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showyoulove Nov 2024
God right now I could use a hug
And a fresh hot cup of coffee in a mug
Won't you wrap me snugly in your wings
And call to mind such heavenly things
The road is hard the road is tough
I'm losing my mind, my patience and other stuff
Lord, hold me close to your chest
And there, let me stay and rest
A God hug is just what I need
Though it is with reluctance I concede
Sometimes, I'm not as strong as I think
And I need your love to pull me back from the brink
Sometimes a God hug is all it takes
And Lord what a difference it makes!
Let me be with you in silence and peace
That as I decrease you might increase
Let me learn from you and lean on you
Where I can find a love so pure and true
And when I struggle to bear my cross
Remind me that not everything is loss
By your gifts, you strengthen me
To become who I was made to be
When I lift others up, you lift me up as well
And my burden is easier, I can tell
So, help me serve and do your will
To sow the seeds of faith and so instill
A firm foundation of faith to follow
But with love, so my words are not hollow
And so, once more, with a kiss and embrace
I am comforted and strengthened by His grace

God, some days I could really use a hug from you. Maybe today is one of those days. I run into your waiting loving arms ad there I rest, I cry, I need someone to listen or tell me it's going to be okay. Help me take a few moments out of my crazy day to get a hug from you and continue moving forward. By your Holy Spirit, reveal to me something that I could do to be a God hug for someone else. Help me count my blessings and use the charisms (gifts) you gave me to do your will for others as we, in turn, find ours lifted as well. Amen
showyoulove Nov 2024
I am a pencil in the hand of a writing God
I am a mouthpiece through which he can speak
I am an instrument to make sweet melody to the King
I am his hands and feet, but he is my everything
I am his love given for all his precious people
I am the paint he uses to color his easel
He is the potter, and I am his clay
Shaping, molding, forming me each day
He is the shepherd, and I am his lamb
I trust in him and in his perfect plan
He is the author, and I am His story
He is my strength and in him I glory
He is the Lord of my life and my death
For he is the one who gives me this breath
I love you Lord for you are so great
Yet, you reveal yourself in a way we can relate
In loaf of bread and cup of wine
Wrapped in the great mystery of love so Divine
Come down from Heaven to take on flesh
To teach and walk and pray and heal
In the desert place you are something fresh
And in a world so fake you are something real
showyoulove Nov 2024
Make me a channel of your peace
That wars might end and striving cease
Make me a channel of your word
And give me a way for it to be heard
Make me an instrument to sing so sweet
Of the place where Heaven and Earth shall meet
Make me less, so you are more
A call so strong: what are we waiting for?
Make me a channel of your love and grace
And faith so assured that I will one day see your face
Make me a channel of truth and light
To shine in the darkness to pierce through the night
Make me a channel for your life and your way
And grant me a channel to you when I pray
So often Lord, I pray for so many things
But my life overflows with all your blessings
I feel like patience and silence are the lessons to learn
And while others may benefit, I too will grow in turn
I wait with eager anticipation for the days to come
To watch you work will be so totally awesome
showyoulove Nov 2024
Help me love you Lord
More deeply than before
Help me trust you
No matter what life has in store
Help me see you
In the way that you see me
Help me Lord, to act
Like I have been set free
Help me separate
What is lie and what is fact
Let my words build up and create
Giving hope to a world that's diseased
Strength to the weak and love to all
Praying always and down on my knees
Help me be silent
So, I will hear the call
Help me Lord to always be brave
In the knowledge you are mighty to save
I want to know you
More personally and intimately
Even if it takes all eternity
I want to meet you here
And search harder, dig deeper
What lies inside the heart of a seeker
Take me into the holy of holies
Pull me closer and take me deeper
Deeper than I've ever been before
I am aware of my faults and failings
Aware of the cracks and imperfections
But I am also aware
Of your mercy and grace
And in the presence of your love
All my fears have been erased
I can say with blessed assurance
I understand the Lord my God
More deeply than before
showyoulove Nov 2024
I don't know how many people have been in love; I mean truly, madly, deeply, hopelessly in love. I thought I was once. When you are that in love it changes you inside and out. It changes how you think, act, and what you say. It changes the way you feel, how you look at things, how you spend your time and money. Being in love changes you, usually for the better. Love forces us to think of someone else's wants and needs before our own. We make sacrifices in big and small ways to make the relationship work. It is a give and take, talking and listening and it is open and honest communication. A relationship is a dialogue not a monologue.

Loving someone changes a lot, but loving God and being in a relationship with Him changes EVERYTHING.

Working from the belief that you believe in the stories; you can't stay the same. You can't truly live your old life when you know The Life. The apostles were the perfect example. They weren't great men, particularly smart or famous, but when they saw Jesus, they dropped what they were doing and followed him. Then imagine the Transfiguration and the impact that that moment had on the apostles. This was the transforming love of God made manifest: He was radiant like honest-to-God glowing. It hits like a ton of bricks if you begin to understand the magnitude and the scope of His death and resurrection. How can one heart love that much?! And this fact is especially hard given the knowledge and experiences we have in the world we know today!

And then the most intimate and profound act of love is the gift of the Eucharist which comes from the words meaning grateful, thanksgiving, well and offer graciously. Kharis is the Greek word for Grace.

Catholics believe that the bread and wine at the mass are transformed in essence although not necessarily in substance to the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the reception of the Eucharist, God's ultimate gift of love is revealed and shared with us as he gives us his very life. And we consume him in a profoundly physical and spiritual way. We are literally uniting with Christ and the two become one in body and soul. It is the most perfect expression of love's life-giving power. Christ marries (joins) himself to us.

When you have something so good, so amazing, you can't keep it to yourself. You just have to share it and tell all the world about it. You are in love, and you are loved. You are loved by God and THIS... CHANGES EVERYTHING!
showyoulove Nov 2024
Dawn is breaking o'er the earth
This is a season of great rebirth
All of life sings to glorify creation
Every rock tree and creature, every nation
Come! Awake from your great slumber
Open your eyes to a new kind of wonder
Lift your head and rise from your bed
Give thanks to the Son who keeps us fed
A new page a new chapter a new story to tell
It is an end, yes, but a beginning as well
Morning has come a new day is here
Its loving rays driving off the fog of fear
Those in darkness have seen a great light
The faith of the blind restores their sight
Look! See how the Lord, with a smile, beams
Blesses us and gives to us sweet dreams?
I sing for joy and sometimes, for joy, I weep
When I recall the promise that you keep
How you poured your love into my soul
And made a diamond from this lump of coal
And I remember Lord, in my brokenness
In my pain and shame and great distress
You love me still, wearing no disguises
And even on the days of gray
The sun still rises!
showyoulove Nov 2024
As a flower blooming gently
Opens up to greet the sun
The soul that feels His warmth
Opens up to God's own Son

As a spring river runneth over
Pregnant with melted snow
Filled with seed of love and life
Our lives burst forth and overflow

As a bird so sweet rejoicing
Sings forth in joyful chorus
The spirit sings divine melody
In the gifts that He has for us

As love is expressed and given flesh
As new life comes from the womb
So is His life, now born within us
We: the bride, and He: the groom
showyoulove Nov 2024
One, the only, but sometimes one is all it takes
One, the light, that through my window breaks
One, the love, that died for me, a wretch
One, the arms, on the cross are outstretched
One, the wounded heart, that bled for me
One, the God in three persons: Holy Trinity
One, the peace, that is so profound
One, the home, that my heart has found
One, the light and love of the Lord
One, the hour, He is rightly adored
showyoulove Nov 2024
Turn it on, turn it up, let's start tonight
Spirit grow, let it flow, we are the light
So let us shine and let us stand
We representin' Son of God and Son of Man
How you gonna shine for the world to see
Are you gonna let that light go free?
We are radiating illuminating
We love in a world used to hating
We were made to spread love like fire
Testify and, by your life, you'll inspire
A turnaround a turning back
Of hearts astray again on track
So, the question is this: the question remains
How can I shine in my own special way
And add a little color to a world painted gray?
How can my light, however flawed
Reflect the most perfect light of God?
Take your little light and offer it up
As a sacrifice of love and praise
He will bless the gift and multiply
Do what you can and let God amaze
On every occasion use the gifts you're given,
They were made to be shared not hidden
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