New day, new haiku!
This one is for Ariadnê, the Cretan Princess who is heavily associated with Labyrinths. She is also seen as a goddess to some to!
This haiku alludes to Theseus and the Minotaur to which Ariadnê is included in. She supposedly fell for Theseus and helped him to slay the Minotaur and they eloped but he left her. There are many variants of why, her being in a relationship with Dionysus (lover and in some his wife also) or that he was bored of her.
Even so, this haiku does hint to the Minotaur with the first and last line (threads have also become her symbol also) and Dionysus with the second line. The second line also hints her natural seduction also which I imagine Theseus and Dionysus found her to be too!
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection: back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜