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How empty this feels?!
Stained,wallpapers, peeling,
Falling with sounds of fading memories

To let go of the good, but exceptional,
A past,
One step into her shadow

An old flame to be rekindled,
Denying fortunes of the future
The new yellow on a ****** candle

Scented, the breath of a rebirth,
A reincarnation, in spirit, for the heart,
To love, and  to be healed

An essence to be cherished
But lost in the smoke,
When the wind blows,
To steal the flame
"That is wrong... wait no, that is right "
AGH! stop it society,  let me live life.
let me tell you the definition of society in my eyes
|sə'sāııti|adjective (pl.societies) a giant butcher that cuts freedom and imagination with a knife
To be part of it sometimes feels like you live a lie
and the only time you notice is when you die

Let us who are "different" rise and be the difference
change the mindset for our generation and our children.
because all change in the mindset ,starts within
let the rise of the Minority, begin...

With you.
There is no savior
for all;
there's even no
individual salvation

You know the cost
of a call,
but that of

You can hear,
that I know,
but can you listen?
And when you talk
is it the things
you say
or is it in the way...
What is absent,
is it missing?
This year I want to start a new tradition. One that's my own. At the end of each year I'd like to write what I've learned. No, this isn't another "New Year, New Me," poem, simply a fresh perspective.

Oh 2016, where do I even begin? This past year brought immense pain, yet so much clarity after the heartache subsided. I learned that you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Unfortunately, I lost that loved one before I could learn that lesson. Now that it's been taught, by the grace of God I am no longer lost.

2016 was the year I did it all on my own. Okay, who am I kidding I'm a millennial so my dad did help me along the road. 2016 was about choosing your battles while fighting the good fight. I also learned it's not always about you. In fact, it's safe to say it's never about you. We're merely just pieces in a big spiritual puzzle, and that truth will never be muzzled.

**Happy New Year & Cheers to 2017!
Wishing you blessings. Let's await and seee what this year has in store.
from the dirge, the strange love is capsized
and many leagues burgeoning with hordes
of faint bliss, lull in the twilight surge
of rogue waves.

i am encumbered by the seagull's joy
at the wreck of my starboard hearth
and the embers of my crow's nest, faint..
as i glean the remote symmetries
of my abandoned map
the bone ship cometh
from anon.

i am long in the tooth of it.
a shambles and a youth.
the world is burning as my sails launch
my futile heart.
i disembark and return swollen.
i come undone
to refuse
to end

and then some.
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