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Zack Ripley Mar 3
Everyone who's ever lived, ever dreamed, is a gambler. You have faith that your health and your youth will still be there tomorrow, and it seems like a safe bet, so you go all in. Again and again. And you're right. You win every time. But what they say is true. The house always wins eventually. So, maybe you start to slow down. You're worried your dream has changed from a hand of blackjack to a spin of the roulette wheel. So you kneel down, and pray to lady luck for guidance. She replies "taking care of your family doesn't mean you can't keep your dream alive. You just have to make more calculated risks."
Zack Ripley Aug 2024
Everyone has limits.
It's okay if you've reached yours.
You can close any doors
you've opened.
No matter what people say,
you've got nothing to prove.
Just take life day by day, and someday, you'll find your groove.
I'm not saying it will be easy.
In fact, you'll probably
have some scars.
But if you're going to make it, it'll be because you believe in yourself and trust that you ARE enough
Àŧùl Sep 2024
To anyone and everyone,
I'm sorry.
If I ever made you cry,
I'm sorry.
If I ever made you sad,
I'm sorry.
Now I share the song of life,
For I want to spread joy,
My HP Poem #1982
©Atul Kaushal
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
I try to show 'em how it's done, no one's there to hold my beer
I wonder why I really care
I know it's never gonna matter
I would bet money I don't have on the fact it'll never get better
So I never concern myself with later
After the first couple pages flipped through a calendar
You'll never find me there
Most I know will cheer
Saying, "I told you so dear"
Now everyone's a future seer
Go figure

Jeremy Betts May 2024
0kay fiπe,
I'm an @sshole 0ut§ide®,
¥ou are...what ¥ou are,
Life's a j@g0ff
And £veryone §u¢ks
F0r one r£asoπ
0r anothe®
That §hould just @bout c0ver !t

Jeremy Betts May 2024
Oh, you hate me?
Well don't worry
Cause see, I also hate me
More than you could ever hate me
Trust me
The line starts back there at mile marker three

"So, why do you hate you?"
Seemed like the popular thing to do
I mean, what was I supposed do, just stew?
When everyone hates you
The problem is probably you
And it's just easier to go with the crowd
Who knew?

Zack Ripley Apr 2024
Everyone's been hurt.
Everyone's hurt someone.
Everyone's been angry.
Everyone's been scared.
Everyone's cried.
In that way, we have more in common
Than we'd like to admit sometimes.
But at the end of the day, none of that matters. What matters Is what happens after.
Jeremy Betts Apr 2024
Everyone thinks,
"It'll get easier when I get older"
Then you get older
And you find no one's there,
No one to share,
No one to say,
I stay because I care"
"Let's get through this together"
Making it harder than ever before
Not wanting to remember
Not even a single chapter
Though at one point,
When I was younger,
I think I use to matter
I don't know why
But those are always the memories that shatter

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