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D'Arcy Sahn Jan 2015
Cerebellum grey
Decorates the promenade
At least my cat feasts
Oh homicide, how you amuse me to no end.
ryn Jan 2015
How are you?
I'm alright I guess...

Where do we begin?
Maybe at the start of this mess.

Are you uncomfortable?
I can't say that I'm not.

Is it your past?
Well it's all I've got.

Do you still get nightmares?
Well I used to...

Will you let them show?
Depends on you...

What do you hope to accomplish?
I don't know... Peace of mind?

Would you have done things differently?
Everyone wants the chance to push "rewind".

Care to elaborate?
Let's just say I would've liked to be braver.

What do you mean?
I should've stood up to my father...

Did he abuse your trust?
He did more than just that...

Rob you of your freedom?
Let's see... His belt, cigarettes and also boiling water out of a vat.

Do you wish him ill?
I wished him dead.

"Wished"? his bed.

Why "wished"?
Because I wanted that then...

For how long?
Since I was ten.

What about now?
Maniacal smile) I am now... At peace.

"At peace"?
I have found release.

You have?
Yes... I couldn't resist the urge.

Urge to do what?
To comply with the voice... "
Freedom...lies in the purge..."

You left your father?
Yes but not before...

Go on...*
Not before I slit his throat with a smile on my face as I shut the door...
Inspired a programme I watched on the crime channel.
Null Jan 2015
They told me you could overdose on pain killers,
But I only assumed they meant sleeping pills, prescriptions, and medicines
However I managed at my own fault
to overdose on the way you laughed, the deep color of your eyes, and the intoxication of your skin on mine
Now here I'm left drug less and aching with your memories.
MysteryBear Jan 2015
Some people believe that dreams warn us

Others believe that its depictions of your subconscious

I had a dream of of our lips pressed against each other
Me laid under you,
Watching your lips curl up with every touch
But then you started chasing me
The look on your face was not the same
The tension was heavier
The knife was sharper

I woke up in fear
*And turned over in bed
To see the same smile I fell in love with
Love is trusting them not to hurt you
thecitylife Jan 2015
you're a killer
you **** in silence
your brown eyes shine
and everyone's locked
on you.
you have that bright smile
the words that can change minds
we all fell under your spell
for you to break
and for you to crush
our naive souls
one by one.
i recently got away
from the trance I was in
made me wonder why i was there in the first place
when I saw your ugly skin
your brown eyes shone
with pleasure from our stupidity
your wicked lips continued to play
a mean game
no one noticed
you were sending us to hell
with your soft words
and your teasing laugh
you were a monster
that destroyed everything in its path
not for anything particular, felt like writing something a little "scary"
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
As I lay dying,
  You  choose
       to  pull
I grieve to run from the man with the gun but I must.
I guess I just figure he's to light on that trigger to trust.

He wouldn't think twice in fact he'd rather rejoice to shoot me
So I'd sooner take flight, scoot off into the night to be free.

Who is this guy who would see me die? I'm not sure!
But while he's around I will be underground, insecure!

I just know that I think that there is a real link and he's wise.
And he knows what I took he could see by the look in my eyes.

He was engrossed in the thrill as he fed on his **** in the park.
And he couldn't see me standing behind that tree in the dark.

When my camera did flash I then made a mad dash to the rear.
Out of harms way is where I want to stay, not in fear.

It was my big mistake to take a picture and break for the run.
I can't ever be free for he's following me with a gun.

Something that I must face is I am now in the race of my life.
With a picture, that failed I cannot get him jailed, now that's strife.

For my chaser don't know and he won't let me go, it's his new thrill.
For the Reaper you see is coming for me and will ****.

So I run and I run from the man with the gun aimed at me.
I will bob and I'll weave, there's no place I won't leave to be free.

To avoid an attack I'll grow eyes in the back of my head.
But I can settle nowhere because I do not care to be dead.

I know he wouldn't listen even with my admission of no proof.
He would still load that lead into the back of my head, that's the truth!
13th December 2014
Hunter K Dec 2014
She screams,
Wishing it was all just a dream,
But it keeps going on,
She never wakes up with a yawn,
It was all real,
And it certainty wasn't her ideal
day to seal.

Life says goodbye,
As the life in her goes dry,
What a world it is,
Even if it was never his,
Blood stained on his hands,
As he runs off to new lands,
Guilt in his eyes.

The girl dead,
A crack in her head,
Bones broken all over,
In her pocket a four leaf clover,
A shame it brought her no luck,
As her demons have already struck.

So alone,
About to be pelted with stones,
The boy pushes on,
Already gone,
He knows what he has done,
And it was no fun,
Living with the guilt inside him,
Forever grim.
Poetic T Dec 2014
Christmas is upon the masses
The white flakes fall, but
Upon the crisp white
A puddle frozen of crimson red,
Baubles of the deceased
Upon a branch, eyes bleed
Eyes, cracked within, as blood
Drips between the cracks,
He hangs them with tinsel rope
Glistening in the sun,
"Merry Christmas"
Still fresh from the cut
Blood like a leaking tap
Upon pristine snow,
"He is the tinsel hanger"
He waits until the white covers
Then he begins his
Christmas list,
He thinks them naughty in is eyes
So they now sway above the ground,
There is not always one,
For what is a tree with but
More must adorn a single tree,
"Happy Christmas"
"Died Smiling"
"Jolly Dead"
Were his trademarks upon dead flesh,
Birds perch upon limp shoulders
Pecking, upon the dead,
The last things heard,
As he records his crime,
"Please don't **** us"
"Have a heart"
"A heart"
And then there is but muffled sound
Lifelessness now upon the ground,
Another Bauble
For him to hang with tinsel
Above the freshly powdered ground,
He is the Tinsel hanger
He thinks the white gives purity
To his twisted deeds
Pray* that your not just left
A Christmas bauble,
Above freshly white snow, because
You'll not be alone this cold night,
Family will also be hanging around, tinsel  shimmering off *moonlight.
Luna Elora Dec 2014
Please don't misinterpret what I have to say
But you're a killer.
What I mean is- You've killed me.
Though I may walk, talk,and breathe
I do not smile. I do not laugh. I cry.
Baby, let's not lie. I'm not alive.
You've murdered my soul
Slaughtered my emotions
And left only grief.
Which hangs above my head like a storm cloud
Waiting to rain on my parade every day.
And you're the cause.
I hate you

You've made me smile. You've made me laugh. Then you took it all away.
I hate your guts

He no longer dances with pride. She wallows and sobs all night and day.

Her heart no longer beats.

He no longer cares.
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