I am a tangled mess of wired emotions,
That flow on out from, haywire.
Ill-conceived, hapless use of my tentacles,
Connecting and disconnecting all the while.
Incorrigible, orchestrated rythm I follow,
Guilty as charged of culpable suicide.
Limited edition amongst an otherwise limitless species,
Slowly marching towards a spiritual demise.
Austere with my principles, I am
An embodiment of selfless grace.
Happy to readily disagree, I am
Also the pleasant sunshine in your face.
Punity dissolved upon your manners,
You won't find me dictating terms,
Yet the tangled mess of wires afront me,
Is untangled at a surly pace _
Unravelling lines to withdraw my mind,
Impromptu creation awaits.
The mess inside has been aligned,
I arrive at clarity's gates.
Today !