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My ink bleeds when I give words to your silence.
My ink bleeds when I complement your presence.
My ink bleeds when I'm depressed by your absence.
Your eyes hold mysteries that I would love to untangle.
Happiness fills up the space inside your heart.
Until it finds a way to crawl out.
And beautifully express itself as a paragon of art.
It's amazing how these simple words mean so much.
Eyes close then lips gently touch.
I have no need for poetry when I have your touch.
Your love shows me how simply beautiful you are within.
I'm captivated by you - your lips, voice, smile and grin.
And ever since I met you.
I define beauty by only you.
In the rain of your presence my words form a rainbow.
My heartbeat has been replaced with the sound of your name.
Your love dissipated my pain.
Happily looking forward to the memories I am yet to gain.
I'm left paralysed by your voice.
Still amazed by your poise.
I found my true happiness in your eyes.
I hope you won't mind if I stare.
I hope all the beautiful words you yearn to hear.
All make their way to your ear.
My ink bleeds when I'm depressed by your absence.
My ink bleeds when I complement your presence.
My ink bleeds when I give words to your silence.
My ink bleeds when my heart experiences an emotional violence.
My ink bleeds.
Conor Letham Mar 2015
Peering down
an empty bottle
we've begun
a kaleidoscope
full of broken
memories and
twist of tongues
where nights
flash, conducting
awareness to all
and everything,
a glare of mirrors
basked above us
in splendid colour
with my hands
firmly earthed
into yours.
Stray thoughts, unfinished. First nights & last nights.
There's this air in South France
So alive you can almost touch it
Soft enough, it blows away the candles
Numbered seats, train wagons, I wish I had taken with you

Warm hands on my frozen nose
a memory in red burning
Your arms, your hair, my cheeks

There's this air they call it Mistral
So loud and you can almost hold it
Light enough, it carries the grains of sand
Kaleidoscope films, sad endings, I wish you'd wipes away my tears

A stolen kiss in a forgotten dream
A wheel in Marseille, spinning
My scarf, my gloves, your lips
Wind chimes dangle from her ears,
Whispering in sweet clarity all the sounds
Of a riverbed in June, telling you about the sun,
The moon and the stars in a way I never could.

Tell me what she said to make you forget –
You once called me your kaleidoscope.
Ryan V Nov 2014
The moment I saw her I forgot all that I knew,
The sky was green and the grass was blue.
I have been searching for this girl all my life long,
With kaleidoscope eyes as from that old Beatles song.
A girl who would join me in wandering no matter the cost,
Wandering without purpose never to be lost.
Except in her beauty her smile and grin,
Those beautiful eyes desperately dragging me in.
They are as blue and as deep as the Caribbean Sea,
They then seem a light brown as a fresh brewed coffee.
Or are they a shade of dark green,
Glistening with not tears but a playful gleam.
As I look closer they take on a color without a name,
After seeing those eyes I'll never quite be the same.
Many cultures claim the eyes as the door to the soul,
And I found this is true as I saw not just her eyes but her whole.
In those pools of serenity I saw her true heart,
I saw the angel within and then was called to depart.
The harder I fought to stay by her side,
The faster and stronger became the ride.
My heart was broken and my mind befuddled,
As I felt myself being pulled through a long and dark tunnel.  
I awoke with a start and sat up in my bed,
I let out a cry and buried my head.
She has to be real and not just in my mind,
But in the real world she has proved hard to find.
I walk through each day vigilant and aware,
Trying to find the girl with the kaleidoscope stare.
A gathering of familiar faces
Of relatives and of friends
A vexing thought revisited
In the canvas of my dream

From the inner recesses
Out of the blue
Objects, characters and emotions
Enact the play in my mind

Screams and sighs
Echoes of laughter
Chased by a tiger
Fights with that school bully

A medley of thoughts
Hidden desires
Resurface and unfold
In a whole new world

A reverie to remember
Or a nightmare best forgotten
Lost in this maze
Of my minds kaleidoscope

The alarm ring resonates
And I wake up with a start
Befuddled by this conundrum
That they call ‘A Dream’

© copyright skm
Sayan Sen Oct 2014
Up above the sky
A slower reality lies
No boundaries to share
Infinite time to spare
Birds flying
Under kaleidoscopic clouds
Separated from the cacophonous crowd
No memories to haunt
No tomorrow to be worried about
Be as a kaleidoscope
and fractalize the mind.
Embrace the dichroic glass,
and break what limits bind.

Smoother than a marble egg,
yet tempered more than brass,
bemuse yourself entirely
with Millefiori glass.

For in its mystic ampule
birefringent voices dance,
and visions come together
should time befit the chance.

No turn, nor shake, nor twist
can break its hallowed grace.
Acknowledge its diversity
and revel in azoth space.

Its symmetry is blithe at times,
yet stunning through and through,
and dashing through its mirrored hall,
the light shall come to you.

There is beauty in a beam of light.
Caress its warmth and hope.
How wondrous still that beauty grows
with a simple kaleidoscope.
Claire Sep 2014
would the stillness of the earth
be any stiller
if it stopped turning?

starry eyes are more than just
they are kaleidoscopical
refracting streetlight and splitting street lamps into galaxies

severed souls
carefully clustered
and then rapidly freed
amongst widely spread space

it wasn't their kaleidoscope eyes that had their broken hearts
falling apart at the seems,
but their lack of capability to
reflect another pair;
to reciprocate

perhaps the stillness of the earth
would be stiller
if we all stopped moving
to feel it turn

and perhaps your eyes are stars after all.
not sure if this even makes sense, really, but neither does anything else in the world
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