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Ankush 3h
Words used words,
Weird that is words,
Words much words,
Where now words.

    Words that starts,
And words which end.
    Words just words,
    And stop pretdend.

Words in hands and hands,
Hands that blurts,
    And anywhere.

He used words,
She used words,
They took words,
    And world look them.

Word bind word,
Wind that wend,
Worse change words,
Chained that weight.

    Words that started,
And the world which ends.
Here’s                 The  Rub
Have Been
At the
For.        So
Long.       They
Are.                Greedy
Rapid.                         Rats

Inspired songs

1)Money 1973
By Pink Floyd

2) nowhere to run to (nowhere to hide) 1965
By Martha and the Vandellas
BLG Word of the day challenge
March 15, 2025
A stratagem is a trick or plan for deceiving an enemy or for achieving a goal
jewel 3d
doors & how they swing so far wide
like the gaping shadow
of a pair of lips waiting...

i wonder if you realized i felt the grace
of your arrow -- brushing so lovingly through
the flesh of my *****
& i couldn’t help but to smile

take it away from me, the flutter in my chest, the
residuals of your golden essence
sitting on the rim of modelos
& passenger seat of my monte carlo

when i watch the neutral tones of grainy film
seep into your oily features
i wish you would smile just a bit more

two lovers draped over this canvas
cast their passionate shadows over bedsheets,
pleasurable touches & a recipe for a sickly afterglow,
burning like the delicate backs of fireflies
bursting like a pearlescent bubble
chased by bitter aftertaste of longing

how i wish you knew
how much you made me feel
how my paints drip like honey
& form the lines that become you

when i breathe again the essence has vanished
like paint thinner on acrylic. honey replaced
with a spoonful of sugar
& i cross the street to meet you

suddenly the memory leaves no trace behind
& i can’t help but to trace the spot
where you once stood
copyrighted, poemsbyjewel (2025).
Michael 3d
I wonder…
Will these words that I write
Leave my audience bored?
Will these words that I write
Be just another voice to ignore?
Will these words that I write
Be a knock at my door?
Will these words that I write
Lead away from these shores?
Will these words that I write
Put my face on the floor?
Or…will these words that I write
Mean — I can’t write anymore.
A place where I feel safe,
Where my art is noticed,
Where I am somebody.

Raise your cup for a toast,
"I love HP!"
This is a great place
I like music?
Writing is good too.
But music is the best,
I like listening to the records,
As they spin.
Art is nice too,
I like to paint.
Inspired by the awkwardness of icebreakers.
Sanama 4d
In public,
I wear it well —
A mask of smiles,
Words sharp and light,
Jokes like armor,
Eyes that never seem to waver.

You see the me I've crafted —
But not the pain,
Not the struggles,
Not the tears,
Not the humiliations I've endured.

All of it — covered, hidden by:
Persona, protege me ab ulterius hominibus qui de me ridebant, semel ostendi infirmitatem meam, et ideo omnes non solum curaverunt, sed etiam me contumeliis affecerunt.

But with the mask,
All seems like fine, smooth glass —
Perfect, flawless,

Yet beneath that glass,
Cracks grow deeper,
Thin lines of truth,
Splitting under pressure.

Waiting for the moment
It all will break —
And when it breaks,
Will they see me?
Or just the shattered pieces?
Will they reach out,
Or step on the shards?
Will I be free,
Or filled with insults of my weakness?

And so, I wear the mask.
I hide it like an art — like a brush of paint, covering every crack and shadow. A mask painted in smiles and light words, hiding the pain and weakness beneath.
That's the thing we sign on a poet's grave
That is the symbol of death we know in our language
Every dash etched with the weight of an iron cuff
Have they lived long enough?
No I'm afraid they never got their time to shine
Before their art's demise.
Everyday there's one more.
Luminous moon
Spring midnight skies
Sparkles like a thousand and one
Diamond love sighs

We gaze with love tenderly ablaze
Your beams golden
through the misty haze
Like a Sweet sunflower
Surreal with loving dreams

Your beauty is fine wine
Like a bohemian ballerina
And a vineyard deep
And sweet with moonlight

Art music and poetry is sublime
Curvaceous it transcends things
Like clouds flowers and rain
At its finest it can soothe the pain
Sensuous its crescendos and balm

First kisses waltz to fine wine caresses
Fine waves of sweet bliss
Salsa in their own way
To moonlit heavenly shores

One can caress it within
The gaze lobes hips and palms
Of their love
In the rose and sunflower dreams
Of their iris soul
To feel more whole

Luminous moon spring midnights
Sunflower beams golden dreams
A thousand and one
Diamond love sighs

Reynaldo Casison
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