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Steve Sep 2022
Married men will often go
Off in the back of shiny black
Left on their own
With no reason to moan
Widows wonder which was the
Somebody said to me do you know why men go first? Because they want to!
Salmabanu Hatim Oct 2018
He sat still in a corner,
Not listening,
Not looking,
Not hearing,
As the hearse left his house.
Many fumed at his indifference,
Little did they know he was not
He was sad and in pain.
His father, his world had collapsed,
Gone like the wind,no more.
Brandon Conway Sep 2018
I will slither my venomous tongue
into those tender ****** ears
until my intent is well and hung
after bottles wash away fears
my genteel words only a facade
to feed my carnal desire
my affable countenance only a fraud
to cross the threshold of your attire
tonight we will worship fermented grape
my little maenad
in ecstasy my hands follow the shape
  of your curves, driven mad
my charm
your curse
my arms
your hearse

when the sun shows his face
I'm but a ghost
your conscience defaced
my next egotistical boast
Salmabanu Hatim Apr 2018
You called once in a blue moon,
Not because you cared,
But,it was your duty.
Now, you call our relatives and friends,
To announce my passing away,
Show your deepest sorrow,
Shed tears over me.
You ordered the choicest flowers
to be placed on my grave,
Yet, you never gave me a single bouquet on my birthdays.
You stand near my coffin,
Desolate,grief stricken,
Reading my eulogy,
Wish I had heard those sweet words of love,when I was alive,
You have hired a hearse,
To take my corpse to the graveyard,
But,you never had time to take me for a long drive,to the country side.
You have invited all the people we knew and your business associates for lunch after the funeral,
Yet, you never came to take me out to a restaurant.
Why now my son!
Crimsyy Feb 2017

I'm sorry I didn't
quite know what to say
when we were sitting in
the backseat
and your mind was driving you
a million miles away,
I'm sorry he broke your heart,
how dare he take your smile apart?
I know you're coated in pain,
so I'll ask it to
slowdance with my name:
Just tell me where it hurts
and I'll bandage your wounds
with these words,
I'll bury all your rage in my hearse
where my bones will
one day decay.
And I pray no one else will ever
rip you apart
because I love you and
watching you hurt
is the hardest part.

- Crimsyy

*A/N: Oddly timed updates but that's because school has began (: Please vote and comment what you think of this poem or any constructive opinions...thankyou for reading!♡
This feeling is like a curse
As they drive away in a long black hearse
The dark and gloomy sky
Shudders then starts to cry
A father consoles a mother
While holding a child
The dead's brother
For a moment they stay
Unable to look away
I try to call out
But they don't seem to hear my shout
These feelings I feel
Fill me to the brim
A new light has been shed
It was me
I was the one dead
This is dedicated to my deceased baby brother Cody David.
Syreena Phelps Aug 2014
Let's Begin*,
Join the circle,
Show a grin,
Laugh hysterical,
Then you're in.

Take a knife,
And here we go,
**** their wife,
And let everyone know,
Don't leave a life.

Play in blood,
A whole **** tub,
Bodies buried in mud,
Or throw em in an abandoned hearse hub,
Then smoke some bud.

I am very bored and only slept an hour in the last.. how long..? I can't remember. Forgive me if this is totally terrible, but remember I will know when I am well rested. I. Am. Sorry.

I took a hearse to prom.
Not the most conventional way at all.
Not the sort of carriage a prince
Should take to a ball.
My chauffeur drove me.
He was dressed in black.
I suppose a hearse is better
Than my mum’s old Cadillac.

I drove alone to prom.
Said I’d meet my date there.
Besides, she’d be late with all
Her make-up and her hair.
I just had to suit up
And get my tie to sit real still.
Then my father looked me over,
And said; ‘I think you fit the bill.’

So I sat in anticipation
As I drove there to the prom.
But who’d have thought in two minutes
Everything would go wrong.
My father’s an alcoholic, see.
As was my chauffeur.
Because they are the same man.
The man who drove the hearse.

— The End —