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Kriti Gupta Oct 2020
Why do the monsters hide away,
till my heart’s decided it’s time to play

Why do whispers slither past,
a brain that’s convinced it’s never going to last

And why does the chorus yell for you,
when I’ve already decided we’re practically through
I keep choosing the same kind of guy
Andy Chunn Oct 2020
Tickle sweet
Will you
Do you
Me too
Let’s get a burger
Euphoria Sep 2020
That fading Us just hurts,
That vivid truth breaks my heart,
That reality creeping its way in my thoughts breaking every fantasy crushes my soul.
This sanity isn’t doing any good,
This moment where my heart refuse to acknowledge my mind
I just can’t let go.
Would offer anything to live in this fantasy!
Ohhh God please hear this heart’s desire
thomezzz Sep 2020
I had always been the pliable one...
the one that always asked herself,
“How much could you use me until you were done?”
I resigned to bed sheets: comatose...
the idea of loneliness sinking in...
wondering if you were thinking of me.

I wasn’t always flexible, but always willing to
bend and break on your behalf
until you decided to flee the coup.
Because that’s when I finally bucked up
and stood my shaky ground
and realized you were actually the lonely one.
Max Neumann Sep 2020
under the skin, there are flames
beneath the flames, our faces
neongreen stars and irises
explosions pamperin' the brain

10 million can't be wrong
illusions become friends
spoken from the edges
rocks and langoliers

in times of hunger,
rhymeless fields grow
elephants and angels
trumpets, bridesmaids

mind the allusions
in times of satisfaction,
people stop moving
Flames under the skin.
Isaac Spencer Sep 2020
Hallmark stories are awfully boring,
Every story gets me snoring,
'She was misunderstood' and stuff,
'He would never be good enough',

And she finds a new man through luck,
And he's a decent... buck,
But is he worth it?
'Oh, he's so perfect!',

And they are like oil and fire,
They're gunna burn their bed down,
But they get along well, I guess,
And do things they won't confess,

And then suddenly they break up,
And get back together,
Contrived circumstances-
And wedding advances,

But it's never mentioned-
How three years later,
With a baby on her knee,
How lonely marriage can be,

Cause he's got a drinking habit,
And she's scarred to bring it up,
The baby's bruises are rough,
He's just misunderstood and stuff.
Timur Shamatov Sep 2020
I’m good when I play the lovers game
Like a Devil in disguise
Hazel eyes and my coy smile
Got you falling into fire
Choking on miasma of our lust
Heart is pounding with delight
Got you thinking that this might last
We just met but you already lost
Draw you in and drink you up
Taste your lips and feel your warmth
You fall deeper into world of my past
Eyes convey the coldness of my heart
As you straggle to keep me warm
Now you know
I’m not there to catch you as you fall
Your love becomes the payment and the
As we both return to burn in Devil’s Paradise...
Who hasn’t fallen victim to Devil’s Paradise...
Nigel de Costa Sep 2020
Squeezed onto the deck at the back
of a crowded Hammersmith pub,
our wobbling table overlooking the river
barely has enough room for two,
let alone the steak, linguine,
and our bottle of red.

We both take a drink, pausing to watch
a pair of scullers glide down the Thames,
the ripples created by their oars
sparkling in the late evening sun, leaving us
silently jealous of their synchronicity,
their movement so effortless.

I'd arrived early to make sure of a place
and you, with faux fluster, were fashionably late.
You're a writer, a poet, published by Parthian!
Me? A programmer, far more prosaic.
And now with Dutch courage
I said I could do with some inspiration,
but even then the line felt weak.

It could never happen;
there was no connection -
no assonance, consonance, or wild alliteration.
We knew if we rhymed it would be forced and contrived;
we left as separate stanzas
texting with heads fogged by wine.

Years later I bought one of your slim volumes,
curious to see whether a poet might write
about bad dates and nights on the river,
looking for myself between convoluted lines.
Now that I write poems and do my own alliteration
I believe I have finally found inspiration,
so perhaps we did connect after all -
just with a subtler rhyme.
lover thy,
don't know what to do
or say,
im just happy around you
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