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Dvali Taytem Apr 2020
I do not know how many years I was terrified of the Titan
It spit in my face the stink of ancient beer
Clogged my nostrils with smoke and massive fingers
As if to rip off my nose
As if to crush my bendy bones in its fists
All the while hollering
For more
And less
And itself

I only know that now
I have seen other
Than it
Things with far more power than it
Things that howl louder than
The Titan
I have risen to meet them
I have looked in their eyes
As I brought
To kneel before
Have brought them
To know fear

Soon I shall make battle again
With the great beast from some hell of its own
It does not yet know
To be afraid
Written around 7:00 AM, 4/19/20.
Edits around 10:00 AM.
Ayodeji Oje Apr 2020
On a rickety table
With battles of syllables
There was a scramble
Where cradle turns rumble

Wants insa-ti-able
Yet we're able
Able to disable
Every evil cable

Enough of this national gamble
The people are in shambles
With trailers of grumbles
For mountains of fumbles
May we not utterly stumble
For the flow stinks like a stable
This is a reflection of a country operating like a banana republic.
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
The last one for me,
I will break free.
The last one of us,
I will cause a fuss.
The last one to call,
I swear I won't fall.
The last one of theses days,
I'm changing up all of my ways.
The last one to be hurt,
I'll make sure I stay alert.
The last one,
The war has only just begun.
There's a war in my mind and it's only just begun.

A leader ponders
His quest
Asks one question
To the Tempest

An honorable feeling
A loved one's embrace

Or are we set in stone


What is Megilo?
A friend.      
A lover .  
A cave

A child?

And Yet

A lonely whisper
A tall tree
A giant

... Ice ....
Staring back at me


Tho the earth underneath may shatter
And the mountains may quake
Here in Megilo
We make no mistakes
Love is a Battlefield
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I'm losing my mind,
So you'll see what's behind.
The things I've tried to hide,
So far on the inside.
But they are all coming out now,
I promise I didn't just allow!
Would you believe me if I said it was the truth?
I'm no longer just a youth.
I've grow now and seen some things,
The memory of each still stings.
I want to just be okay,
But it seems the pain won't go away.
The battle is going on within,
And it's only just now ready to begin.
Myrrdin Mar 2020
You brought peace
To a Battle fought for generations
Civil love feels like giving up
To a heart beating
In rhythm with war drums
Jennifer Mar 2020
concrete castles, brick battlements,
chimneys billowing black smoke.
sky, leaden and forever dull;
this is the city of the guls.

perched upon red brick walls
and slated rooftops
they unleash their cries of battle
and dive, strafing as they fly;

gutting wheelie-bins, squabbling
over human trash and muck.
this is treasure to the guls,
their feathers diseased and their

necks sporting plastic trophies.
they ****** from grubby human hands
and swallow all they can;
their gullets hold no guilt or shame

for the human filth called 'man.'
the guls know their city: every cranny
and every nook. they have always ruled
from their royal perches:

ruthless, ***** and proud. they look
upon human men with beady eyes
as they leave humble offerings,
and they cackle

chorusing with their high-pitched
squawks. for humans are
mere pests
among those mighty guls.
haven't written in a while! go easy on me ;) thank u to Jolyon for supporting my poetry n for helping me with this one <3
everyone is fighting a battle.

individuals, all made of metal
still, they are soft and breakable
everyone has a spot where pain leaks
mostly it happens when truth speaks
don’t mix it up with weakness
the word I’m searching for is uniqueness

everyone is fighting a different battle.
sometimes it makes us feel like metal
we are hard, and still so soft
just like a tulip, like every petal

- gio, 01.03.2019
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
This lovely little thing called love,
If often quite difficult to navigate,
Because through it all you get broken down and torn apart,
But I think the pain is worth the reward.
Finding one who loves you for everything you are.
Merinda Mar 2020
Bad and good always fight in the same battle
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