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deartristan poems
deartristan collections
Tristan Brown
Nov 2017
Dear Tristan #8
Dear Tristan,
They see good in you,
But you know it's not there
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Tristan Brown
Nov 2017
Dear Tristan #7
Dear Tristan,
You want to be a hero,
But you wouldn't save everyone
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Tristan Brown
Nov 2017
Dear Tristan #6
Dear Tristan,
Metallica is your favorite,
But Poison is your remedy
I got my numbers straightened out this time
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Tristan Brown
Oct 2017
Dear Tristan #4
Dear Tristan,
You say your good at math,
But you apparently can't count
I realized that I put out five already, so I thought I would have a little fun with this one.
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Tristan Brown
Oct 2017
Dear Tristan #5
Dear Tristan,
How is it you constantly tell the truth to others,
But you always lie to yourself?
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Tristan Brown
Oct 2017
Dear Tristan #3
Dear Tristan,
You don't use your strengths,
But instead you use what you want to be strong
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Tristan Brown
Oct 2017
Dear Tristan #2
Dear Tristan,
How can you care for others,
But not care for yourself?
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Tristan Brown
Oct 2017
Dear Tristan #1
Dear Tristan,
You're a coward,
But you're too scared to admit it
This is the very first of my Dear Tristan collection, and hopefully, there are many more to come.
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— The End —