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Sarah Aug 2021
The journey started from me looking for a partner loyal, family oriented, committed, knowledgeable and sort of an ideal ma

quite opposite to him
but now looking back, it strikes me major things in ife are sense of humor, fun, friends, understanding, someone who aspires to be better each day,  

and now it just makes me sick that none of this is there
I feel am stuck in walls surrounded with heavy silence, no laughter and smiles, orthodox mindset, traditional setup, no way to improve on yourself

I don't understand why this world has defined how a daughter in law should be
What should she wear
How should she talk
When should she wake up
What should she eat
And most important of all
In the mindset of the Indian Society she shouldn't leave the house at all

this is what i am facing
i feel that it is sin to speak up your mind
when i was always taught the opposite
i feel in the scenario like this it is sin to be who you are
and I have always followed the opposite

I am expected to change myself
because apparently i dont fall under the definition of ideal "bahu"

And Why marriage comes with so many compromises on adjustments
and as far as i am understanding girls here are expected to adjust in the family
why??? are we not human beings
Why we are not allowed to dream
Why we are not allowed to speak up against the wrong happening to them
Why we are just expected to be silent and say nothing

I dont know who will survive this
this is getting difficult each day

i feel somebody has caged me in an apartment luring me with open windows that there is a world outside but no you are not allowed to leave as per your wishes

I feel somebody has caged me in a room you are not allowed to keep open because thats not the way it should be, apparently doesnt fall under their list of ideal bahu

I feel somebody has caged me in a place you are not allowed to wear eat breathe sit stand as per your wishes

I know all this can be easy but not for a person like me

whose basis of survival is the word "Freedom"
Freedom to eat sleep talk act roam listen sit stand wherever and whenever
as per her heart

The world here is expecting her to just give up on herself totally.
but then what they are getting in return??

what happiness they will get in return
where will this take them ??
they will be left with a person who is  lifeless and colorless

Nobody to hear me screaming
Nobody to see me drowning

This is affecting my inner soul
but who is bothered??

because now that i am married , i am their asset
and no am not allowed to live my life as per my wishes

"Bahu" is expected to make compromises and adjustments each day.
Sarah Aug 2021
So here I am again
With the confused state of mind

What I was thinking when I was making this decision for life
Did I think it through
Did I considered all the possibilities

Looking it back I believe I could have done better
I deserved better but as it is said it is the destiny that decides the way and you are just the carrier
Maybe that’s true maybe that’s not

But this is heavy
The feeling to leave all that I am living right now
The feeling to feel alone despite being surrounded by millions
The feeling to constantly taken wrong
The feeling to just change the one decision you took and life could have been better

I didn’t think this through and I seriously didn’t

There were numerous things happening around you that time and the decision wasn’t taken in a righteous state of mind

And yes certainly it wasn’t
When I see the relation constantly drifting apart and collapsing each day like a building collapsing after a heavy magnitude quake

Can it be repaired?
I wonder it can

The words, you can not take back
And words are all it takes

To make or break.

You want this to work?
I don’t know
You want this not to work?
I don’t know

But leaving is not easy
You don’t what’s there in the future
But isn’t life all about taking risk?
Again, till when?

When will I be stable then?
When will I think bigger in life?
Maybe now?
Maybe tomorrow?

Situations are in your hand
It certainly is in your hands
All you have to do is make peace with it and accept it.

Babes you don’t have to prove anyone
You know what you are
And why can’t this be enough?

But isn’t it unfair that the person sleeping next to you takes you as his biggest enemy?

Can you do something about it?
Sometimes I wonder why don’t I have a pill to pop up for that
But yes this isn’t a disease that can be treated with a prescription.
It’s a life
Has to be treated with actions

Or maybe life is the disease and actions are it’s medicine.
Maybe yes.
Maybe I should start it all over again.

After hearing all this?
Will you be able to??
Maybe I haven’t learned to give up this easily!!
But isn’t 8 months to long for that?
Maybe too short in comparison to the life time commitment you made.

Maybe I should think
Think and just think
Change and let this sink in.

Take one step at a time but take daily.
MysteryBear Jun 2021
I am passion, fire and willpower personified. The tongue inside my mouth try to swallow words that don’t agree with my brain. It fails.

They are calmness, earth, and control personified. Able to trust their brain and heart, they know when to take shelter. When the fire gets too hot.

They thought they had me figured out. That they were my opposite and the perfect element to balance me out without smothering me like water or adding fuel like air.

I always found a way to escape
Maria Mitea Jun 2021
I get stuck too,
I wonder
what to say
when I
myself have not finished my waiting,
my obsessions, my doubt, ...
and when I finish it,
how will I be able to advise you?

How I can be sure?

When, still, all my obsessions
and commitments
go hand in hand.

I don't know,



If these words are not superfluous,
Forgive me for announcing you
That you have your own life,
Wait for it!
As she waited for you …
”No shortcuts to the top”
My Dear Poet May 2021
A child found her soul mate
beneath the tears of her eyes
so she kept them in jars of clay
with sighs and gentle cries
wishing the days away
till that day when they would meet
and gift him the collected tears
in the jars when they would greet
Lifting lids from off the jars
he would hear the cry of her heart
pouring them into his soul
she wish washed his will to part
Jacob Reilly May 2021
The first time your love has to be hidden, you'll understand that "I love you" is a commitment.

You've always told of abstract loves: people, dates, fun that never yet happened. But he... he's different. This boy is not abstract. He's your first. Your first, and your secret.

The first time you met was an early day for you both, but beautiful nonetheless. The first date; the first time you've ever shown this vulnerable side of you. Holding hands and flying high -- so high you are in the clouds. You've never felt so free. Nothing, nothing holding you back. When he closes in to hold you as the horizon approaches -- as you fall into a state of carefree desire, brace yourself. You can't help but think, "where will we go next, him and I?" To-be scenes so vivid flood your imagination. And you know what? It's quite a sight, to look forward to a future brimming with life; a future so bright it makes your heart soar, as if heaven itself was right at your feet. You could try forever to describe it but... you smile because what's next to come is everything you never knew you've always wanted. This is it. Right here, right now.

Your first art project with another person, your first theatrical event & first request to be someone's boyfriend just as the clock strikes midnight, your first everlasting pitter-patter of your heart over someone so deserving, your first Valentine's day that you aren't contentedly alone but are happily in a relationship, your first shower with another person, your first haunted attraction experience, your first sleep-over & first waking up to someone so lovely, your first sneaking a boy through your house & first hot tub adventure whilst your family sleeps, your first "time" with him, your first midnight rendez-vous, your first SeaWorld fun day & first Busch Gardens extravaganza & first circus adventure, your first time meeting his sister, your first sharing of aspirations to someone else, your first asking him to revise your homework with you, your first dinner date & first saying "I love you" in the back seat of his car as tomorrow sends you back home, your first planning of a vacation that too soon will be postponed, your first planning a week together once school is out to sleep-over and everything else, your first discussion that ends as an argument, your first crying over someone who loves you under conditions only, your first make-up "act", your first Ikea trip, your first waking up too late for another more-or-less important commitment but to you he was the most important, your first serious phone call, your first break-up.

Your first time saying "I still love you" in your dark, lonesome closet, awaiting a reply, an echo, something. But you know that your love is unconditional, while his has its limitations; unrequited love will never yield your dreams. The pain of losing him is not abstract, it's concrete. This pitter-patter love won't go away. 

No... the first time your love has to be hidden, you'll understand that "I love you" is a burden.

It doesn't matter how long it took
before we
met each
other. What
matter most
was how well
we'd ever
stay together
longer. On
our journey
of trust,
honesty fuels the motion. Loving
you is a
mission with commitment
to bringing us
to a rightful
Baby you're my aspiration, my
dream in
whom lies
my whole vision.
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2021
walk with me through the valley
show me that it's possible to love me
i might not know the best part of me
but with you, i see more than i ever dreamed of seeing
walk with me through the good and the bad
through the worst and the best
i pray to one day see you walk down the aisle
coming to publicly give your heart to me
walk with me through it all
and i will make sure to fall a million times for your soul
walk with me because i know you are all of me
this love we have is fueled by serendipity
protected by God almighty
promise to never leave me
and i will promise to always love you
Faltering plans
An indecisive mind,
Consistency in itself is an art
An explosive start!
Followed by;
Fumbling fingers and idiotic ideas.
What next?
Do we pitstop like Hamilton?
We were in pole position.
Reassert, focus and keep on track.
We are the drivers of our own Destiny...
©️ 2021 Joshua Reece Wylie. All rights reserved.

I've been trying to keep up one poem a day. It's tough. I'm sure other writers can relate. This poem is about trying to keep that target going. A Formula 1 racing theme was completely unintentional and off the cuff, but seemed to work nicely. So it stayed and I kinda like the end result. I hope you do too.
Aislinn Vesper Apr 2021
What if the world was full of good people.
Would it be different?
As we all are good at something,
would it mean anything?

The way they hurt you is also the way
they show love to someone else.
Can you judge them?
Why is it like that then.

Unlucky people who meet you at a time,
You show them how to climb,
Then they hit you, falling down,
Shouldn't it be other way around?

You are scared to show them now
Because you fell ******* the ground.
But it will never change.
Put down your guard.

You are scared to know,
They won't.
They won't be the only ones.
Because world is full of sons,
Who will be your low.
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