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I still miss your everything.
The way you made me laugh at my most stubborn moments.  
The way you smiled when I was being stupid.  
Your stupid giggle when finding something funny on social media,
Immediately showing me after.
The most beautiful brown eyes I’ve ever seen.  
The color of tigers eye, shining in the sun.  
The features of chiseled mountains that I want to lose myself inside.  
Telling me I will be okay, pushing me to do more for myself.  
Selfless love, yet selfish in all the right ways.  
I just miss you.  

I remember the distance.  
The sleepless nights, wondering if the love was still there.  
It wasnt for a long time, yet you knew that.  
You hurt me most by pretending to be present.
Like a highschooler in class, barely putting in enough effort to graduate.  
I was just a passing lesson in your life,
Although I wish I was more.
From me you learned how to love properly,
Your next will be blessed.  
You learned patience, because thats all I was able to be with you.  
You learned selflessness, I gave all I had to you (my mistake)
You learned loyalty, yet you never were to me.  
You learned consequence, of losing what you loved all along, but not being capable of keeping.  

You have yet to learn to live without me,
Seeing me with someone new.  
You dont know what its like to miss me, because your stubborn nature will tell you its weakness.  
You have yet to apologize, because you hurt me deeper than youve said sorry for.  

And although these words will never reach your beautiful tiger eyes, I will always love you.  
You stupid idiot.
José Dec 2018
Well this is my goodbye letter to the world. So today mark as 6 months with my girlfriend. But guess what? she dump me a week before we made  6 months. She told me things i didn't even know, Like cheat on me. It okay, it hurt because everything i did was my fault. I mean i'm not killing myself because of a girl. My reason are my choices in life. I could have been a better person for one. Then knowing she cheated on me and it funny because one of her friend told me it was my best friend she cheat on me with. It show my worth  because i don't believe her or my best friend. By knowing that it close my case knowing my worth. I wish things could have been better but look what i'm going to do on Christmas. I'm trying to overdose. I try last night but really woke up at 3 pm.  Other reason is no one care about me. I wish people did care but i always ruin it. She move on that quick and blame on me for replacing her. I didn't wish she knew that. Well I'm useless and worthless.  I know people say it going to get better but it really isn't it getting hard to live and wake up. I just hope people know i'm going to go to a better place.
- Jose Avalos sging out
parsleyboi Dec 2018
it wasnt easy
passing you in the hallways
it wasnt easy  
watching things go on without me there
it wasnt easy
feeling alone
it wasnt easy doing what i did
but i wasnt going to ruin anything else
it still isnt easy
i see you in the halls
i see you with them being perfectly okay
i'm still alone
no one has ever really stood by me
i wish you had
mal monson Dec 2018
currently i feel like downing my 90 day supply of fluoxetine, the 30ish days of sleep meds i have left, all my moms pills, and the hydrocodone we have left, take a bath, and slice my skin till im nothing but cuts
im not going to act on anything, i just needed it out. im sorry
Timber Dec 2018
Revenge is a absolute *****.
You were poison to my life,
an absolute glitch;
but i love you.

I'm so sorry for everything,
please forgive me,
everything will be okay in the end
i know.
i know i'm sorry okay….
i know.

Stay out of my life.
You ate my mac and cheese.
A small work for my Honars American Comp. and Lit Class.
Nate Helwig Dec 2018
She was mine,
A delight.
She, woken up to morning light.
Me, woken up to she.
We had loved the days,
My ray of sunshine,
She had loved me, stay.
Love cannot persevere
All the time.
She was there, time after time.

Not all good things can last,
Pain brewed from the past,
Mashed against the wall.
Us, hoping to forget it all.

Before a move was made,
Love was left behind.
She knew he had lied,
He knew she wouldn't, stay.

Love, left there, untouched.
Him, a crutch.
Her, left there.

Right away, he "moved on"
But wished to forget

Impossible to forget,
She left.

Impossible to forget,
He was left.

All the time.
She was there, time after time.
Let's grow old, this time
This time.
Paige Error Nov 2018
To the man who broke me,
People kept telling me I let you do it. That I shouldn't have let you hold me close when I knew you were so clumsy. I wanted to scream in opposition. I wanted desperately for them to see from my perspective. I wished upon a thousand stars for someone anyone to just listen and tell me it was not my fault. Days went by, then weeks, months, a year, two years. I was drowning in their words, thick as molasses. Frantically clawing at the truth trying to keep my grasp on reality. My inner demons with jagged, crooked smiles ripped me from my goal. I was swept away plummeting to the bottom of a sea of lies. You can find me there trying to swim to the surface only to find a cement bag tied to my leg impeding any progress. With each attempt I fall tired and more submissive to the blame that surrounds me. Until I found it easier to lay down and let their words become my reality. My life became an ocean of blame all laid neatly upon my shoulders. So now when I apologize for everything just know its years of conditioning and now that I've finally found people who assure me that it was not my fault know that I'm trying to believe it isn't but the voices in my head won't stop screaming that it is.
~ a broken soul
Paige Error Nov 2018
I'm Sorry.
This simple phrase
has been burnt into my head
after years of believing everything
bad that happened was my fault. Simply
because you blamed me for every little thing.
Here they never let me blame myself for the
little things. Even though I apologize for
almost everything. Slowly with time
I have started to repeat another
simple little phrase
Thank you.
Brian Hoffman Nov 2018
It’s not you’re fault, but my own
I shouldn’t have let you go
My heart just turned stone cold
It was time unfortunately our love was bound to unfold
Two completely different directions we separated slowly, but surely on our own
Each night I lie awake reminiscing about our past experiences
You were my first true heartache
I’m sorry for I have caused the skies to break upon you
Knowing I wasn’t enough eventually I’d ***** things up
You were my only love sometimes it just eats me up  
I can’t change the past, but I hope I can fix the future
I truly do miss her
Breaking every bit every inch of your beautiful untamed soul
We separated as we watched the world around us grow
You once were my whole
Now I’m stuck here tearing up on my bedside alone
I’ve lost true love once not knowing if I’ll find it again
She was my muse everything I needed more than friend
My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprisingly funny how often they head in your direction. You may be out of my sight, but you’re never out of my mind.
D A W N Oct 2018
how could a person
ever muster the courage
to say
"im sorry."
when he's used to saying
"i forgive you."
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