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 Apr 2015 sunxset
BertJane Perez
I saw you flipping through the pages of a book
And I thought to myself I'd do anything to be that book
You were interested in it
You took the time to read every line
To understand each and every word
The way your eyes stared in passion, curiosity, excitement...
The way you smiled at the new information
Everything I've always wanted you to do to me
To actually want to know me...
To actually want to understand who I am...
To smile because you learned something new about me...
To flip through my pages and learn about my life...
Who knew I'd be jealous of a book?
 Apr 2015 sunxset
BertJane Perez
My poems are my life
They make up everything I am
They are what make me human
For my heart beats in every one

My heart has bled many times
And it continues with each word
Each line that is written
Is a new scar within my heart

Every phrase I create
Is another crack upon the surface
But every poem I complete
Is a wound that has been healed

My heart will never give up
My heart will stay beating
It will continue to bleed
and I will keep writing.
 Apr 2015 sunxset
Infamous one
 Apr 2015 sunxset
Infamous one
Reached out to an old friend
Feels like our friendship came to an end
Starting over but I don't think I can ever replace
Forever a spot in the heart till the day we meet again
Mistakes were made and learned from
Only if we could make those misunderstandings right
Be best friends no longer hold a grudge or fight
Start new forget the past focus on a new and true future
 Apr 2015 sunxset
You ripped my heart out of my hand just as I was about to give it to you.
It wasn't quite ready to be given away yet.

It was tired of being shoved around and hurt without a thought
Tired and forgotten, it lost its true meaning:
To love and be loved.

It loved and loved and loved,
It oozed it out.
Everyone took it for granted,
Always wanting more and more of the sticky ambrosia.
But it will never be enough, huh?
It will never be enough...

So they kept taking.
They gave nothing back,
Until all it was was a shriveled up thing that longed for love and affection,
Still guzzling out too much love
And always getting shoved around and bruised and cut and scarred.

But you came around.
You shoved everyone back
And saw how my heart was dying.
You gave it life again,
Loved it and gave it purpose.
Thank you.
I just hope I'm strong enough to do the same for you.
Eh. Random piece again. Trying to write bur ew writers block...

By coldplay
 Apr 2015 sunxset

I bathe in milk
The Ripples along the water are as fine as silk
NO! This is not something I fancy
In life, sometimes you just want to try
In the end we just have to stop the stupid lie.
To live or die
To breathe or just drown
Seems everybody wears a crown
NO! I lost mine a long time ago.
Perhaps temporary is all I could have, so I dare go…
Grab what’s on hand
Never expecting high demand
Then I get lost, soaked
And a little broke
To start a new beginning
Is still out of reach, I’m screeching…
Not in pain but in the cloud that blocks the way
Wishing the fear will stay at bay
Never reaching my awful screeching
Oh CHOICES! I wish I ACTED ON YOU differently
NOT fearing disappointing those who support me.
But hey! What is done cannot be undone
I stand in what I’ve chosen, I never run…
I tried my best to stop my mouth
From reasoning-in or reasoning-out
For your choice is your own responsibility
So I stop blaming others for my problematic probability
I bathe again, in warm water this time
Hoping to wash away the disease that struck me
Faults of my own neglect
Laziness and Tiresome – and its ripple effects
Now I fear I’ll drown…

........... a type of monologues i guess....
partly inspired by this photo:

a friend of mine hit something when she said:

Sometimes we are all afraid of drowning in the choices we have made. But there's nothing to do but go on. The water of time washes many things away.
 Apr 2015 sunxset
BertJane Perez
I can never be that girl you adore
The same girl you would do anything for
Someone you've admired long before me
And someone that fits your own reality

I'm just a boy who wants to have you
But dreams like these never come true
I can never be more of a woman than her
She'll always be the one you'd prefer

Fate is so fickle and yet so so sweet
I'm glad fate decided you and I would meet
But if I had the choice to choose my path
I would forget you instead of facing love's wrath

She is your dream and your desire
And you are something I can only wish to acquire
I've accepted you and I cannot be together
Because I know in my heart I can never be her
 Apr 2015 sunxset
 Apr 2015 sunxset
In this moment I've never felt so empty

My heart is a wooden slab being knawed away at by pesky termites that leave unrepairable holes

And my lungs like Swiss cheese that can't seem to give me the oxygen I need in order to rid the lump of sorrow in my throat

It's in this moment that your back has turned to me, as I count your steps and wait to hear the slamming of a car door

I count on you to look back at me and smile, but my hope has again betrayed me, and I realize the last I'll see of you will have been this moment

So I've never felt so empty
I've never felt so alone
Sidenote: Happy Easter everybody. Enjoy it
 Apr 2015 sunxset
 Apr 2015 sunxset
Dawn is breaking
The sun is engulfing the sky
Oh, I feel alive today
I hope this is forever

Forever is a funny word
Really there is no way
We say we will be there
But, we find a way to break that

Im thinking about our kiss
The tenderness and purity
Your laugh melts me
And your spirit takes my breath away

Today can be a good day.
#poems #thoughts #forever
 Apr 2015 sunxset
 Apr 2015 sunxset
Drinking the last glass
Sipping on our love affair
I swear it's like you
Are from another world

Bubbles floating up
I wish fate would save me
And love wasn't hard
Faith is all we really have

But shadows follow
Creeping up on me
Haunting my thoughts
Breaking my heart

I try to let them go
Shake them off
They are strong
But, I am stronger
#strength #thoughts #poems #heart
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