Dawn Loves The Dusk
Why do you hold me close?
When I'm far away, far from you,
When my colours are absent in the morning dew,
When your mind is drifting in the soothing breeze,
And when you've found your own rightful peace,
You won't remember this storm struck night,
Would you stare into darkness when you've found your light?
The dawn shouldn't cry- for the dying moon,
And you will forget me, just as soon;
Yet you still hold my hands, yet you won't let go,
A summer bird, yearning for snow.
Why won't you let me fade?
When I found myself in this empty null,
Then why do you hurt when my face is dull?
Tell me what's the point of every fight you've fought?
When I'm nothing but just a forgotten thought?
Yet in your poem, you gave me a name,
But if I ruin the pages, who would you blame?
I was ready to leave, I had cut the rope,
Yet you stopped me at the harbour, with your bright eyes of hope.
I'm scared of those eyes, I'm scared of you,
I'm scared to wish that the sky will turn blue,
So why won't you let me leave?
I had melted myself in the deep dark space,
Yet you took me in your warm embrace.
A place you said where I belong,
But I'm so afraid that it won't last long
I was nothing but just lingering past,
Just a blurry memory, some crumbling dust,
I was my own haunted dream,
Seeing myself would make me scream.
Yet you gave me something that I'm scared to lose,
But the void calls and I'm scared to choose.
So why can't you just let me go?
Why did you ever teach me love?
You brought me peace like a midday dove,
But like a raven I might fly towards the door.
The past calls, "nevermore".
But just for you, I just can't run away,
Despite the sweet words the void has to say.
You knew I was broken, fallen apart,
Where did you come from, and hold me in your heart?
Can you look at me, and can you please just say,
You promise nothing can take you away?