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Ines Rose Jan 2017
I knew how to speak in Spanish
Then, before I knew it,
I almost forgot

I knew how to give you my love
Then, before I knew it,
That knowledge was lost

I knew how to laugh at the jokes
Then, before I knew it,
The joke was on me

[2019 edit:
I knew what the world was about
Then, before I knew it,
It wasn't so easy]
(Spur of the moment)
When I came to
It wasn't the tears
Or the screams and disappointed looks that broke me

It was the fact that I could see
Smell, taste, and hear
It was that I was so close to success
And they weren't supposed to wake me
When I could almost touch death and breath my last breath
All I saw was darkness
Floating in oblivion
Alone in a dark space
The past is blackness
The present is darkness
The future cannot be found
I went numb
My heart froze
Though I still breath
And ever since
I have not escaped
I'm laying here staring into the void,
The stars are harsh spectators.
Vast, cold nothingness reaches into me.
Prickly fingers grip my heart.

I'm bitterly  grateful for the familiarity,
It's nice to remember the pain.
A noose on my neck, a vice  in my gut.
Love has come to collect.

I remember the crossroads, the deal we made.
The glorious shining love,
That glow shined in all of the dark places,
Then we saw the ***** corners.

We saw the murk, polluted wells, fecund fields.
The glorious shining love,
it was no longer pure, it couldn't support us.
It splintered and blew us to pieces.

I lay here alone again, and I feel the darkness,
Embracing the black void again.
I reach into myself for the warmth of the light.
I feel the salty wet memories on my face.

Even the pain is  a glorious price for love.
Literatim Dec 2016
Blackness is green in a setting of grey and the surface as chalky and white as snow.
Sharp edges are rounded, wood is metallic, black is green and green is white.
White is being wiped, green emerges and black is as absent as green in winter.
The powdery substance of snow is mimiced by lines of white traversing black
which is not black but green.
Blackness is green.
A tribute to Gertrude Stein, inspired by her work "Tender Buttons" (1914).
Hafsa Dec 2016
I am a woman woman woman
Oozing stomach, uneven eyes
Bruised knees, giraffe neck
Wide forehead, apish lips
Bony scabby elbows, flabby weak arms
Gruesome feet, stubby toes
Uneven colored skin, ashen skin
Wispy pale skin, suitcases under the eyes
Blackened eyelids, alien ears
Oversized *****, **** too big for these jeans
Thunder thighs, fat calves
Wide nose, is my mustache obvious?
Flesh bleeds into soul
Carrying all these flaws becomes too cumbersome to bear
I pack all the things I can’t stand in a box
It will be my daughter who will sort through my remains
Here is where I couldn’t stand to look at
There lies what I was conditioned to unlike
It will then be her duty to carry my hurt along with her
Like an anchor
Stanley Wilkin Oct 2016
The raven strutted into view-
Dissembling crows
Peered from the tangled grass lashed
Into solemn silence.
The raven assumed a coal-black authority
Driven by its coal-black soul.
Its beak stabbed out automatically
Bleakness of past; spectral futures
Like echoes. Its eyes were cruel drops
Of impenetrable night.
The raven possessed everything in
The imperious manner of a cut-throat-
Killing without fear, without conscience.
It ruled like the destroyer.
jupiter Sep 2016
Friday night
I went to my first college party
My body already ached from the long walk
but I wasn't discouraged
I needed to see what it was like
My first college party
thrown by the black student union
you **** right it was lit
and I hate trap music
i stood around the edges
started bobbing my head to the sounds
that usually makes me frown
but I saw their smiles
my beautiful people
and their joy became mine
each song that came on
their excitement became mine
I found myself edging closer
their energy intoxicating
my friend found me briefly before disappearing into the mass once more
I was close enough for random girls
to hold onto me
as they danced for dear life
on their friends
their lovers
their crushes
whomever it was latched onto their hips
they danced
guys forming circles with their friends
dancing in sync
they bounced in close
before exploding away from each other
and I realized that they resembled a heartbeat
I was standing in the center
gently swaying because I didn't want to miss a thing
my body was weeping from standing for so long
but I couldn't stay away
I found my friend
and we swayed
I was being thrown
every which way
and held in place
just to be thrown again
and their energy became mine
I didn't know these songs
but it didn't stop me from smiling
from laughing
our bodies crashed into one
beautiful black being
I dreaded the walk back
it seemed longer
until a beautifully gay black boy
wrapped his energy around me
"this is a no child left behind campus baby we move in packs!"
shouted for his friends
and they waited
didn't know me from atom
but every time I lagged behind
they waited
we laughed as we walked
more people came
and we moved in packs
I saw a boy from high school
who was so excited to see me
thought I don't think he remembered my name
doesn't matter
I change it like the passing seasons
that Friday night
I went to my first college party
and witnessed black boy joy firsthand
I basked in the black girl magic up close and personal
and we moved like packs
throughout the night
this is the first poem I've written
that didn't have metaphors only I would understand
I wrote a poem
this poem
for me and everyone like me
who found their way back home
into the arms of their pack
Grimmest Sep 2016
The stars begin to fall,
Through the darkness of my mind.
With quiet whispered calls,
Only chaos will they find.

Here colours swirl in time,
To the madness found within.
They start to flow and rhyme,
Until anxiety begins.

A crushing, pulsing weight,
Is baring down on me.
An overwhelming hate,
Of what has come to be.

I long for something more,
Then blackness and decay.
To find an open door,
And float my fears away.

My dreams are full of lies,
Full of vile thoughts that bleed.
They dance before my eyes,
And on my anger they do feed.

I wish for brighter days,
For a glow within my heart.
But this void forever stays,
And it tears my soul apart.

Pain is roaring in my skull,
Full of waves of raging fire.
It keeps my senses dull,
So my will begins to tire.

Exhausted from the fight,
From this battle in my mind.
I am lost without the light,
And my sanity unwinds.
jupiter Aug 2016
my how beautiful black bodies are
your black body
my black body
is oh so beautiful
our melanin glows and sparkles
because we contain the stars
but it also highlights the scars
we are not allowed to love our black bodies
why is that?
the strong, dark brown lines that zig-zag
up and down
side to side
to form into the skin of my mother
is the pure definition
of an ethereal being
with locs cascading down her back
and dark brown eyes that sees all lies
and hands that when they hold you
they hold all of you
yet she is not allowed to love her black body
from a young age we are told that
our black is ugly
to be light
is to be right
young babies begging for skin lightening cream
mothers yelling at these same young babies
to get out the sun for fear they will become too dark
we are raised to hate the very sun who gives us life
the very sun that feeds our melanin
that same sun who's sole purpose is for our existence
our black bodies are a gift to this world
but they raised us to hate them
I'll never forget what my mother told me
that when she found she was pregnant
she prayed and pleaded with God
"please let my baby be pretty.
Light skin, pretty eyes and long hair. Everything that I wanted to be."
and she sat there
and smiled a sad smile
with so much longing in her eyes
as she gently pushed one of my braids out of my face
and I stared at her with so much
shock and confusion
because I wondered if she even knew
how often I would get on my knees
every night
and beg and plead with a God
that I still question the existence of
to make my skin darker come morning light
and I would awake with excitement
"maybe He answered my prayers this time."
only to feel disappointment and betrayal
when I raised my arm
and still saw this cursed light skin
staring back at me
taunting me
all I ever wanted was to walk down the street
with my mother
and not have our relationship questioned
not have people assume that she's my aunt
or as I got older
my "friend"
all I ever wanted was to make
those wretched kids
shut their putrid mouths
as they pinned me down
and forced their words down my throat
and nestled them into my very nervous system
that it was obvious I was adopted
there was no way I was fully black
or according to one boy
not black at all

I hope one day soon
but I know it won't be today
I can look in the mirror
and love the way
this lightly dusted brown hugs my skin
ever so gently
I hope that one day
my darker skinned kin will no longer
be demonized for what they shouldn't have to change
I hope that little dark skin girl
looks herself in the mirror and smiles
at the skin the color of a raven's feather
and realize that every bright color
was made in her favor
I hope that one day
that little dark skin boy
will see how the dirt he was just playing in
resembles galaxies across that ember skin
this is your skin
this is my skin
this is our skin
this is our blackness
we are valid
we matter
and we **** sure are allowed to love ourselves
Samuel Fox Apr 2016
the patrol car has left the block once more,
a bull shark circling
nearer to some shore, headlights
blared, a black silhouette steering the vehicle;

night kisses the horizon, pecks it sharp
like a bullet case
scraping the darkling pavement,
only the whitest stars visible above.

many like me stroll sidewalks at this hour,
smoking a stogie
or sitting on empty swings
in playgrounds vacant of laughter; it is better

that children sleep while they can and can dream
before the true night,
that blight of bruise blue, sirens
wailing on their way to steal away some dark man

from the streets. where I stand on an apartment stoop
I count the vehicle
for the fourth time, lurking
out around the corner, like a wolf dressed metallic.

nothing gets better come nightfall. nothing
gets done while asleep.
i slip on my shadow, hood
dark, concealing my face. lean back into the steps

and light another cigarette. inhale.
exhale. most don’t have
to worry: their paleness turns
them ghostly, invisible, to the patrolling cars.

but I wear my darkness. i wish I knew
how to make sparks fly,
have them issue from throat, crack
into splinters of glass. the law tells me to sit

but I refuse. i am a phosphorus
fuse; i am whitened;
but i am impoverished,
and I too have my own reasons to be frightened.
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