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A Oct 2017
They’re traced back to your hand.
Where the lakes meet the palatial forests,
Ensconced by a foreign land,
Ink stains, summer ice cream, soccer matches.
They spell what raised you from the ground.

They pull you to the motherland.
Whispering to you in unfamiliar characters,
On a train across the vast verdant terrain,
Reliving the arduous lives of your predecessors.

You are a product of cold animosity and two rivals.
BSeuss Oct 2017
please forgive my optimism,
im aware this is a dark place.
is the world going to ****,
are we going to be okay.

I have not much more i want to say,
yet so much more that I need too.
should I be silent today,
should tomorrows words be allowed to bleed through.

forgive me for my optimism.
I know what you are going through.
I love you.
Ink Sep 2017
I have twirled into the arms
of a Prince
with a petal-light touch
holding my hips.
He caresses me to the beat
of the breeze of music
that hammers in my heart:
blood pounding with the thrill
of that first night
soon to come but not yet arrived.

The Prince is a surreal, majestic garden-
cheeks warm with the rosy blush
of youthful blooming buds,
eyes like the dawn cascading
light onto wherever he peers.
He peers at me.
And as he leans in,
with smiling dew-sprinkled lips
like grass on a spring's morning,
I realize his arms are vines.

I realize I am trapped.
The Prince is an overgrown garden,
his rosy cheeks are of alcohol
pumping in his veins.
His body sways to beat the howling wind-
the blaring music-
caressing me to the beat
of his own desires.
My refusal is the deafening bloom
of a sunflower in a field of sunflowers-
His lips are soaking in the liquid
that sloshes in his solo cup,
and churns in my rumbling stomach,
a rain that drowned the crop.

My Prince is not just my prince.
He is the Prince of the countless girls
he has swooned before tonight.
As I stumble in his arms,
I am a mistake waiting to happen.
I am a mistake in a field of mistaken female flowers
being entangled by the vines of self-titled Princes.
Tomorrow, these Princes will say
it is my mistake for not raising my fences
to protect myself from the overgrowing garden
that is stretching around me.
Today, my blood pumps with fear
of my first regretful night that approaches
but has not yet arrived.
K Sep 2017
I became aware of **** culture when I was in eighth grade
I heard it every day
As if **** was a word to describe attraction to someone
It became a joke as it fell from the lips of 13 year old girls
Like undigested food and lip gloss
They became accustomed to the saying
“It’s not **** if you yell surprise”

I was a freshman in high school
When a boy sent my friend a text message that read
“you’re so cute, I wanna **** you”
And she took it as a compliment
I was a sophomore when my health teacher said if you are ever about to be ***** yell fire
As if **** isn’t serious enough for people to care

We live in a world that punishes women before rapists
Because the first thing the police will ask is what you were wearing
Girls are taught to cover up every inch of flesh
To shame their bodies
Because showing too much skin could provoke someone to **** them
As if it is their fault For someone else’s lack of control

Because we teach girls how not to get *****
Instead of teaching boys not to ****
I’m afraid to even walk to my car alone
And I hear that word fall from the mouths of middle schoolers like a joke they’ve just heard
I cringe and look away
Because we aren’t laughing.
Pagan Paul Sep 2017
Silver charms on an anklet ******
as her foot stamps down once,
crossed dainty in front of the other,
and her hands start a slow ascent.
From hips up into the air
in the nonchalant action of the flame,
arcing a half circle about her waist
she turns to face the assembled crowd.

A tabla starts a sleepy beat
and the sitar player awakens,
or returns from a meditation,
readying himself for his introduction,
to blend a melody of the Moon
with the woven movements of dance.
The beat increases and four taps
signal a change in the rhythm.
The following note is punctuated
by the tinkling of the charms
and the first strum of the sitar,
sending music to the starry sky.

And her hips sway in gentle waves
as her hands mimic the lotus flower
in cups of dreams above her head,
and the anklets jangle a soothing sound.
The wrists twist and move graceful,
delightfully twinned with the neck of a swan,
and her body sways like a leaf in the wind
to the melody from ages past.

The tabla starts a frantic beat
as the sitar player lets fly,
his new unrestrained chords
dilute the night with ecstasy.
And she dances in her trance,
skin shining with the dew of reflected joy,
her lithe body telling the story
that began before the dawn of time.
A crescendo summons the dance to end
and silence fills the void,
but far into the deep dark night
silver charms on an anklet ******.

© Pagan Paul (01/09/17)
An evening spent in the Rajasthan desert in a nomads camp,
with the stunningly beautiful Jaiselmer sandstone fort in the
background changing colour as the sun set in the west.
Seema Aug 2017
I am born between the torn lines
Lines that tell my culture and race
Race that this worldly society has made
Made in such a way that equality has no ground
Ground where I used to play when I was young
Young to understand the basic language
Language of body and action, least of words
Words that fell in my ears were mostly ******
****** enough to creep on my tongue to use
Use like any daily words on another person
Person or people, animals all treated same
Same that is in my grade of society
Society that builds less and destroys more
More of mentality of our youngsters of today
Today, yes was another vulgarious day!

Looping style.
Donald Trump was elected President of those United States,

He said to his household: Stay here awhile, I notice a fire..."
-Sheik Al Jilani

The people hate him, the nation opposes him,

Perhaps I shall bring you news of it."
-Sheik Al Jilani

Iraq is the world's second largest source of proven oil reserves...

Hold your tongue! You have no common sense! Your house on the river Tigris and yet you are dying of thirst?
-Sheik Al Jilani

just two steps from

O' seeker


Two steps removed...

                                                    ­  -right?

Coming home in a Baghdad Slater...bleary yet with sight.
Breeze-Mist Aug 2017
Nothing says "****** up"
Like only repairing when
Fire comes three times

Except for the fact
That for everyone here, it's
The smallest problem
This happened about a year ago, so the metro is a lot safer now. But with all else in current politics and the culture of "I have to be the best and always on the move or else I've failed", it's been considered a small problem.
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