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Jan 2015 · 481
stunned mind Jan 2015
kiss me
until I can taste the sadness
I always believed to see in your eyes
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
stunned mind Jan 2015
stop killing
stop hating
stop terror
I'm scared
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
every friday night
stunned mind Jan 2015
the crowd and the bass
flooded my body
as it flooded yours

we were just points
in an impressionistic painting

but in another universe
there were only you and me
and you tried
to bring as much space between us
as possible
Dec 2014 · 768
me, definition:
stunned mind Dec 2014
a naked soul in a universe full of naively loving human beings
never felt so lonely
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
stunned mind Dec 2014
I wanna do drugs with you
get high with you
go on psychedelic trips with you

I wonder if you would finally understand
If we would lie on the floor
next to each other
with nothing but our heartbeats go fast
drowning the sense in our pupils

and my jaw would clench as I'd breath in sharply
wanting your body more than your soul
I don't know if anyone will ever understand and there is no sense because you only ever see the creepy girl in me who writes her feelings on walls for you to see and it's all awkward
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
clinically alive
stunned mind Dec 2014
have you ever felt
so empty
that your only satisfaction was
hearing your ribs crackle
and your lungs grow and shrink
and your heart beat
and your lashes rustle
because nothing else
proves you
that you are alive
Dec 2014 · 821
falling away
stunned mind Dec 2014
you're into drugs
and I'm into you
you're always high
my heart is always blue

you look through my body as if it were glass
I could never be enough
a glimpse from time to time
maybe my smile reminds you of
the summer
we used to be
what I used to see
as a you and me
a blurred smile
then you're turning away
you twisted the plot and ripped out my heart
you closed your heart
and left me there
choking on shame

you're into drugs
and I'm into you
your world is so small
no space for two

— The End —