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Dom 7d
Dizzied in frenetic sway
She commands gaze
With black licorice lips
Hourglass hips,
And the bluest sapphires
Darting through rust-colored tresses
She’s a Victorian *****
Obsessed with scented depth
A lover paler than death,
Clutching like raptor talons piercing my heart
I give freely to dance to the beat of
Zephyr winds howling and my organic drum.

Lust creeps like a sneaking thief,
Undone by a mischievous Cheshire grin
Fingertips upon me, tracing little circles
Tickling the silky flesh of my lips
I want her in the worst ways,
Blood flooding the gates,
Erecting the bridge I wished to cross her streams
And drown myself face-first in her eaves
I find myself paralyzed in time
In hopes she would unbind,
She simply turns the light off
Whispering into the night

“You are mine”
ADULT CONTENT! Not about anyone, for anyone, just something I thought up while listening to music, its interesting it went int a submissive route as I'm as about polar opposite to submissive as one can
When it's said
  some words can haunt & pierce
deeper, sharper and more brutal than a blade
~the pallid blood flows 24/7 from your vein
    driving your mind to madness to pain.
That cut, Gothic & red
   an open, hemorrhagic gate
never heals, never fades.
  And the pain
it will remain
  it will remain

The end.
                         Chaitra 2081
Bless Kurunai Mar 18
It was a rainy day. Black clouds float past and above
It was almost like she could just reach out,
And touch them from her apartment window.
They're so close. Just an arms length.
All she has to do is extend her arms.
But they can't be touched. Not like that. Not so easily.
Just how close they seem, yet they are forever out of touch.
Reach out to them, and they'll shift further.
Call out to them, and they'll run away.
It's a good day outside. She likes the rain.
Rain never felt sad to her. It felt like comfort.
The blank clouds above are like giant heavy blankets.
Wrapped around the whole world in a loving gesture,
Telling the world, they should all sleep today.
And dream of the years we have all left behind.
She has left behind a lot too. Who knows how much.
Happiness? Has it been left behind too?
She hasn't felt happy in quite a while.
Maybe it's just stress from work.
Maybe she just needs a change of pace.
Has she felt happy before?
Of course she has, hasn't she?
During those long days of summer?
Many many years ago from now.
There was no school, peace of summer break,
The taste of orange popsicle, in a park close to her home
Sitting alone and looking up at the clear sky.
It was a blue sky. Unlike the grey of today.
A lot of the stars that shined behind that sky,
Still shine under the black cover of today.
No one saw them then, no one will see them now.
So many things just get forever left unseen
Both under the bright white light, and the stone cold dark.
Just like the horrors that laid under the small little head,
Of a young girl, with a popsicle in her mouth.
She still doesn't remember most of them today.
That's good. It should remain that way.
Things that are hidden should stay hidden.
But what doesn't stay hidden are their effects.
The sun can keep the stars away for as long as the day is,
But they still stalk her back, right after dusk.
That's why she loves cloudy days.
Who cares if the darkness is gloomy?
At least it doesn't leave when the night falls.
It hides the stars. It hides a lot.
It makes the sky feel full. It makes her feel full.
Happiness? She doesn't want it. As long as she's not empty.
Was she ever happy? She doesn't know.
Was she happy playing with her dolls in her old childhood home?
Or when she dreamt of stories, while laying on her old bed?
But could she have been happy,
When she heard the monsters come?
Not the monster under her bed. She was friends with it already.
But not the monsters that surrounded that bed.
They all clawed at each other until everyone bled.
Their blood stained her pink carpet and shiny white walls.
She wasn't left out either. No.
They hurt her too. They scared her face with their long ****** nails.
Scars that she'll always have to hide.
They kept tearing each other apart, until all of them died.
All of them besides her. Only she survived.
She did. But her happiness didn't.
It left her forever, since that night.
It doesn't matter. She doesn't need it anyways.
What's the point of having a sun, if the night will always come back?
The clouds are a lot better. They hide everything. Even at night.
Bless Kurunai Mar 18
The dull gleam of the setting sun,
Thin and feeble like feathers of birds-
Maybe of a tired avian who has forgotten to fly.
It paints the woods in the weakest shade,
Shades of yellow and shades of red.
The leaves fall, dead and dry,
They break the sacred silent peace.
I stand and hear and I shiver in fear.
It is not the fear of the blind future,
It is not the fear of the things unknown.
It is the dread of nothing
The terrifying thought of,
Absolute, dreaded, pitch black null
It haunts my truth, it strikes my mind
It molds my sanity into a copy,
A perfect copy of the dark deep space.

I see the slow approaching mist,
Deathly white and wildly soothing, like a dream,
A dream dreamt many years before.
It mutters words of darkest comforts
And sings the melody of chilling joy.
The tune of it, slow and soothing, Calls me closer.
Just like how a lullaby, uttered by a mother's lips,
Takes a child to a place of solace,
How it takes him to the caves of sleep.
I walk possessed, I walk towards the call
Cursed by the desire for warmth,
Some final warmth in the cold arms of death.
Bless Kurunai Mar 18
Dawn Loves The Dusk

Why do you hold me close?
When I'm far away, far from you,
When my colours are absent in the morning dew,
When your mind is drifting in the soothing breeze,
And when you've found your own rightful peace,
You won't remember this storm struck night,
Would you stare into darkness when you've found your light?
The dawn shouldn't cry- for the dying moon,
And you will forget me, just as soon;
Yet you still hold my hands, yet you won't let go,
A summer bird, yearning for snow.

Why won't you let me fade?
When I found myself in this empty null,
Then why do you hurt when my face is dull?
Tell me what's the point of every fight you've fought?
When I'm nothing but just a forgotten thought?
Yet in your poem, you gave me a name,
But if I ruin the pages, who would you blame?
I was ready to leave, I had cut the rope,
Yet you stopped me at the harbour, with your bright eyes of hope.
I'm scared of those eyes, I'm scared of you,
I'm scared to wish that the sky will turn blue,

So why won't you let me leave?
I had melted myself in the deep dark space,
Yet you took me in your warm embrace.
A place you said where I belong,
But I'm so afraid that it won't last long
I was nothing but just lingering past,
Just a blurry memory, some crumbling dust,
I was my own haunted dream,
Seeing myself would make me scream.
Yet you gave me something that I'm scared to lose,
But the void calls and I'm scared to choose.

So why can't you just let me go?
Why did you ever teach me love?
You brought me peace like a midday dove,
But like a raven I might fly towards the door.
The past calls, "nevermore".
But just for you, I just can't run away,
Despite the sweet words the void has to say.
You knew I was broken, fallen apart,
Where did you come from, and hold me in your heart?
Can you look at me, and can you please just say,
You promise nothing can take you away?
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