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Jon Sawyer Jan 2023
If I were before the judgement seat of God, this is what I would say:

"The conception of my kid,
at the time that it did,
was not intended,
but I'm glad that it did."
2023-01-09: Musing on my progeny. One non-binary child (they/them pronouns).
Carlo C Gomez Dec 2022
scarlet wind sails
upon an ultrasounding wave,
postcards from tiny islands;
nebulous, indefinable, floating,
fresh as a field
of crackerjacks;
nodding happily
from minute one,
celebrating the mountains
and valleys of being alive
in excelsis; irresistible and impish
in its understated insinuations.

Zywa Jun 2022
There, deeply planted

by your finger mouth, the seed --

tickles in my soil.
Collection "The Big Secret"
Carlo C Gomez Feb 2022
In the days of seafaring yore, in a candied littoral time, my parents shared a love for wingsails; propelling their craft on the surface of gentle waters.

It was here my father navigated me into existence, by taking my mother for a long enchanted boat ride.

And like a hook and eye, they so clasped and rowed into the boundless deep. The tender rhythm of their waves stirring a rivulet that would come to be called me.

Floating in this colostrum bed underneath the heart's thicket, I settled to sleep; dreaming of cradle song and breastmilk.

My unborn hands and feet routinely practiced swimming toward the open shore; until that day when a familial voice called.

And there in the dilation of a growing current, I sprang forth; thirsting for their love from my very first cry.
Carlo C Gomez Aug 2021
I cast my net
                  into the tributary

and release into you, a seasonal swim,

I give to you a mother's color,
        as you recite
        infant hymns,

                    you're a bleeder
on the days sunfire meters out its origin,
                    you're my river

free and clear from the grip

      of anchorage,

                         my river,

drifted on to wherever
                       moon wishes glister


In learning there Abide teaching and in teaching, learning dwells.

Both the lecturers and schoolers has somewhat to teach the other.

Life's but a class.
Every persons you met has some lessons for you.

Never underestimate anyone. For everyone you're seeing is unique.

Most times people condone a torn book because it has no lid.

However it's contents could heal the world. Off his old age plagues.

Meanwhile a fancy backed book may likely destroy the earth.

Looks deceive. The most beautiful & valuable thangs in the universe are invisible.

You think the most valuable thing is material?

If so you're **** totally wrong, don't be fooled, never let
your head be used or brain washed.

True feeling,
True emotions inherit the earth.

Choose wisdom over everythang,  
Where an all the rest Abode.

Elevation, no dream is too big to achieve,
No cliff or hill is too high to ascending.
You can!

Nothang is impossible but to say impossible.
It's impossible to say impossible.

Even the word
impossibility says I'M POSSIBILITY from the rear side.

You've got to change your conception and decisive reaction.

Carlo C Gomez Oct 2020
Let men burn stars out from innocuous lightyears pulled through the vortex

Like needle and thread, sown by centuries of sparked, graceful union

(Their strength and vigor found in the cross-stitching)

And ever gently unfolding like outer reach, like inner *****

In the garden of our senses, flowing with milk and honey, by means of forethought or afterglow

One thought of ecstasy, one thought of infinite parable taking new light to bed

The sacred beams bending to form a crescent, a lunula of utmost happiness
Clair de Lune: Light of the moon.
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2020
Between the thunder and lightning/everything counts in lovely intervals/an entering into/and a pulling out/by the springboards of wordless echolalia/until the sky cracks open/and something new beyond us/begins to storm
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2020
Okay honey
Let's spell pollinate
With a bit of math
Anther + stigma = fertilization
Let's pollinate for a spell
Under the quilt
Then over the river
And through the woods
Without any cover we go
Making babies in summertime
May we reap
What we sow

We are like trees. When a seed
of an oak tree is placed in earth
and given water, then light, the
life of that oak tree begins. When
a ***** enters an ****, the life
of a human being begins;  all
other arguments are specious.
Both need special care. Given
that care, the oak seed will sprout
from the earth and continue to
grow. The human embryo needs
nine months in the womb before
it will be put into a nursery. The oak
sprout will, most likely, need to
be in a nursery from its conception.
If cared for, both the tiny, tiny tree
and the tiny, tiny human being
will grow bigger. The key is care,
and the caring is love. Over years,
decades, both will grow larger and
stronger. Both will face illnesses,
and in the vast majority of cases,
will survive them. Trees will show
leaves, grow bark, provide shade
and beauty, even as they grow
their own seeds. Human beings
will learn more and more as they
grow older and older. Trees will
let robins and squirrels make
their homes in them. Human
beings will grow compassionate
and wise;  many will shepherd in
new life to care for. Both will grow
old, but before they die, they will
look back on their lives and remem-
ber the love they themselves en-
joyed and shared with each other.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He recently finished his first novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
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