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Jennifer Powell Dec 2019
how tired would you be  
if you were expected to shrink
small enough  
to fit into the idea of a "you"
that you didn't choose?

I don't want it
and if judgment and you
go hand in hand
I don't want you too

it's exhausting always wondering  
if I'm wasting my breath
if my love has an end
if I'll ever decide
that I've had enough

It hurts my heart more to wonder
if I could be happier still
if I just let my guard down
so I have (and always will)

it's exhausting always wondering
if I'm wasting my energy
if I'll keep over-explaining parts of me
when no one's really listening

but I don't think I need you
all I need is to see  
what keeps this cat alive  
is the curiosity  

I just have to know the ending
I'm on the edge of my seat
but don't mistake my desperation
I'm not afraid to leave
it's all over the place because so am iiiiiiiiii
Jennifer Powell Dec 2019
you made me feel like nothing
and I know that to your ears
you may hear a sweeter sound
reminding you of your power
I guess in the end,  
I just wish you saw past yourself
and the uselessness of "power"
and I know that to your ears
you may hear my selfishness
but let's not twist what we both know
I guess in the end,
I just wish you cared to see me
and I know that you may choose to hear
a softer song where the record isn't scratched
and although the past is just that
I still see you,
and I see you still seeing me
I guess in the end,
I sit in my hope
and pretend that's enough
but you make me feel like nothing
Shadow Dec 2019
I have repressed my emotions for so long
That I have lost the ability to cry...
Shadow Dec 2019
I'm feeling a confusion
Or maybe it's just delusion,
Does she still like me?
I'm probably as annoying as a bee.
I feel like I'm a burden,
Hiding all my feelings behind a curtain
Of doubt, uncertainty and hesitation,
It feels nothing short of damnation.

I don't even know why I'm trying to rhyme
All of these thoughts and I'm running out of time
It's time to halt this cursed rhyme
And talk with you from my heart

I'm feeling so hollow and wishing there was no tomorrow, all I feel is apathy and it's pure agony, I can't even write any more because all my feelings are gone, what is a sea without water? What is spring without a flower? What is summer without its schoring sun?
What is a writer without his ink?
What is a poet without feelings?
The bad rhymes and uncertain structure resembles my mental state...
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2019
How often we drank
to our health
and discussed trips
to far-away places
like Florence
but the closest we ever got to Italy
was Olive Garden

And then there was the state
of the union

We made love
the same way we made money:
tax free and under the table
neither ever worked out for us

Once our intentions got caught
under the wheels
of complacency, it crushed
everything in its path
including the balter
of our offspring
A Dec 2019
You've chosen ashes over gold
Traded your heart for cheap thrills
You grew careless in your love
And drank the poison of indifference

Now you swim in the sea of deception
Because apathy long ago became your vice
She's going to pull you under
And I'm forced to watch you die

I can't save you
Shadow Dec 2019
In all honesty
I have no idea
What to write about
I'm feeling apathetic today
Edward Dominic Nov 2019
It’s hard to find the words to fit the days
When the dominant feeling you embrace is apathy
Poems do not flow out of grey areas
Despite the vast wedges of time sandwiched in between the good and the sad

It's a middle class working life’s unseen style of ennui
Suffering in no kind of silence but the unarticulated tedium that forms from routine

And even so, even in the same act of writing that seeks to gain understanding, it mis-sells itself.
Glamourising or problematising these white lies
Churning them into tides of the fine and the good and the comfortable

How horrible it is to yearn for more struggle
How privileged
How touristic

And still, I want to find a valley
A distance upwards to strain my neck and beg for
Leaving nothing but an aching beat strumming across my body, overwhelming my senses
An indescribable primal urge that reduces me to a single thought with only one adequate course of action that I could bear to live with

That would be... nice
Would be.

As ever, everything is possible
So nothing gets done
Moving into big city life
Shadow Nov 2019
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