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egg hot pot Jan 31
just a man
who doesn't seem to fit in anywhere
going about his life
then BOOM
he finds something he cares about
just to say goodbye
too soon
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
An un-stopped new second
Something new to send
A baby, I am told
Who does not grow old
A new minute
A new suite is built
A new time
A new dime
A new hour
A new dollar
A new year is flatly
Fast approaching
A new dream
In the stream
A new century
Is crawling
Passing by
Good bye.

Hebert Logerie Friday, December 30, 2016
Hebert Logerie has written countless poetry books.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
The last breath
The last death
The last phone call
The last fall
The last funeral
The last burial
The last roll
The last poll
The last smile
The last style
The last flight
The last rite
The last crap
The last stop
Alas! Somewhere
There is a last
That we can bear
We need the past
To move on in life
After a barmy gaffe
We weep and we laugh
As we sail solo on the life raft.

Copyright © July 2022, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.
She stares at the ceiling
cracks whispering her name,
over and over.
hundreds of tiny breaks hid by glass skin

Wrists a scarred mess
carrying every
“I’m ok”
like a rock in her chest
a temple of happy lies
but when one brick falls,
the walls crack open

Dancing in the shards of glass and debris
sharp edges,
bleeding heels,
every cut,
a reminder she will never be herself again
each shard embedded,
an endless silent scream

but when she shatters,
it's not like the movies,
no slow-motion
or music
only the raw snap of a soul
pushed too far
until it breaks,
shattered into a thousand pieces

glassgirl no more
i slip
          under the ice

i bang on the surface
                              and yell

no one hears
                   my cries
                                  for help

the air leaves my lungs

                  “why should i try?

                                                  if no one cares”

i slip
                              under the surface

        the breath

                   choked out

                                                of my lungs









i dont know if ill make it
Nobody Nov 2024
too tired to talk
too tired to get up
too tired to do school work
too tired to care
too tired to eat
too tired to do anything
s l o w l y
t y p e
t h i s
a w f u l
p o e t r y
(that took 8 minutes to type. i already had it written down somewhere.)
J J Sep 2024
There goes my baby
With someone new
My heart is bleeding
Under their shoes

Like a cat asleep and unseen
By the window
I’m nothing like I should be
I laze in sorrow

At least for now we share the same moonbeams
But we won’t wake to the same tomorrow.
I love you madly
But you’re no comfort
I’d hate you gladly
If I left you alone before

Do nothing learn nothing
Little by little the tears come
For you I’d do anything
and you’d still do me wrong.

Goodbye goodbye

Didn’t mean a thing

Forever’s just a word

your words meant nothing at all.
you make it look effortless
containing my envy
knowing I wouldn't prefer your method.
wishing for once, though
mine felt true
louella Jun 2024
by the time i’ve woken up,
with my wooly socks pressed underneath blankets,
you’re already gone.
i don’t believe in myself
when the people i love leave cause they can’t contend with my
dagger defenses
and my ugly weapons.
i wish so, i wasn’t so dangerous with the ones
who give me a warm bed to sleep on
a warm mug of tea,
soft little socks so my feet don’t freeze
and they call me the things i want to hear
but not because i forced it out of their mouths,
but because they really want to.

and by the time you leave, i’ve already understood why you had to exit the house,
pack all your belongings into your flimsy *******,
and escape from the scene.
i’ve already made sense of your decision and the vicious cycle i let you tumble through;
it’s not fair.
the way i keep you a distance you wish was much closer,
or how i convince myself that this could conclude with no closure.
your lungs cannot bear my unhealthy air.
the room is all dusty,
filled corners with my despair.
i’m laying here still,
as still as one can when they’re losing their mind.

and by the time i’ve woken up, you’re already gone without a trace
and i will not chase you;
i can’t.
i’ll lay here in waist deep shame.
i was inspired about a lyric about waking up with someone there or something. i don’t have any personal anecdotes about that, so i just went metaphorical.

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