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Stunted, the same, by
A jubilant parade inside
           some nights.
Silver linings? Ticking timebombs! Infinite splinters!
No good time left unexploded.
Rusted blood iron and red wine
filling my eyes.
          Tired of feeling "weird."
          Tired of know I'm being.

I wish I wanted anything in a way that didn't
                              scare me.
I wish I could love anything in ways that
                            couldn't hurt--
                           --inward or out--

                    I wish...
                    I think...
If I sit on this bench...for a long time,
and keep perfectly still...but make subtle
                    eye contact
          with some of the crows...
they'll accept me as one of them?

                    Teach me to fly
                    Or, at least, hide
                       in plain sight.
        A new vocabulary for my quiet
              when it starts to get mean.

Entangled, alike, by
         the same.
Convenient jailbreak for a Name--
               --Say it.
Chewing paper? Eat the playbook. Shred this formula.
No good night goes unpunished.
Rusted blood in my mouth, and red wine--
crying outside
                    Tired of being fragile
                    Tired of knowing I know.

                   And how 'bout the crows?

                   I'm good for a laugh, they suppose.
Edoardo Alaimo Jun 2021
For some reason,
Things with no sense
Are the foundation
For everything else.

Standing on a raft,
Struggling through
waves and winds,
logic and reality.

You create your purpose,
a clear direction.
Maybe, this path,
can be the foundation.
A small thought on the relation between man and science. Which share strengths and weaknesses.
Aalim Justice Mar 2021
Temptation has kept many warm
Every relationship has its right and wrong
Dissatisfaction is in everyone
More we want, younger can be better
Before your correction know personal preference has connection with emotional reference
****** desire can expire and still get fired
Judge not if you don't have experience
Some feelings you can't cheat but bare with careful and care
When you have the one or two to share
Being open in a relationship has relation to an open relationship
Let's face the facts
One partner or a lifetime partner is somehow a lie
You can't deny you can love many people at once
Relationship, rebound, separation the heart is not at bay
Secretly polygamy rules over monogamy
Love is a sentiment relevant in emotions but not a backbone to marriage
Trust is vacant when it comes to who you bone
Love on the surface is easy to clone
Its a puzzle to be in this entanglement
Certified by home affairs in the name of love
Valarola Nikola Mar 2021
How do you say that you don’t care about who touches me now with such a lack of emotion,
When the thought of someone doing the same to you makes me burn with enough rage to fill an ocean,
Yet I continue to believe you every time, and then I wake up a week later with you on my missed call list,
It really feels like we’re just a failed connection that could’ve been something, but now it’s time to cease and desist,
At this point, I give in to the inevitability that we were never truly meant to be,
That we lost our chance with all the times you chose another her over me,
Maybe in another lifetime, our souls will meet again,
But I’ve got to say I hope not, so this is the end,

I can’t keep falling for you, just to have you trip me,
Like a mirage or a trick that I don’t ever see coming,
And maybe I’m just tired of not being able to breathe,
Because I know you’re telling her the same sweet nothings,
You used to whisper to me,

Each time I’ve tried to pull away you would just convince me I was the problem while looking me right in the eyes,
Your tongue always manipulated me into agreeing I didn’t love you enough while coated in the sweetest lies,
And I’d fall in this trap over and over, so is it fate that it’s happening to you now?
Maybe you shouldn’t have ****** in Karma’s Wheaties so many times, but anyhow,
You’ll never see the fault in your own doing, blaming everyone else for every single one of your issues,
I’m personally done being a punching bag for your emotional problems while metaphorically handing you tissues,
So please find the nearest exit and remember to never darken my door again,
The only parting gift I’ll give you is the advice to wrap it with your next “friend,”

I can’t keep falling for you, just to have you trip me,
Like a mirage or a trick that I don’t ever see coming,
And maybe I’m just tired of not being able to breathe,
Because I know you’re telling her the same sweet nothings,
That I used to let you whisper to me.

You can whisper in all their ears Paul,
Pride did always come before the fall.
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2021
The thing so many people never realize is that the most important things in their life are here, now, in this specific moment.
At least not until it's too late.

Life is made up of moments and choices. And it's so **** scarily easy to miss the moments of the most important choices and decisions.

I've seen people have the very thing they long for right in front of them, and I've seen them say  hold on, just one minute, let me just do this one thing, and then I'm there.

And when they finish that one thing, the only thing they ever really wanted has disappeared before their very eyes.
Valarola Nikola Oct 2020
Why do I let you treat me more ****** up than I deserve?
I've been asked this time and again, and I wish had the nerve,
To say enough is enough like they all wish I would,
But there's a monster in me that needs to be treated like less than dirt,
It feeds off my misery and is only contented when I'm depressed,
Between the edge of sanity and insanity I must have confessed,
This to you at some point, and now it's like you get off on the fact,
That I won't walk away no matter how badly you act,
And yes, there is care and love underneath all of the self-torment,
But it's a twisted kind that feeds off of your dark sentiments,
It gets off when you ***** another chick and I take you back like that can undo,
All of the ******* I you continue to let you put me through ,
But if you loved me, you wouldn't hurt me over and over like you do,
Please can you let me go, or my mom will be burying another child, this I promise you,

You're the worst kind of drug, you don't just feed me with the all of the emotional highs,
But you also reinforce it with the sweetest of words that tell me what I am doing is right,
We've become too entwined in this entanglement,
So let's find a way to turn this into a disentanglement,

Because I tend to self-medicate with anything that's close enough to grab,
And you've quickly become my favorite crutch to lean upon when I'm in a jam,
It's not alright and it doesn't really work for either of us anymore,
It hasn't for awhile, and I've been tired of feeling like your secret *****,
I see that whatever demon is eating you,
Likes feeding off of mine a little bit too much too,
And too long it's been draining me,
Do you not care what's you're doing, or too dumb to see?
Now I can only look up to the stars,
And wish on them so **** hard,
But they don't listen to me and neither do you,
So please let me go, or I'll be another grave in your rear view,
Another name to tattoo somewhere,
If you even care enough to dare,

You're the worst kind of drug, you don't just feed me with the all of the emotional highs,
But you also reinforce it with the sweetest of words that tell me what I am doing is right,
We've become too entwined in this entanglement,
So let's find a way to turn this into a disentanglement,
Sometimes in my darkest moments, I write how I feel in the hope of exorcising whatever emotion is eating at me.
Harry Roberts Sep 2020
Body to body I breath him in
Tasting like home I can't begin
Hands in my hair his lips against mine
Dancing to the music of the divine.

I just wanted him to hold me for a second more
His arms around me like armour I'm shielded
Wrapped in his scent for a moment more
Before reality sets in and this wild idea has yielded.

I remember the first touch as clearly as our last time
Lips bruised eachother when we touched it was sublime
But the vehemence behind the passion was nothing short of wanting
I just wanted him forever now my memories are taunting.

Have we been entangled since the start of time
Spirit to spirit making a soul with two spines
Theres something about you it's like déjà vu
Compliment we complicate in everything we do.

Body to body I breath him in
Tasting like home I can't begin
Hands in my hair his lips against mine
Dancing to the music of the divine.
Harry Roberts
Adi N Sep 2020
The more you have, the more you want
...that's your trap.
The less you are, the more you have
Yes I agree,
At first we hoped for perfection,
It brought tears to our eyes.
Suddenly we grew apart,
I remembered, you remember.
We had sworn that
We will never be apart.

Maybe we can try sowing this year
And Hope for harvest next year.
Lest we reap the desires of yesteryear.
It will be me and you, we swear.

You will wake up, and I will wake up.
Lying in green pastures.
The angels of Heaven will take the oath,
“Death Will Be No More”
To untie the knot.
There is no more tears..
Yitkbel Aug 2019
We often remark collectively

The curious quickness and languidness

Of supposed objectively measured time


Never truly resolving how could

Fixed increments differ

So significantly and equally

To different close observers

Perhaps it is thus:

That spacetime is a gravitationally

Wrinkled fabric

Measured with a rigid rule

A linear distance

With unseen folds and faults

Unaccounted for in the straight line

That like mountains and valleys

Unable to cross directly in flight

For the haplessly wingless of us

We must climb over and fall through

Therefore adding to the voyage

Time closer to the truth

And mountains and valleys endless

There must have been for us both

To climb over and fall through

In that indivisible fleeting moment

When my eyes first met yours

And mountains and valleys endless

There must still be for us both

In every indivisible fleeting moment-

Again and again, forevermore-

Whenever my eyes meet yours

For such is our love's 'DENSITY'

For such is our love's gravity

They must all be the ceaseless ripples

From our two ever embracing

Neutron star souls
Dates of this poem:
Version 1: January 19, 2019
Version 2: May 11, 2019
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