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It made us feel so happy,
Knowing that you were there,
Whenever we needed someone to talk to
We knew you would always care.

When we would visit to see how you were,
You would look up and smile,
It would bring a tear to our eye,
When we would talk to you for a while.

When we found out that you weren’t feeling well,
We didn’t know what to say,
By then, we couldn’t tell.

Now, your journey has come to an end,
Our hearts go out to you,
We will never forget you,
We will always love you.
"Take a break everyday,
Grieve what burdens you", they said
I chose my tea time
One hour in the evening, everyday
But I do not know why
It never seems to end
When one ends,
The other starts
The sun rises, the sun sets
Day ends, a new day starts
But I have a tea break
That just never ends
Piyush 1d
"Time Is Money"
"Time Is Everything "
They Say, But
What Actually Time Is?

An Expensive Dime?
An Uncontrollable Dine?
Or Maybe It is Unforgettable,
Just Like A Fine Wine.

A Fleeting Moment,Lost In A Grind,
Is It Mine?
Or Is It Of Different Kind?
Maybe It Is Not A Right Time,
To Understand Time.

Or Maybe What I'm Doing Now
Is Another Example Of "Waste Of Time".
Malcolm 1d
Fingertip reaches—rose glass-fractured sky,
but the world keeps turning, indifferent, blind.
We watch, we wait, we sift through the fallen ashes—
searching for warmth in a fire long gone.

Ghosts of wanting drift through the ebb,
feet sinking in time’s marrow-thick river.
Clawing at the hilltop, slipping, gasping—
but do we climb or just fall slower?

Love hums then shatters,
echoes down corridors we dare not tread.
The oaken river swallows its dead,
birds fall southward, wings brittle with regret.

Winter comes for all—darkness too.
Light flickers, just out of reach,
a mirage for the desperate, the reckless,
those who still run, still chase, still bleed.

But what if the answers unravel the mind?
What if understanding breaks us instead?
What if we lose ourselves,
seeking someone else to make us whole?

Is life’s significance just a joke told in passing,
laughter drowned in the howl of the void?
If misery loves company,
why do so many stand alone?
Copyright Malcolm Gladwin
March 2025
Wanderers on the Edge
What’s meant stays,  
quiet and sure.  
True love waits,  
even when we turn away.  
What isn’t ours  
like water,  
gone before we know it.
....sun will rise tomorrow
Shadow 2d
Even the most beautiful of sunsets
Still fail in comparison to your smile
It's forever in my mind
Even if I haven't seen it in a while
It used to be the first thing I woke up to each day
But now its only in my memories
Wish it would just go away
“What is treading on eggshells”
(I’m trying to define it)

Maybe it’s:
When a question is perceived as a judgement?

This is the point in a relationship where, you first sense, that you’re views or actions are not entirely welcome;
The moment where mutual trust evaporates, and you realise that acting in someone’s best interests, has become an intrusion; not necessarily because you overstepped the mark; but because you were perceived to do so, and that this is the moment where joyful innocence, morphs into trepidation and uncertainty.

From this point on, you’ll probably be spending a lot of time, being hyper vigilant of your own words and actions; so not to be perceived as intrusive or offensive.

In conclusion, what you’ve lost!…is your freedom!
and what they’ve lost!…is your honesty and innocence.
Piyush 2d
A Glance So Sharp, It Cut Me Deep,
Her Eyes Of Pride, No Words To Speak.
The Silence Grew, So Cold And Clear,
Her Eyes Were Strong, I Felt The Fear.
No Words Could Close The Gap Between,
I Turned Away, Wishing To Be Unseen.

After Weeks Of Silence, I Stepped Outside,
She was Walking By With A Smile And Sigh.
She Spoke Of Her Day; Her Laughter Was Free,
I Listened In Wonder, Lost In The Sea.

Just A Few Minutes,Yet It Felt Like A Dream,
I Wonder, Is It Love, Or Am I Still In A Dream?
Differences Were There, Differences Are Here; Still Trying To Be Closer, I Will Always Be Near.
But The Wait Is Too Long With No Chance To Show, Heart Felt Heavy With The Hope To Grow.
Yet In This Uncertainty, A Light Starts To Shine,
Whispers Of Possibility, Perhaps She Will Be Mine.
Hope you like it and that ending of the poem is stupid so just ignore it.
Ankush 3d
I trusted your name,
So You never killed me,
Never I did either.
What do you have to say ?

I killed you.
And I made you suffer.

I was 15,
you were same,
I watched your eyes...
And mine in rain,

I am sorry if
You were in pain  ,
my brother ..
you felt that never,

Your eyes were numb,
Nothing that now ,
That makes me better.

I killed you,
my brother...

I was looking at you,
But you were not,

I am not sure if
I missed you a lot.

There was no blood ,
No body.

If you were in fear..
Waiting there,

All in the woods
Staring stairs,

Had I come down then .....
You would not starve then,
Would you have still waited , then?

What do I do now?

Where have you gone .

You killed me ,my brother,
As you made me suffer ,
From the pain you dealt me
I will never be better.
I wrote this poem as a reflection on guilt and the weight of an unchangeable past. The "killing" isn't physical—it's something deeper, an abandonment or a failure that feels just as irreversible. There was no blood, no body, yet the loss was real. The repetition of "my brother" makes it personal, but whether he was real or a part of myself is left unanswered. Could I have done something differently? Would it have changed anything? I don’t know. What I do know is—I will never be better.
Piyush 3d
An Empty Evening,
A Soul Quietly Grieving.
Streetlights Flickering On,
A Feeling That Something Is Gone.

A Fleeting Moment Lost In Day,
A Memory Thrown In The Way.
A Sight To Watch Carefully,
A Love That Dissolved Freely.

A Story Filled With Lies,
A Heart Where Butterflies Rise.
A Boy Who Lost His Sight,
A Girl Who Shines So Bright.

A Bookshelf, Telling Different Stories,
A Window, Showing Different Glories.
A Fight Between Winning And Losing,
A Story Of Earning And Giving.

A Flower That Tries To Stay,
Even When The Sun Fades Away.
Holding On With All Its Might,
Even When It Loses The Fight.

A Cliffhanger, Before The Night,
A Feeling Which Was Right.
Slow Rain Coming From Her Eyes,
A Boy Who Never Even Tried.
Last Part From Note Series
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