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Honestly, I'm too lazy to read long poems,
But I can't stop writing them so
I can sympathize.
Just sayin'. This doesn't apply all the time though.
baby please dont go
feel your beautiful body
naked spine of windy America

like jameson nights
i pick dare over truth
and feel sweat over
a bleeding glass

didn't cut me
or break me
kiss away the bad news
a... repost i think idk
Most times you will find me silent.
Unwilling to put the thoughts into sentences.
But I promise you;
I will return.

Step by step,
Piece by piece,
We will examine each one on it's own.

We'll lighten the darkness a little,
And make it a more pleasant view.

Imagination I leave for you to decide what to do with.
If you look up at the stars,
Sometimes you'll see many clusters of stars,
But if you keep looking,
You'll find one star by itself,
Shining bright
With only the light of the moon surrounding it.
That is me.
That is my soul.
In a galaxy full of people,
I stand alone.
I stare at my screen
Not sure what to say
I want to say that I still love you
But that would be too difficult and straight forward.
How can I make this conversation not so awkward.
Should I just say hey, how was your day?
Should I let you text me first?
My mind is running and my heart is chasing.
Not sure what to do.
We have a bad past, I know
But I want to make it different because......
The phone starts ringing
It is you
I answer and breath deeply.
You whispered,
I love you too......
I know, our Hearts are long miles apart
but still I hope
you'd peep through the window
to my room, where we once shared warm nights.
I know, our minds soared with the new winds
but still I wish
you'd turn and look to see me alone
in the park, where we once walked hand in hand
I know,Our Love Story is to an end
but still I want.... no, need
you to gaze at me once,
smile at me once,
at least,gimme an angry look,
Still, I'll be happy- 'coz
I know I'd see a glimpse of Love
in your eyes - 'coz- you do,
you do love me like hell...
Or at least, the one time I could meet your eyes
is enough for my heart to live
A Lifetime....
"I don't care how hard being together is, nothing is worse than being apart...  "                                                -Starcrossed (Josephine Angelini)
How do you explain
to people
who ask "what's wrong"
when really
it's nothing,
but your own mind
that's the problem?
Go the extra mile for yourself my dear
For you are worth every step
My insecurities are like rain drops in a storm.
Little pieces of of random sharp pains that's together are troublesome, but I endure it for you.

The pain and stress of getting close to you builds up all the reasons why iv never been good enough for anyone before, before you.

I want to show you and tell you all the affection. I have, but I wait. For if I do tell, you will have all the power over me, and for one person to have all that power over someone is dangerous.

Love is an abyss filled with fire.
Ever growing, bright yet destructive.
Hope with equal amounts of loss.
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