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Nayana Nair Sep 2018
The tissues I have cried into
are my excuses,
to hide the clutter of calls and love I forgot to return.
Sometimes it is too late to clear the mess I made.
It is more difficult to retain my will to clean it all up,
which sort of made me guilty
of creating another sad person.
But what is another tissue in another sea.
Everyone dreams of sailing into a brighter morning
leaving behind their darkness in another’s mind.
What if I am as selfish as them.
What is another ship, another selfish wish
amidst thousand such others-
all stranded on a water-less heart
all looking for a flood, instead of directions.
CJ M Sep 2018
Pieces of my pride shimmer on her skin
Dressing her in my naked words
I love her so much that none can have her
I’m all that she deserves.

Being so greedy has got my mind confused
I never thought I’d hurt a heart or make her feel abused.

Now we sit together with adrenaline in the air.
We are love no more.
We are flooding streets.

Murky waters
Vinegar and salt smile
Sweet intentions with a sour escape
Hearts burst in the palms of the other

Drowning passion
Dagger kisses
Angry love

Water-wrecked minds
Hidden fears
Little communication

Tensions have risen in our tsunami of emotion
I found this on my old E-Drive and decided to post. Don't remember if or why I didn't post it earlier.
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
It rained so hard tonight
A flood of water forming huge puddles on the ground
Lightning shot through the sky
Illuminating everything in a purple glow
People yelling and running
And you don't even know what this means

But I walked out into the rain with a purpose
And the drops caressed my pale skin
I was soaked in seconds
And I could've been struck by the bolts in the stormy sky
But the only thing I could think is
"Is the ocean touching me right now?"
The Lenora Sep 2018
Ignore the water
Seething within

Hide it in the room
With all your lies

Tuck it away for
Some other day
When the floods
Come in and out
written 5 August 2018.

by The Lenora.

All rights reserved.
K Balachandran Sep 2018
An old ferry boat
Lay trapped under layers of mud;
Flood’s message writ large!
K Balachandran Sep 2018
She fell in to gushing flood waters
(Willingly perhaps, who can tell?)
Met with a fish,quite out of shape.
The fish in troubled waters was
As vexed as her, or  even more.
“Mud and slush, uprooted trees,
Twisted wildly by crazy currents.
Roaring down the hills had broken
My spirits and every single bone”
Then languidly she broke silence:

“Life in the time of flood is worse
More than death, a wilted leaf, I
Let myself drift with turgid water
A fish for the moment, gone next”

As the poet said”like two twigs in
A river’s flow,they got separated
In mid sentence,the rest oblivion

In the sea far down,they floated  Side by side muted and bobbing.
After the flood that caused hundred of deaths and wide spread destruction Kerala state in South India is on its painful journey to normal life.
Andrew Rueter Jan 2018
For forty days and forty nights
We had no reasons to fight
So the planet was flooded
By the warm blooded

******* soaked
Visible ******
No more cloaks
No more loners
For everyone there was a match
But here's the insidious catch
It didn't take long for people to get bored
And start cutting and crossing cords
Until we resembled a chaotic horde

For forty days and forty nights
The Earth was flooding
Until things got muddy
And clouded transcendence
In the form of independence

Our lives keep knotting together
Our lives are rotting endeavors
We were completely happy
But felt that was too sappy
We sought edgy darkness
In a world that was shark-less
We made the world we live in
By putting on shark fins
And eating those that fall overboard
Out of their relationship
We try to be their overlord
Or add them to our list
Love grants a clenched fist
When there is value to a kiss

For forty days and forty nights
We turned on Earth's floodlights
And the world was flooded by love
Until we decided to try to look above
To see nothing there
Just the empty air

There was a time when there was love
Now there is none
Only a gun
And the number one
Can be found in my self published poetry book “Icy”.
K Balachandran Sep 2018
Rivers reclaim dues,
Floods erased much memories!
“Go with the flow”
K Balachandran Sep 2018
Swim was my pleasure.
Now the floods took the low lands;
Fish swim in houses!
K Balachandran Aug 2018
On the edge, took in
Flood created angst and pain;
Enlightenment dawns!
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