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Never fall in love with a poet
For you might forget your true self
Cos they paint a different picture of you
And make you feel like someone else

Is it true or is it lies?
How can you truly know?
They give you a taste of the high
So when they leave, you’re really low

They tell you things you never heard
And even words you can’t pronounce
They make you fall real deep
And then they expect you to bounce

Never fall in love with a poet
Or you’d have to put their heart together
Their broken heart belongs to someone else
And Some pieces would be gone forever
Never fall in love with a poet. By Moore
love poem
nabs Sep 2017
I knew, you're not mine
I knew, you had someone
I am self-awareness

But sorry,

I can't handle this feelings
I falls for you everytime I remember you
My heart's envy when you told about yours

I wasn't love you.
Perhaps I just wants to having you,
not only as friend.
Just sharing what I feel inside rn.
Aislinn Miell Sep 2017
I observe the current of clamour from the far corner, over there
wishing I would blend with the limp air
And soak into the absence far away.

So, don’t ask me why
It’s in my nature to be shy
Just leave these flawed bones to decay...

even so, I didn’t ask for your kindness
It’s just an act muffled with blindness
I know it could never be true.

I have learnt not to trust those who are nice to me
Eventually they will push me away, out to sea
waiting for the waves to break through.

Yet my body tingles with this burdensome  feeling
This sensation blooming inside is unappealing...
all I can do is blame it on you.

Blame it on the way you walk
Or the way you stumble when you talk
Or the way your hair sits on your forehead.

Blame it on the way you smile with your eyes
Or the way you stare up into the skies
Or the way your ears can turn bright red.

But by all else above,
Blame it on the way you made me fall in love.
Cupid shoots arrows

Matchmaking is what he does

But, what if he falls in love?

Does he deserve a happy ending too?

Feelings are inevitable, cupid could fall

For someone anytime and anywhere.

If that happens, he'd be confused, for he

Doesn't know what to do with his feelings

Maybe some people would say, he's crazy

Others would say he's not doing his work

And he's wrong to have such feelings.

But can you blame him?

Shooting arrows isn't an easy task,

It requires accuracy and passion to do such work.

If cupid accidentally scratched himself

With his golden arrow, would you forgive

If you were supposed to be the person

To be shot, and the girl he fell in love

With was the girl you were destined to be with?
Good genie May 2017
in depth of your inconsideration
every inch
and every step
I still fall for you
JAC Apr 2017
Imagine how many people
Have fallen temporarily in love with you
On the train
On the street
In the car
In your room
Or after you'd fallen in love with them.
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2017
These are some beautiful things:
A baby's first smile,
A bird in the wild,
A bride on the aisle,
A love that's worthwhile,

Warm wind in the trees,
The salt in the seas,
The buzz of spring bees,
Winter's first freeze,

A loved one's laugh,
A child's handmade craft,
An actor's autograph,
A newborn calf,

The sunrise in the sky,
And the sunset alike,
And kind passersby,
The stars in the night,

The wind in one's hair,
Sweet spring on the air,
A mother's care,
A child's prayer

The color of skin,
True feelings within,
The sound of violins,
And feeling sheepskin,

A book in my hands,
My feet in the sand,
Stories of another land,
And the promised land,

The leaves in the fall,
Mountains like walls,
Sounds of a waterfall,
The smell of rainfall,

Peace after war,
And petrichor,
And sand on the shore,
And a winning score,

Peace at night,
And perfect light,
And a first sight,
And a flying kite,

A smile so dear,
A kiss so clear,
A loved one near,
And a new come year,

And hope that everything will be okay

These are the beautiful things
I could go on and on and on about beautiful things, even ones that don't rhyme. I fall in love with the little things, like how my friend only eats apples with a knife, or how my mom never actually drinks her coffee, she forgets about it and leaves it in the microwave ten times a day. I love that my cat can tell when I can't sleep and comes and lays right up against my back and purrs to help me sleep. I love that whenever my best friend is thinking, she subconsciously touches the back of her thumb to the indent above her upper lip. I fall in love with little details. There are just as many beautiful things in this world as there are ugly ones. Don't forget to savor them. ❤
People say you fall in love
I like to think I flew.
The only fall I've ever felt
Is getting over you.

Late nights, short poems, and working through the same feelings in different memories.
thehiddenwriter Sep 2016
I can feel you fading away
From every pore of my body
Your existence is sweating out
Leaving me anew.

I can feel my heart
Healing itself,
Only peace resides inside.

I can feel things changing
For a better future,
For me to start living again and
For me to fall in love with myself
Once again
Priyanshi Dhawan Aug 2016
Perhaps it was
ina blink of those eyes
or maybe,
the way he softly carresed his hair
or the way
he sipped coffee
while we talked of galaxies and outer space
Or maybe,
it was in those discussions
little quirks
shy glances
or incomplete, unwanted goodbyes.
Maybe in nothing at all.
Maybe it was all just in my mind.
Maybe it was in the way
his eyes spoke what lips couldn't
or maybe they said nothing at all
Maybe that is how it always happens
we see what we want to see
we hear what we wish to hear
we feel what we desire to feel
we think because we crave love
but maybe,
it was there.
It was right there.
Maybe, I should have held his hand
when he reached out for mine.
Just maybe.
Who knows?
I don't know what has compelled me to write this peice, but I swear I'm not in love. xD
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