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Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
Angels walk among us,
Each and everyday.
Angels walk among us,
No matter what you say.
The Lord sends them to us,
When he's not ready for us to leave.
Angels walk among us,
Though you may never see.
And there I prayed,
Making peace with the Lord.
When I heard a sound.
The flutter of wings perhaps?
Or, Just the sound of an angel,
As her feet touched the ground.
My prayers were interrupted,
So I snuck a quick peek.
And there standing before me,
My eyes beheld an angel.
Her garb was plain,
And she had raven black hair.
I know now she was an angel,
Who was standing there.
She appeared as normal,
as you and me.
And she asked,
If she could pray for me.
But it was an angel,
Sent there to save me.
I was so very low,
And thought I was ready to go.
But the lord wasn't ready for me to go.
And had sent his angel,
To insure I did not go.
Yes angels walk among us,
In many different ways.
Angels walk among us,
And most will never see.
Yes angels walk among us,
The Lord could choose you,
Or even me.
Yes angels walk among us,
The Lord sends them to us,
In times of our need.
A child had wandered,
Much too far away.
To an unsafe place,
She should never be to play.
Yet the Lord chose a passer by,
Who'd never gone that way.
To spy the young child,
Who was in a dangerous way.
To inform her parents,
Of where, She'd gone to play.
To insure she'd survive,
Yet another day.
Angels walk among us,
Despite what you say.
Angels walk among us,
Pray they never go away.
Angels walk among us,
Though you may never see.
Oh yes,
Angels walk amongst us,
One came and saved me.
Written while hospitalized after a remark by one of the nursing staff with the VA.
Jeremie Nov 2020
One night I lay sleeping in my bed of comfort, then before I knew it I was
dropping from my body and plunging into a world beneath the Earth.
A world shrouded in darkness, with only the candle of wisdom as my compass through the dense terrain
I heard the loud screams of monsters crying,
pleading for forgiveness, begging for a drop of love to fall and quench their endless thirst to be seen, to be heard and embraced.
Shocked by this sight, my knees fell before their feet.
My heart bowed before the spark of love that glimmered through their pain-filled eyes.
I cried an ocean that night, as I wept, grieved and prayed for their forgiveness, for it was I who had condemned them to this cave covered in darkness, with no windows for the light of love to enter and bring nourishment to their abandoned hearts.

“You are a sunflower that has bloomed with no sun, forgive me for the veils I created to conceal your beauty.”

they replied

“You have seen our true nature and our frightening appearance, yet choose to love us to despite it all.
You have given us the solace that we sought within this abyss.
It is your love and understanding that has been our daily prayer.
Eternally grateful we are for the warm blanket of compassion you have clothed us in.”
“What are demons that have been loved and understood?” “angels” I replied.

What we call demons are just
angels of a different heaven.

Gaze into the eyes of your
frightening shadows and
witness the light of compassion
gazing back at you.
FinkZ Nov 2020
Set your soul free and expand your wings
Then follow the choir of the Angels singing
The ice won't freeze your feathers
For the sky is now your home forever

Set your soul free and sleep on the clouds
Don't worry about us griefing out loud
Rest in Peace, sleep tight
Rest in Peace, don't worry about tonight

Set your soul free, Heaven is waiting for your arrival
Let go of your flesh and we will set a proper burial
When you reached the promised land
Share your jokes and laughter with your new friends
Dedicated to my friend Gavyn Scott Sabin
Mitch Prax Nov 2020
You are an angel
straight from the city of light.
I am a sinner
but when I'm with you,
I strive to be
a saint.
Habiba Herisha Nov 2020
Oh sweet angels,
I believe in you.

Sweet angels,
Make my dreams come true.

Sweet angels,
Is he the one ?
Shall I just run?

Sweet angels,
I’ve heard the voices in my head saying his name,
Sometimes it’s deafening,can you tell that I’m the one to blame?

Sweet angels,
I don’t want love,I crave the understanding and the stare;
I mean him and I ,
Don’t we make that perfect pair ?
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
I woke up inside
A dream of an archangel
Memories of earth
Primeval betwixt visions
Of electric dance
Reflected on a river
I forced shut my eyes
To salvage what reason holds
But was swept away by light
MSNewhadney Nov 2020
Voidward, Sindark, starknell, Seraphim
Wow! Weird words woven in each other
Neither librarian nor dictionary can help
To figure them out, you have to ask him
All against Imagist instructions
- Where is common language? –
Poem needs to alter its definitions!
Will intellect select help?
Can we get out of the vague cage?
Look! One of the words shaken
Burden of ambiguity, taken
Scorpions shout: send me an angel!
Calm down singer! I said
Look the last word, it’s indeed an angel!
Coming down from heaven with a mantel red
No one can’t help watching, even dead
This is Seraphim! Don’t hesitate to ask him!
Said player of Being wearing ****** red
But I extremely fear of him
It may be a devil in disguise
Like a child I take refuge in ***** of my mom, kim
Although it’s against what done by all other guys
1- This poem was inspired by Nightscape composed by James Joyce in 1915.
2- A seraph is a type of celestial or heavenly being originating in Ancient Judaism. The term plays a role in subsequent Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.[3] The singular "seraph" is a back-formation from the Hebrew plural-form "seraphim", whereas in Hebrew the singular is "saraph".[4]
3- Scorpions are a German heavy metal band formed in 1964 in Hanover by Rudolf Schenker.[ and “send me
The Gray Wolf Nov 2020
As I watch the rain
Fall from the sky
I wonder
Is that the tears
From an angel's eyes
What did we do
To make you cry?
Sometimes I wonder why we as humans are capable of such beauty on one hand and then such evil on the other be loving and be kind.❤️
Sydney Nov 2020
Did you know
When it rains at night
Or in skies bright
It is an angel crying
Because one of their own has passed
It's terrifying
But they come back as a star
Winking at you
As bright lights
Guiding you
At night
No matter if angels really die, they're still there to guide you.
Sydney ©2020
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