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I can, I could, I will, I would.
I want, I wanted, I crave, I craved.
I wish, I wished, I ate, I am full.

I wanted to be known now I am,
I wished and craved sustenance, that's what I got.
It's crazy to me that this is the 123rd scrapbook poem.
Saanvi Jan 23
He walks like a god,
blazing fire on my skin and it's inner creases
with just the tip of his fingers.
When they slide in,
it's heaven and hell,
lamentations and cascading into burning flames of passion.
His hair falls on his smooth forehead
like they have been paid to do so,
very stylish.
I kiss his hands that carve their presence inside me forever,
Oh, how can I forget his warmth..
Our scents are combined and matching,
just like us intertwined beneath the sheets.
There's sweat glistening on his handsome face,
illuminated by the bedside lamp.
My lover in his glory takes me in
and leaves me breathless,
lifeless, begging for more.
Then the gentle caresses that I love the most.
Lover is a word I never thought of before,
but the way you make me feel,
Yeah it's something I want to hold.
Ladies and gentlemen will you please stand, with every guitar string plucked on my hand...🌻😁
Lilith Jan 9
You touched me
You filled me 
You stretched me

You go so deep when you read me

Even deeper when you hurt me

Deeper still when you want me

My body reminisces on the warmth of you

My hands memorized the feel of you

My mind is so full of you
My love
Please come back to me
I miss the snickering,
And the bickering
And the times you made me mad

But I remember the lying,
And the crying,
And the times you made me sad

But oh how I miss the good days,
The average days,
No they weren't so bad.
And yes, I am truly mad.

Because I still love you
And adore you
Like the time never passed.

I can't leave the past in the past,
Oh, please just come back.
Haven't spoken to him in years
Saanvi Nov 2024
The look in your eyes was tantalizing
Your lips were moist like morning dew
Your hands were trembling like thunder
Your hair were soft like strands of sand
And I was transfixed by your beauty.
I am so happy that I call you my lover
I could hold you in all our lifetimes.
I would wipe your tears as they fall like autumn leaves.
Truth be told, I find your touch so Catastrophic.
When you trace your fingers against my jaw,
my body melts into your touch.
Lovers in a dying flame,
I want to take you all before I perish.
Darling, the wounds you gave me are Catastrophic.
Love is inherently destructive....
Maryann I Nov 2024
I was shaped by a quiet ache,
a hollow that stretches with each breath,
a yearning seeded long before I had words
to name it.

There’s a pulse beneath my skin,
a slow, relentless rhythm,
like waves reaching for a shore
they’ve never touched.
It stirs at dusk,
when shadows lengthen
and the world slips into silence.

I’ve felt it, the flicker of something distant,
a glow like a match struck in darkness,
faint but alive,
a promise of warmth
in the chill of an empty room.

I dream of a place I’ve never seen,
its edges blurred, fading as I reach—
a moment that hovers, suspended
just beyond waking.
There’s a voice there,
not mine but familiar,
whispering of things yet to come,
of an end to the waiting.

The night is long and still,
its weight presses down on me,
a shroud that I wear
even in daylight.
I move through it, restless,
my hands outstretched,
searching for something
to fill the space inside.

I was born with this thirst,
a quiet, endless pull
toward the unknown,
like a moth drawn to a light
it can never hold.

And so I wander,
eyes fixed on the horizon,
chasing the faint glow that flares
only when the dark surrounds me.
I linger at the edge,
listening for a call
that I have waited lifetimes to hear.

The emptiness remains,
a companion, an old friend,
its hunger a reminder
of all the things I have yet to find.
I carry it with me, this quiet thirst,
unsated, unanswered,
as the dawn creeps in
and the world stirs to life.
stillhuman Sep 2023
There's a tightness
in my throat
when I look to you.

I wanted to keep you special,
tied  you up in that tiny space,
all your memories kept like treasure,
but you became mundane,
engraved with gold in my days and life,
a part of the morning sky.

You painted my days in a lilac shade,
throwing red and blue my way
so that I could feel close to you
and find distance all the same.

There are storm clouds in this purple sky
ready to fall heavy with rain
as it drips from my eyes
that feel this indifference in disguise,
tries to hide this part of me
that cries from the inside
to be seen and be freed from these lies.

There's no peace in this demise
'cause the clock is ticking with time
moving quickly to divide
what is ours into what is mine.

You're a purple lover
always been on my mind
and still only a stranger
that I felt was too kind
but your presence is like wine,
gets me drunk, makes it sublime.
You'll still be my purple lover, even when it's no longer our time
hazem al jaber Jul 2023
Craving ...

i craved this morning ...
your fingers ...
to wake up me ...
while i'm naked ...
waiting you ...
in my bed ...
to make my day ...
with a happiness ...
from the first second ...
of this morning ...
to steal together ...
how much ever we can ...
the whole hours ...
all the day ...
to feel both ...
as we are as the butterflies ...
at the its morning ...
desires ...
to make a sweet love ...
until we ...
imprint the love ...
on our bodies ...
with unlimited kisses ...

hazem al ..
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