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Paul Butters Apr 2016
Being the softy that I am,
I feel sympathy for all those prisoners
On Death Row,
No matter what they’ve done.

But then I reflect that every one of us
Is also on Death Row.
Unless perhaps you are an ancient tree,
Or one of those jellyfish
Who regenerates like Doctor Who.

For Death is inevitable
The moment we are conceived.
I look for ways around this
And only see
An ocean
Of Religious and Spiritual

Paul Butters
A recurring thought...
Lark Train Jan 2016
They who cheer your coronation
Are they who cheer your execution.
I think I'll call them friends.

They who weep for your wedding night
Will weep with news of this ungodly plight.
I know they are my family.
Family is forever.
Francie Lynch Jan 2016
The mother of the one
Claiming to be God-like
Was executed
By her god-like son
Playing his part
In a pagan tragedy.
Un-fricking-believable! Who kills his mother? In a civilized country, you'd be institutionalized, not honoured. Pure madness. Nothing else describes IS.
Gaye Nov 2015
They will say I was only a delusion, few broken words hardly comprehendible and a room full of tobacco scent, they will execute me for my outlandish brain and hang me on public every single day . And I wont be there to tell them I was something more than few mad absinthe drops and love letters to a mysterious man, I knew it from the beginning that they will not find the secrets I hid under my curly locks.
aniket nikhade Nov 2015
At the back of mind so many things keep happening
At the time of execution so many amongst them remain unattended
So many thoughts get overlooked
They remain blank as they are
So many things happen, so much of space left since past, in the present with regards to future
Space to think and ponder what needs to be done next
The mind keeps thinking and keeps on thinking till it gets exhausted and fatigued
There is no end to drawing possibilities and ascertaining future
Flexibility of mind remains there making sure that you create some space at the back of your mind in the present moment of time.

It’s the space that you have got in present
Something which you created in past
The space remained unutilized
Same space you have got as of now in the present.

Now in the present moment of time it’s time to think about it
Time to utilize this space
Time to focus on skills and abilities
Time to utilize space and resources, resources and space
Everything is so much limited, yet so much of use in the present
Synchronize, coordinate, assemble and if possible also do networking of each and everything.

So many things work together simultaneously in the present
It's a move to get hold of the right moment of time so as to make sure that each and everything falls in it’s proper place.

Finally time left in hand is important
Time is precious
Time does all the planning with regards to future
Time decides what needs to be done first
Time sets all priorities.

With the moments that pass by and everything that happens as each moment passes by
With the changes that keep happening from time to time
It’s important to know in which direction we are moving.
Conflicts, contradictions and difference of opinion is part of life
Still with all the ups and downs of life, it’s always better to be safe than to feel sorry later
Think before you say
Think first and then say
Decide first, what's going on in your mind
Once decided then speak your mind
Once spoken, the spoken word cannot change.
Definitely conflicts, contradictions, and difference of opinion will never end
Still a proper conclusion can be reached and it needs to be reached within the given time frame.

Keep all this in mind
Making a note of the fact that priorities are all set, it’s important to make sure that time management is kept in mind
Keeping all this and much more in mind, I decide to move ahead with the present moment of time
Left the rest of things to future, which will definitely be ascertained from time to time
Till then, it’s living in and living with the present moment of time.
Liis Belle Oct 2015
They stare at her, the crowds, the throngs
She keeps her head down as the cart bumps along
To the front, where her bane creeps closer still
If she doesn’t take a step, the blade surely will
She swallows down the useless tears
She was but a lady of thirty-seven years
Her life begins flashing before her sky-blue eyes
She visits each place one more time before she dies
Lovely music in the theatres of Austria
Living in the splendour of a grand palace in Vienna
A hall of mirrors, a planned wedding day
On the sixteenth of the merry month of May
Warm summers in the Schönbrunn gardens -
She steps on the executioner’s foot and begs her pardon
Some were silent; some called her ****** names
They were still shouting when the time finally came
She hoped for a world much better than this
The blade sliced her neck like a goodbye kiss.
I should probably post this on October 16 (the death anniversary of Marie Antoinette) but I'm scared I'll forget.
kneedleknees Jul 2015
cankerous open mouths.
dead breath like exhaust.
this is your world,
you who would not have it.
pockmarked by age
and pockmarked by plague
and a palpitating heart.
repeating pleasure as if it were a litany.
a cowl to wrap yourself in
and create a new identity.
and it's the weight of your heart
that matters
no matter how small.
and with pooling abscesses
and with enough drained blood
you could fill a new world.
Ella Gwen Apr 2015
This recrimination brings no reprieve
but nor does it change the violence conceived
and ill-prepared were we for this siege
as families swell with undeserved grief

the questions he asked were slow and
mistaken, like the actions he took before
like was forsaken, as now we stand but
one stretch away, the condemners  
facing those who we make to pay

the crimes they committed were
wrong, that's fact, but all else
is blurred and they cannot retract,
but repent is not favoured to the
guns which will sing; flesh will be
punished as we pull the strings

we did not know where it was he
was directed, but the ****** chains
were ones we had elected, adding
safety to the very last limps of life,
yes we all fired the bullets, 
but at what sacrifice?
SelfOfTheDivine Apr 2014
And look now, as we stroll to the gallows,
How my harsh laughter suddenly mellows
And from a whimsical immunity
Turns into a hellish reality.

And as I know not of what will follow,
With eyes unclear and a gaze so hollow,
My mind turns into a cacophony
Of endless screams, that speak uncertainties.

And, with a tearful eye and a smile so grim,
I turn to this rope, that so final seems.
Smiling anxiously and suppressing a scream,

Forward, in obedience, my head I lean,
And turn to the roaring crowd, with a raised chin.
Knowing I lived, I grant them my final grin.
Originally written on 11th of September, 1E 2011.

aabb aabb ccc ddd, 10 10 11 11
lX0st Jan 2015
Don't chalk me up as a bad habit
When I'm the only one that kept you sober.
And how dare you lick
The perfume from your lips
Moments before you kiss mine.
Devour your drink, lover;
Remind us who you are.
And when your eyes gloss over
Don't chalk me up as just a bad habit
When I'm the only one that kept you sober.
You reap what you sow.
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