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a twisty verbiage, but stop!
it is not cutesy or frivolous,
buy an awed respect,
for that fact;
the complexity of the monumental
is the sum of:
the bricks, the letters,
the words, the lines, the stanza and
of course, the spaces in between
that makes simple so ****
Michael Mar 17
A red breasted bird
Perched on a wall
Absorbed in its world
Not worried at all.
Unconcerned by the height
And unaware of its weight
it nimbly takes flight
As I ponder life’s fate.
I envy the bird,
That can lift on a breeze,
Tied down by my mind
As a roof to its eaves.
Like the red breasted bird
I too perch on my wall
Absorbed in my world,
But worried I’ll fall.
Cynthia Feb 22
Many people claim God isn’t real
yet continue to speak,
“If it is in God’s will.”

Many people claim God isn’t real
yet will pray,
“God have mercy.”

Many people claim God isn’t real
but continue to recite scripture
in His name.

I wonder if they do this on purpose,
or if part of them still believes.

Maybe religion treated them wrong,
gave them no alternative but to leave.

I don’t blame them.
It’s hard to feel alienated
in a supposedly
“open community.”

Or maybe they’re in denial,
afraid of a higher authority.
Perhaps they know they haven’t been good,
that deep down, they never fit
the Christian standard.

But as much as they say they don’t believe—

we will beg on our deathbed
to get into a heaven we do not believe in,
as we are all just contradictions within ourselves.

It might be regret,

But in those final minutes,
you’ll pray to a God you deny
because no matter how you try,
you cannot accept
your own nature
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
There is no Yang
Without the Yin.
So tonight as the Moon
Moves to be reborn again
I, too, shall move within.

There is no Yin
Without the Yang.
So tonight once I shed my skin,
I, too, shall be reborn
With the rising Sun.

It is all balance. It is all Love.

©KSS 7/2018
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
complexities and fantasies
swept up
in my mind

the balance beam
of yin and yang
all intertwined

a poetic soul
my heart always
a little too open

a pining lover
my feelings always left
a little unspoken

i romanticize
with smiles and eyes
and i cast spells too

a charismatic
hopeful romantic
with rose tainted views

melodious and melancholy
the labyrinth
of my life

©KSS 10/2022
Was the most unlucky year
Of the life
From the get go
I was skinnier
And more paranoid than
Dale Gribble
Helllo this day I still believe in aliens
relahxe Mar 2024
I look at you
A ghost without boundaries
My hands reaching out
To grasp your heart
Nothing there to stop me

I look at you
And ethereal
I wonder when you’ll see
The way I view you
An abstract concept
Far away
Never to be found
Never to be touched
Yet an object of limerence
An object of love
That is not to be realized

Object of obsession
You are nothing more than that
You are much more than that

A ghost without boundaries
Dead yet alive in my mind
Fitting in the puzzle pieces
As I fit the parts of my heart
Last time it fell for you
Heavy Hearted Mar 2024
Life is complex, she said to me
A statement unfortunately true,
Reiterating the fact, real happiness
Has become a fleeting virtue.
The single most excruciating task
Of anyone to ever, have to ask-
Is to live this life, so full of pain
As the human race, itselve's disdain
Yet, its as effortless as drawing breath
The simplicity of air
Our automatic processes
That which contagiously, we share:
Laughter, Heartache, Hatred, Hope-
the humanistic ways to cope.

Despite that complexities insue,
You know strength, to let faith renue
Bestow some courage, place belief
In all that initially brings you grief

Every morning, a new dawn's shining-
& every cloud, has it's silver lining.
Jeremy Betts Feb 2024
I wish it was as easy
As you say it should be
To turn concern inwardly
Then, ultimately emerge again when successful in identifying the key to victory

I wish it was that easy
But I don't have it in me
I can't make clear the complexity
Of why I can't even be the me I need me to be to feed my family properly

I know I make it easy
To shame me, to pity me
To chain me to the pit of my own misery
Just don't let my last breath be what finally makes you take my plea seriously

You know as well as me
It's not as easy as "To be or not to be"
No further questions please
Until I free me,
I'll be in my headspace if you need me...

Bekah Halle Dec 2023
I don't think I spend too much,
But then I spill out my shoe
Collection, an addiction, sorted by hue.
Cupboards flung open to reveal the gradient of such
And don't get me started on bags and the clutch!

Rivers of life run deep,
But then I look at the contents of my journals;
The "now and not yet" cries reveal how hormonal
Am I. Dim focus on the eternal creeps
To cover more of the heart, I try to keep.

New year near and nearer;
But a return to stillness yearns.
When we hide, these addictions burn,
Igniting guilt, shame and all,
Where are you simplicity? Is this the fall?
As 2025 draws near, I review this poem again and think not much hs changed. Can '25 be different?
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