, sleepy town with slanted roofs
Behind the glass of ale, he drowns himself,
His frosty breath like pious censer poofs,
That rises heavens ward; away from help.

Awaiting midnight bell, he tightens wool,
And hears the dogs at moon and winter howl,
The slates, a creak, beneath the snowfall full,
As window carries gleeful hoots of owl.

Across from dwindling candle, shaky flame,
Like trembling hands, their skin so cracked and thin,
His restless eyes that slip in hiding shame
And soft his murmurs, whispers holy hymn.

In empty tavern, far from merry hearth,
He rises up the chair to fill his mug,
The keg as drips some ale, like tears from north,
Like twinkling butterfly, a languid song.

A dream so swirls before his open eyes,
About a lass, a moonlight pale her sight,
And deep like ocean, kohl adorns the eyes,
Her hair like raven feathers, dark like night.

He drinks the ale to warm his ancient bones
And choke his dream, and guilt in single stroke,
Like beadsman kept awake by sinner's don,
At midnight chime, he slips out, cold in cloak.

He gauges ice through half a pallid eye,
While thumbing beard and thirty beaded pearls,
And spies through wooden walls, a mother's sigh,
The icy mud through moonlight rainbow swirls.

Through dingy alley, smelling drunk and old,
He stumbles towards open graveyard gates,
To blooms of spring ornate in iron cold,
His dearest Margret's grave, in snow she waits.

Uneven cobblestones, they try to trip,
Between the headstones full of cracks and moss,
While frozen ice from weeping statues drip,
As wilted blossoms reek of mournful loss.

He walks among the silent weathered tombs,
And pulls the cloak to ward the bitter cold,
The ravens linger, grooming blackest plume,
Alone he treads, his footsteps lost and snowed.

The tender snow on hair like feather blow,
That hides in whites of ages bygone far,
With almost loving hands, he shifts the snow,
And lays the rose, carnation blooms like scars.

The marble angels, bright like cornice carved
And granite gargoyles, black of moonless nights,
From corners snarl and glare, for woe his starved,
As yew so looms on side like sentry knight.

Pretending not to share his gloom around,
He lays the softest kiss on Margret's stone,
The windless night, a shawl of stillness round,
To choke away his tears—like petals, blown.

"O Margret! thirty years have flown away,
Yet each and every breath has bled torment,
The sunlight lost its warmth, within a day,
Without your sight, the grace of moonlight's spent.

O Margret, I wasn't there, at your side,
Your last and final breath, without me slipped,
My Margret, I am sorry, I did hide,
For how was I to watch your light be nipped.

Dear Margret! hear my bones so creaky old,
My lovely lass, with sweet and argent heart,
Dear lady, I am weary, hurt and cold,
So, take me; give me warmth; my soul restart."

A wind then stirs and sings a song afar,
Without a word, his Margret hums a tune,
He listens long in quiet; eyes the star,
The one that shows him mercy, not too soon.

As dawn through deepest darkness rises up,
The ancient man, his head he lays to rest,
On Margret's tomb, a ghostly lap, on cusp,
And 'morrow, whisper men, "No beat at breast!"
I gave my light,
soft and true,
but hands that took
just let it bruise.

A hand once open,
now worn and sore,
kindness bent
became the floor.
A very strange thing happened. There is a lady in HP, I liked all 16 of her poems because I loved the way they were written.
Alas, she blocked me, thinking I was spam..... lol.
I don’t know whether to laugh or be sad.....😅
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