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I'd rather be with friends
than on the receiving end
of another certification
of my value in the tainted nation
fated to find its way back to masters
who offer no explanation
as to why they cast this draining paper
into a world that could be castless
if only we checked our own behaviour.

I'd rather be with friends
than working on a promised future
my abuser talking of a nuisance youth
and pointing fingers saying 'useless'
while they stuff us into suits
and boots that bare no resemblance
to the feet that marked our ascendance,
I seek not vengeance for the things we lost
I simply wish to reduce the cost
of being what we've become
cold and lost
and to continue what we've begun
to press on despite the cost and animosity
and all the atrocities
despite this we strive to build a world
that tempers its ferocity
and lets me be.

With friends.
About: Wanting to build a life with my friends rather than going off to be 'successful'.
Alankrit Sharma Apr 2021
A friend said today you don't speak as much,
Another told me you don't feel the same,
Honestly it's not like I hold any grudge,
It's just that my friends don't feel "friends" anymore,
I don't what else to write , my words don't feel enough anymore.
Vari09 Jun 2020
Forget every pain
While playing in this rain
Everyone will get happiness
In the pose of oneness

Whenever I falter
Just give me shelter
No cut paste at any waste
feel the oneness at every taste

Unheard desire to express
Time heals from severe stress
Rain weaves dreams
Oceanic Feelings at various streams
Dreams are on eyelids
Breezing with Cold winds

Forget every pain
While playing in this rain
Everyone will get happiness
In the pose of oneness...........(2)
The poem portrays a picture connoting a sense of harmony and hope.
Dj May 2020
Even when i made the wish, apon evrey shooting star;
finding a place where i could keep you in my life, grew ever so more afar.

you lost all my respect, and even more so my trust;
Because all you wanted to do was lie, and hide in lust.

And now i wounder, if one day my heart will ever mend;
Or am i just waiting for my life, to finally come to an end..
Capriccio Jan 2020
Clearly I see
That my diligent Ego
Ran Me into Me
Mad cop versus Good Cop

Clearly I seek
A real life
Where Me is a fan of Me again
Where I am not my undoing
Instead, I am my best asset
My best friend.
Juliana Oct 2019
If you don't stay close,
you'll lose them.

I don't want to lose them.
They're brand new.
It's only been five years.
It can't be time, right?
It can't be time.

I've spent so long wanting
a big group of friends.
When I was little,
I had a giant group,
an imaginary group.
They always left at the end of playtime.

You, you don't leave.
I think of you when we're away.
I text you, I see you.
You're real.
Stay real.
Please, stay real.

I want to hangout,
I want to be friends.
Yes, school is over.
Yes, I am going away.

I will no longer get to ask what
we're doing in third period,
or what was that last step in the choreography.
But we can still eat ice cream.
We can still laugh, smile, and love.

We can still be friends.
The distance can't ruin that.
Or can it?
ruby May 2019
so you made me choose
between losing myself and losing you

and I'm still here
Apporva Arya Dec 2018
Went out last night,
With all friends,
And felt so bright..

So young we are,
Full of smile and hope..
Sleepy at twilight,
So dope at night..
Sahu loves to eat,
And hari can sing.
Baba pays the bill,
When panda only chill.
Pipi fights for food,
While khusbu takes a pic..

The weather was right,
Stars were shining bright.
The warmth of everyone's smile,
Just made my night.

Thanks to all,
I made a good memory,
Of NIT life.
i went out last night with my friends(sahu,hari,panda,baba,pipi,khusbu). I am expressing a memorable night of My NIT college life.
Jolan Lade Mar 2018
You are the captain of my lifeboat.
You are what keeps me afloat.
Even if im William Bligh, you will raise me high.
That one friend you really need.
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