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  Sep 2014 Spencer Dennison
David Hall
I loved you from hello
I just never told you so
wasn't really anywhere
my love could ever go

I loved you from afar
like a distant shining star
each night I look up at you
and wonder where you are

I've loved you all along
my love was always strong
I loved you even though I knew
my love was probably wrong

I love you even still
my love for you is real
unless the hands of fate let go
it’s a love you’ll never feel
Spencer Dennison Sep 2014
I once told you, Miss,
that your poetry is so edgy
that I cut myself on it sometimes.
Well, I've been reading more
and I feel
at a loss for blood.

A wise man once said,
that what starves us carves us
and I have never been anywhere near you,
but I imagine holding you in my arms
would be either the worst or the best experience of my life.

You've got some jagged bits,
but I bet if you put your best part forward,
you could split a man's heart apart
in the best of ways.
Make him think of you for days after,
caught in the rapture of the pain you bring.

If I could capture a joke out of thin air,
I'd find you and give it to you,
just hoping that maybe it might possibly
make you smile.
'Cause ****.
It must be a supernova waiting to happen.
Only the death of stars could live up to such an event.
No format and also, shiiiiitttt I'm tired.
Spencer Dennison Sep 2014
He is walking the streets of his mind,
blind to any and all rays of light
peeking through the crack in slight
little flickering beams.
It seems that he will never be
the assembly of feelings that she
called happy.
It is there now and again,
but it is gone before now becomes then.
He walks the path of a thousand other men
but he walks it alone.
He is Spencer Dennison.

Do you feel pity?
Do you feel spite
at the idea that I might
quite possibly
have penned this
for for you to feel sorry for me?
I enjoy attention.
It's a thing I get in rations,
packed in  a steel MRE
waiting to be peeled back and basked in
just for the time it takes
to flee back again.

I wrote this
not for you to feel sorry for him.
I wrote this
not for you to try to support him.
I wrote this
Because it's late
and I have nothing better to do
than to create
little save-states in the page.
To fall back on when things are in doubt.
What I get out
of this is the calm of mind
in knowing that I have shouted my plight
into to dead air.
So if no-one ever hears my prayer,
it's not because it was not offered.
Spencer Dennison Sep 2014
You ever get that feeling?
Those times when you try to breath
and you have trouble,
as if something is weighing you down?
As if that person is throwing dirt
on your chest hoping you'll never make a sound?
Do you ever have
h-have trouble speaking?
Feel your bones creaking with the effort
it takes to not fight back?
With all the talent we have
and all the things they want,
we lack.
I've got a book stack
for every pretender
that has ever tried to make my life
look like a double-ender
with two ends and no beginning,
find myself grinning along with them sometimes
because ****...
they got me so worked up over nothing.
I'm still on the street corner of the
path to the future
and I'm huffing dreams
because nothing will ever be as it seems,
but it seems that the moon beams
fall upon my body writhing between the blankets
trying to convince myself
to have a sleep untroubled by anger.
Nothing is what is bothering me.
**Nothing is bothering me.
Spencer Dennison Sep 2014
Your voice, it still does

reach me through these twisted halls

though I'm long since deaf.
Spencer Dennison Sep 2014
There are 24 of you now,
all interested enough in my work
to hit the follow button.
Now I can spend an hour of the day
thanking each of you.
Your support is fuel to me.
Thank you, kind souls.
My gratitude is never-ending, my friends.
  Sep 2014 Spencer Dennison
I lie here
time ticks by me
the Earth continues to spin.

If I stay
they keep going
- people lives, without me in.

If I move
I can join them
become a part of it all.

If I don't
will they notice?
To stay means a shorter fall.
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