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Ineffable Soul Feb 2018
Inside's a secret
Nobody knows
It cuts
It stabs
No scars to be shown

Once was a time
when the only escape
was holding onto
some concrete sedate
It gave some perception
The psyche turned to hate
So long as it helped pain alleviate

Till came the time
of ultimate surrender
A battle lost
to a deranged contender
When avoidance and denial
gave way to reality and peace
A newfangled manner
less passive aggressive defeats

From captivity to resurrection
In a river brimming
with aspirations and mutual beliefs

Still it cuts
Still it stabs
Still no scars to be shown
Inside's a secret no one will truly know...
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2018
If someone told me when I was young,
That I would grow up to be,
A drug addict I would have said,
"Impossible, no way, not me!"

When we are kids we don't realize,
How far we will go to fill the space,
We want peace but don't understand,
The consequences we then face.

The pain it slowly changes us,
We do what we can to ease the sting,
As a child, no one tells you
The world is full of suffering.

We all get caught up in the struggle,
And amidst the constant ache,
We somehow start to lose ourselves;
Something inside of us starts to break.

We feel like we have no choice,
But to fill this empty hole,
With whatever we can find,
So desperate, we lose control.

Our desire to numb ourselves,
Becomes our biggest downfall,
We cover up the grief in our hearts,
With ***, drugs, and alcohol.

We find a crutch to lean on,
To help relieve us of our sorrow,
But what you use to get through today,
Will make you feel worse tomorrow.

At first it's every once in awhile,
But sooner than you think, it's routine,
And you are drowning in addiction,
Deeper than a submarine.

You begin to feel hopeless and lost,
You forfeit the person you were,
Running in circles, chasing the high,
Until the days become one big blur.

You hope that this is just a bad dream,
You don't know how much more you can take,
You want to escape the nightmare.
You can't, you're already awake.

You've exhausted every resource,
Your energy, money, and time,
You find yourself behind a wall,
That is impossible to climb.

You want to reach out to someone,
But are unable to budge,
You are too scared to share your secret,
Because even loved ones will judge.

So you keep your habit concealed,
And try to hold yourself together,
Determined not to fall apart,
This storm you continue to weather.

You want to be normal again,
Tired of feeling alone,
So you try to wean yourself down,
But your tolerance has grown.

It doesn't matter how much you have,
It always leaves you needing more,
No amount you can buy will be enough,
To stop the battle and win the war.

So ****** fatigued from fighting,
Wearied by the constant combat,
Wondering how you will get your next fix,
And when you do; the one after that.

You become a slave, you give into,
Your body's every demand,
Too proud to ask for help because,
No one could possibly understand.

The longer you hide your wounds,
The more it hurts, blood is shed,
This endless cycle has you trapped,
In a prison built in your own head.

Eventually, the day will come,
When you spend all your cash,
You lost your job now everything,
You hold dear has turned to ash.

But still you do whatever it takes,
Borrow from friends and family,
Swear that this time you'll pay them back,
The drug becomes first priority.

Guilty, you already know you can't,
Pay back the loan, how can you when,
Every last dollar you come
Up with gets spent on ******?

You spin stories and you lie,
Until no one trusts a word you say,
And you don't recognize yourself,
The old you has been thrown away.

You sold all your belongings,
Whatever didn't sell is in pawn,
There are only two options when
All other support is gone.

Option one: become a *******,
Sell your body on the streets,
Accept money from strangers,
In exchange for time between the sheets.

Option two: be a thief and steal,
Any items you can get a hold of,
Taking from anyone that you can,
Even if it hurts those you love.

This is where you hit rock bottom,
Sometimes that's what it takes to see,
That the only way upwards,
Is to create your own Option Three.

You finally have had enough,
You decide to take control,
A life without substances,
Becomes your one and only goal.

You're willing to do whatever it takes,
To be free of this poisonous drug,
Even if you die trying to
Climb out of this grave you have dug.

You've made up your mind, you've had enough,
You realize all you have lost,
It's clear the feeling dope produces,
Isn't worth the very high cost.

You put down the needle for good and
Say goodbye to the dark world you hate.
You vow to no longer live your
Life in a catatonic state.

The first part is hardest: detox.
Withdrawal is the worst kind of pain,
Three sleepless days and nights of hell,
Erupting in your body and brain.

But once you make it over the ****,
It gets easier, I swear!
Each day the weight of addiction,
Becomes lighter and lighter to bear.

In time you will learn to shut out,
The voice that lives in your head,
You won't crave drugs anymore,
When you're done you crave love instead.

Just look at me, I'm living proof,
That it's possible to return,
To the life you had before,
But first patience you must learn.

You will never be who you were
Before the drugs changed you inside,
Being broken makes you stronger,
Faded track marks are nothing to hide.

You are more beautiful now,
And despite what most say is true,
You do not have to always be
An addict. You can just be you.
Sorry for how long it is, I have been working on this since Christmastime! This is a very honest piece about how some of us have to live. You always have a choice!
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2018
It breaks my heart.
But I can't blame you for choosing your first love over your second.
I knew she was still a part of your life and I somehow foolishly believed that you just needed time to see how much you cared for me.
I have given you everything and you give everything you have to her, while in return she just takes and takes.
How is that fair?
Two stupid souls wasting their lives on a feeling they both know will continue to go unreturned.
Yet they still keep pushing their hearts into the clumsy hands of the selfish and broken.
You will keep giving forever until there is nothing left of you to give.
I would have too, but I realized I would rather not share the lonely heart in my chest than waste it on the undeserving.
Maybe one day you too will stop wasting your love, on the girl who stole your heart all those years ago but who never once showed you what loving really means.
I really don't blame you for choosing her.
We have chemistry, but you two have history.
After all,
You were in love with ****** a long time before you fell in love with me.
Not that good but just venting right now. I never thought I would have to go through a break up again. But then again I never really knew who you were.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2018
I don't blame you for
Your choice. ****** loved you
Long before I did.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2018
I guess I always
Knew in the end you would
Choose drugs over me.
After almost five years I am finally done being put second and although it breaks my heart and kills me I can't let you keep both of us anymore.
▪◇▪ ▪◇▪

her cough
is a song

her silence
is that of healing

i hope
i hope

she is here
near enough
for me to hear

the sighs
i welcome her sighs
tired bones

i send hugs
to the next room
blow sweet kisses

there will be
no acknowledgement
it matters not

her cough
is a song
to me


Copyright © 2017.
Christi Michaels.
MoonFlower-Fluer de Luna
All Rights Reserved.
Rob Sandman Dec 2017
Started off simple you were smokin joints with your mates,
14years old hangin around at the school gates,
a juvenile delinquent,little pain in the ***,
a father at 15 grew up way too fast,
the Irish system failed you,kicked you out at 16,
moved in with your girl,a baby raised by 2 teens,
no real education so crime is your path,
tried your hand at a blag+ended up in pats(Irish Juvenile Detention),

So whats the matter sonny? life's not like the flicks,
criminals get caught,so get used to the nick,
but **** it now you're 18 thinkin' you're an O.G.,
and when you end up in the joy(Mountjoy Prison) you say listen to me,
got your apprentices in robbin,sellin poppin off fightin,
feelin like a crime titan,think you're Irelands mike tyson,
do a few more blags court dates count up,
another girl gets pregnant so the problems mount up

"I've seen the needle and the damage done, a Syringe in a Vein is like a loaded gun"

You could get a job,but **** that work's for dopes,
you spend your days dodging court dates,bangin' out dope,
snortin coke with your mates,all hard as nails,
while the real crims sit back and count their sales
all you are is a customer,forget the smiles,
there'll be another fool parted from his money in a while,
your mate johno flipped out from a long coke binge,
now he's sittin in the john o gods(Christian Rehab centre),shivering and cringin',

That'll never be you,you got a real game plan,
got a cousin who's a driver on Securicor vans,
so you hire out a shotgun,on with the bally(Balaclava),
hit the van in broad daylight,and run for an alley,
but guess whats waiting? a Special Branch team(Armed Gardai),
get the **** on the ground! is what they all just scream,
now you're banged up bigtime,a 10yr stretch
got your first bag of gear(Irish name for Smack) from a kid named fletch

"well every cloud's got a silver lining  these years,
the only silver you see is tin foil for your gear,
you gave your life for a buzz that passed way to soon,
its only now you get to see the dark side of the spoon"

well its release day,Seven years down the line,
three years in remission for good behaviour time
went in the Joy a teenager,comin out a man,
with a habit that's longer than a nuns,*******
went from hash and pills to a sharper doom
your life's over,now you're on the dark side of the spoon

so you slip into the underworld,but no more blags,
robbers don't trust junkies,and your hooked through the bag,

you whine about your bad breaks,how you coulda been big,
cos you're a shadow of yourself man,smack is a pig
you're too busy to contemplate,its rob,rob,rob,
and your arms are fulla craters,so there's still no job,
you got your girl hooked too man,ain't you great,
you look at life through eyes gummed up with hate,
social welfare have put you on a methadone course,
but that ***** just as bad,it just makes you worse,

your lifes flying by now in a haze of drugs,
morphine,Oxy,blueys(******) anything for a buzz,
Skip on a few years...**** what does it matter,
days pass like mist,the gears all that matters
your girlfriends screamin' ,babies long gone,
for both of you the needle sings a sad sad song,
look behind ya - your progress is as straight as a die,
another Irish ****** ****** up your life til you die,

The smack dealers are laughin' ,Politicians don't care,
you're a skinny,pale sweaty robbin' smack nightmare,
you gave away your whole life for the solace of a spike,
it didnt cost 4million,its cheap,it cost a life(the Spire in Dublin cost 4 Million(at least) to *****, and is coloquially known as "The Spike")

who the **** can you blame?,you made your own decision,
when you first creased a vein with a simple incision,
infusion of the drug is all you care about now,
the Dark side of the Spoon,there's no way out now

Well every clouds got a silver linin' but these years,
the only silver ya see is tinfoil for your Gear,
gave your life for a buzz that passed WAY too soon,
life's over now, you're on the Dark side of the Spoon

This is a distinctly Irish view of the ******/****** Epidemic,
I wrote it over ten years ago and have lost many friends through Overdoses,Disease and misadventure since then,
I have explained some of the "Irish Slang" in it, but hope that people will take the rest in without needing crib notes!,
I am always available to talk if anybody feels that ANY Drug is getting the better of them,
I offer non-judgemental non denominational common sense advice to all,
If you would like to see and hear The Dark Side of the Spoon put to music with a Slideshow video I put together many years ago here is the link,
please comment and let us know what you think!
Seline Mui Dec 2017
Her anxious legs, her body feels the absence of the last smoke, the last snort.

She preps her shot thinking it will be boss but down the drain she goes.

She'll fight her mind, her body, her spirit, but doesn't know which way to go.

So her body decides, as she's screaming in her mind, let me go, let me go!

She preps the needle with the spoon as her priorities are left in the dust.

Everything ice cold but not that hole in her arm, it's slowly trickling out blood.

Seconds bring instant comfort, relieving her restless body and anxious mind.

She cannot bear the withdrawals that come along dragging her behind.

A sharp spear laced in poison detracting delicate skin to bruises and scars.

Unit, by unit, her shot dissipates and every inch of her eagerly awaits to embrace the rush of the high.

As time slips by, the high subsides and she is dry, all insecurities exposed in bare sight.

Panic..on the search..broke..fiending..stealing..robbing..lost loved ones..manipulation..broken promises..

The curse gets worse. It's meaningless synthetic comfort, the happy juice she can never refuse fills her receptors, a matching piece to fit the puzzle

The feeling can't be beat, a silent stream reminding her in her dreams creeping into the sunrise bursting with a desperate scream.

Worry and panic demands her full focus and the lies and deceit don't stop until fear of not having money has subsided. Begging and crying, playing the victim with no rest until she got her fix.

She's not happy, she feels dead. Synthetic pleasure breeds depression, and she's cannot function on her own, she disregards her responsibilities and continues to fail

Her presence overdue, regularly absent she won't pass, she'll miss out on every opportunity or simply won't care for consequences.

Dope is her only interest, where she pours all her energy and effort, she even proposed to forever be a servant, for what she loves most.

So much aggressive energy to remain living, guilt-tripping her lover into enabling her, she get's what she wants.

Time and time again until she drains his resources, with nothing left to give, he starves.

Confusion blocks her judgment as she believes the sickness is out to get her, but she has exhausted her funds too, tired of depending on her dope dictator, wishing to be free from the physical and psychological deterioration.

Her best friend ****** left her for dead, locked her in a cage kicking and screaming.

How much do you really love me?? Fight for me and score some more the funds to feed the fire, exhausted, not a dollar to my name.

Validate me, i'm what you need. I'll give you hugs and kisses, dreams of the childhood you never had.

Leave it all in the past because i'm the high that leaves you in a fragile state, mistake by mistake it's the price you will pay.

Near and far, nodding in and out, constantly chasing the dragon. Familiar pleasure filling the lungs provides the sense of stability blocking out pain and discomfort.

Oblivious to the vicious demise quietly poisoning your body, draining your youth as your life is dictated where the abstinence of dope exaggerates the sickness that overruns as you lose control of your life and question your purpose.

Losing touch with reality, addiction becomes erratic-out of control. You don't recognize the face in the mirror anymore, a slave to an demanding lifestyle draining you from the inside out.

Not sure your reason to keep living, hoping one day you can beat your disease never looking back. The day came, you're tired, you've given up, you need out. Looking back, you've accomplished not a single thing.

Only getting older with more expectations, forced to revaluate your progress, found out to be limited to none. You're so done.

Running with open arms into recovery is the only chance you'll succeed, and to breed your goals and dreams you need to believe. To put in your effort and defeat the beast thats waiting for the chance you slip up and bleed.

Take one day at a time, this is a must, far from simple , but you need to trust.

In yourself, a higher power, an inspiration, will be the motivation to reclaim your life back, claim true happiness, and become the best version of yourself
this is a poem about my personal battle with ****** addiction, hope you enjoy!
Natália Nov 2017
Captain of her fate
****** of her own
She was no longer the poet
She became the poem.
Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
I have known this fool from half way through high school,
And the best part about it is watching the fool replace himself
With the will of gods that only exist in myths,
And the strength of a thousand dead martyrs.
And it's gonna get harder man, it's gonna get a lot harder-
But the longer you remain,
your bones will begin to hold the secrets
On ******* your demons.
The longer you remain,
The endorphins will drift from your veins
And your soul will take their place.
In 2017, at this age,
What normal human being isn't coping with these societal traditions
By forcing their brain into addiction?
These are ancient laws of man, transcending modern knowledge.
Evolution made us capable of questioning our origin or divinity,
And some dare say that an imaginary man gave them this gift of sight;
Societal traditions to condition us into complacent perpetuation of the history that enslaves us.
Lately I haven't been able to hold one train of thought without
Going off the rails, but instead of crashing and burning,
I just travel at the speed of light around all the answers
that could be right.
Ultimately you inspired me to say
I am so proud that you are here today.
With my brothers wild spirit tamed by opiates,
He lingers on my bicep in memorial form
He lingers in the prayers I whisper to the dead,
As gods do not hear your prayers.
(they are too busy creating universes and
punishing their own creations
for acting out of free will)
My prayers are answered by people I know,
Whose physical forms met quietus.
They live on in otherworldly favors,
They live on in signs and vibes.
There is more to death than meets the eye.
Tangent after tangent,
I shall come to a close.
My brother was lost to needle and tar:
He passed away at the grocery store,
In the emptiness of his only car.
My friend, you are not lost
And you are still with us.
I'm so proud you now know the cost
Of instantaneous gratification offered by
The ****** drug.
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