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Spooky Babe May 2017
It's been 1 year, 3 months & 1 day
And our paths have finally crossed again
I'm speechless without knowing what to say
But I know I don't want this feeling to end

One day we laid together in your bed
And that's when you closed your eyes
In that moment no words were said
Yet I had to hold in all of my overdue cries

I smiled as I looked at your face
And I felt so relieved and complete  
That I finally had to no longer chase
The boy I was so desperate to remeet

Rather than crying I chose to lay
Next to my favorite person ever
I held him close, eager to relish this day
I swear nothing has ever felt better
For the love of my ******* life X
May 17, 2017 1:04am
Bekka Apr 2017
All my life I have wanted to be him
the one who was there
the one who can go fast
so fast
it was him
only him
Christina L Jun 2016

you don't know me
but I'm the ******* the other end of his phone.
The one nervously waiting for him to text me that he's back home
saying that he had a good time but was glad to be in bed.
I'm the one who holds him when he has a bad day
the one who reassures him that I'll always love him
the one who fell head over heels for him
for his weird quirky dorky nerdy self.
That's me.
Please don't take him away from me,


lonleyflowerx May 2016
all I know is that all the mirrors have been smashed-
I finally got tired of looking into them
and trying to figure out what it is about me,
that makes me so easy to forget
Jumpsuitriot Feb 2016
Your bright blue eyes,
Shined bright in the midnight sky.
I could feel your heart beat as I lay on your chest,
Not knowing what would happen next.
You sit up, run your fingers through my hair,
And gave me a sensational kiss, and said you loved me
I knew then that you really did care.
I forgot about all my previous scars,
As we continued to look at the stars.
I thought I knew what love was before,
But now I realize,
There was something else in store.
Mia Cleary Nov 2015
His name burns when I write it, and feels heavy when I speak it.
Yet, he conducts my heart to beat the loudest.
I'll go to my grave thinking he deserves firework eyes over dinner tables and hands that hold, rather than shake.
I love him too much to let him think for one solitary second that I could ever live without him.
I fell in love with the way his hands fell around my neck,
forever leaving my breath staggering.
I will forever think of him when the sea is still
and the only light is the moon,
because with him, everything in the world stood still,
and even in my darkest moments
he was my light.
Blurryface Aug 2015
I love you.
And I don't mean I love you like I love
 my favorite music.
And I don't mean I love you like I love
long car rides.
And I don't mean I love you like I love
breakfast food.
And I don't mean I love you like I love
sleeping in.
And I don't mean I love you like I love
 brown eyes.
And I don't mean I love you like I love
my pets.
And I don't mean I love you like I love

I am deeply and hopelessly in love with you.
I love you with a love that consumes me and controls my entire life.
 I love you.

Maybe I love him too much...
Cat Fiske May 2015
I loved him
because I couldn't love myself,

I loved him
because he was showing me how to love me,

I loved him,
because he knew the me no one else could see,

I loved him
because he saw me, for me, and no one else's reflection

I loved him
because he pulled me out into the sunshine I was missing out on,

I loved him
because he watches me recover and helps me get though,

I loved him
because he remembered my eyes were brown and not blue,

I loved him
because his hair was the long hair I didn't have,

I loved him
because I played with the hair while I sobbed on his shoulders,

I loved him
because I cried and he comforted me, when I upset him and me,

I loved him
because he never got angry with me

I loved him
because he never threatened me for ****** needs,

I loved him
because he took things at my pace,

I loved him,
because he never raised his open or closed hand,

I love him,
because I feel safe.
my baby
I am myself Feb 2015
I like your skin.
The temperature is different
Than mine.

In you
I see
An extension
Of myself

A part of my being
In another form
Opposite me

I adore you
Every inch
And curve
Every thought

We are different
And the same
Shared spirits
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