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I keep asking why,
as if it will end the cry,
of my heart's want to try.

To start something with passion.
Since time comes in one precious ration.
Though I fear it won't be in fashion.

So I sit in fear,
and let others peer.
At gifts that make one dear.

That only come for life great wonders.
I know my heart now thunders.
I only make blunders.
Shove it deep,
deep down inside?
The pain I keep,
with secrets nestled beside.
Celestial Feb 17
Oh, my handsome,
To see you on this day,
Is a gift greater than any ransom.
For this, there isn't a price I wouldn't pay.

My heart bounces,
Like a wild cat's before it pounces.
Especially when we pucker up,
and fill each other's cup.

We've decided to take it all on,
The world and everything beyond.
Our connection grows deeper every dawn,
knowing we have a real bond.

I will hold out for forever,
The only one that's treated me like treasure.
The ability to love you,
will be something I treasure too.
Celestial Feb 16
As the belief set in,
Something stirred from within.
A beam shot through,
My guide to help out of the blue.

I fight to keep my cup up to hold,
The filling is worth more than gold.
I follow the light through the mists,
With my eyes and my hands quickly grow fists.

The end is so far still,
How can I fit the bill?
Yet strength begins to run through me.
I know I can reach what I see.

Will grows with my steadfast stance,
Then I move forward with my second chance.
Peace will be mine,
Fresh air has given me nothing but time.

Patience and determination have brought me here,
Just to give you something to peer.
With new breath, I tell you,
There is a way to make the day brand new.
Celestial Feb 16
It's hard to know,
When knee deep in ebb and flow.
Legs weakening to stand,
with your feet buried in the sand.

If you pull one up,
you'll lose your balance and even your cup.
One we keep selfishly filled,
While others sit in what they spilled.

The whole balancing act,
Unknowingly keeping us back.
From the overreaching progress,
of what may be regress.

What was the goal?
To keep us whole?
I'd like to drop my part.
I don't believe I have the heart,

To keep moving unknowingly on.
Past what we saw of dawn.
Laying down I have my relief,
"I've reached my end." is my belief.
Rizma Aulia Feb 14
Goosebumps rise in eerie fright,
As the cold begins to wrap me tight.
Ah... my glasses fog with mist,
and my heart pounds in the midst.

For a moment, I stop and think,
Should I rise or let fear sink?
To step away, escape the night,
or stay still, without a fight?
snipes Feb 7
Don’t get fooled.
Magic and voodoo,
don’t go on getting fooled.
Internet schemes and everyday memes,
don’t go on getting fooled.
A heart in a persons trust,
nah, no don’t go getting fooled.
Love and lust,
yeah a mfer got fooled.
Space time suspending a soul a spool.
The Lords 7 days meeting String Theory’s ways.
These are things my heart foolishly feels these days.
As my brain thinks death will be my last friend, I’ll know.
My soul extends the vibrations cruising in different solars.
I’ll be with the fooled focused on chasing another chance of feeling life over.
In the Silence
There is Clarity
To Feel and See
The  Beauty!

© Debra Lea Ryan & ?
♥ Amore Per Sempre Anima Amica ♬
See without seeing,
Eyes closed, yet visions clear,
Hear without hearing,
Silent whispers we hold dear.
Feel without feeling,
Touch the essence of the soul, Know without knowing, Wisdom making us whole.
Be without being,
In the stillness, find your way,
Transcend the fleeting, In the moment, always stay.
feeling ALIVE,
as I Slip and slide,
and go on and glide!!
Be SMOOTH with it,
Go on and STRUT,
Keep on Stepping
You can't get enough
Feel the GROOVE!!
get up and move,
Musical sounds of CREATION!!
That helps to soothe
They say Music
soothe the
So, Jam along with us,
You don't have
You can't find
Just let the music
flow through you....
NOW, get up and MOVE!!!

Date: 03/3/2023
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